Homemade pasta

As Mindy ended the call with Isabella, a sense of contentment washed over her, buoyed by the warmth of her friend's concern. With a smile lingering on her lips, she turned towards her modest home, the anticipation of sharing her news with her family bubbling inside her.

Carrying two shopping bags filled with groceries, Mindy's heart swelled with excitement at the thought of preparing a special meal for her family. It had been too long since they had enjoyed a proper dinner together, and she was determined to make tonight memorable.

As she approached the front door, the sound of excited chatter reached her ears, and she couldn't help but grin at the thought of sharing her good news with her family. Pushing the door open, she stepped inside, her heart brimming with joy.

"Mom, I'm home!" Mindy called out, her voice filled with excitement.