Dinner date

As Mindy walked through the front door, she was greeted by her mother's warm smile.

"Welcome home, dear. How was your day?" Grace inquired, her eyes filled with genuine interest.

Mindy's heart raced for a moment as she almost slipped up, nearly revealing the truth about her day. But with a quick mental readjustment, she replied smoothly, "Oh, it was good, Mom. Just a lot of studying with my friends."

Grace nodded, seemingly satisfied with Mindy's response. "That's great to hear. Studying hard, I see. Dinner will be ready soon."

Mindy forced a smile, feeling the weight of her lies pressing against her conscience. She knew she had to keep up the facade, no matter how uneasy it made her feel.

"Thanks, Mom," Mindy said with a relieved sigh, trying to push away the guilt gnawing at her.

Grace smiled warmly, her motherly instincts picking up on Mindy's hunger. "Dinner tonight is your favorite, spaghetti and meatballs," she replied, her tone gentle.