Illusion of affection

As Isabella finished bandaging Wilson's wounds, he couldn't suppress the surge of revulsion that coursed through him at her touch. Despite his outward display of gratitude, his mind was consumed by a seething anger and a burning desire to expose her for the treacherous snake she truly was.

"Thank you, Isabella," Wilson forced out through gritted teeth, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "I appreciate your help."

Isabella's gaze softened with what she perceived as affection, oblivious to the storm raging behind Wilson's cold facade. "Of course, Wilson," she replied, her voice tinged with faux concern. "I'm just glad I could be here for you."

As Wilson struggled to maintain his composure, his mind raced with thoughts of Mindy and the danger she faced at the hands of this manipulative viper. Every moment spent in Isabella's presence grated on his nerves, a constant reminder of the lengths he would go to protect the woman he loved.