Heated exchange

Mindy pushed the door open and stepped into the familiar warmth of their home. Her shoulders sagged with weariness from the day's work at Bella Brews café. As she closed the door behind her, she noticed her mother sitting on the sofa, her expression unusually serious.

"Mindy, we need to talk," Grace said, her tone firm, cutting through the air with tension.

Mindy's heart skipped a beat as she registered the seriousness in her mother's voice. She approached cautiously, dropping her backpack by the door before joining her mother on the sofa.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Mindy asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Grace turned to face her, her eyes piercing as she spoke. "When were you planning on telling me about your part-time job?" she asked, her tone stern. "And, don't think about lying to me. Mrs. Johnson saw you leaving the café in your work uniform," she stated matter-of-factly.