Seeds of doubt

Grace stood outside Mindy's bedroom door, her heart heavy with apprehension as she raised her hand to knock. The sound echoed through the quiet hallway, and she waited anxiously for a response.

After a moment, the door creaked open, revealing Mindy lying on her bed, her face buried beneath a pillow. Grace's heart sank at the sight, knowing that her daughter was still upset with her.

"Mindy, can we talk?" Grace asked softly, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Mindy kept her face buried beneath the pillow, her voice muffled as she spoke. "If you're here to convince me to quit my job, then you're wasting your time. I won't quit," she said stubbornly.

Grace's brow furrowed with concern as she stepped into the room, her gaze falling on Mindy's slumped form. "No, Mindy, that's not why I'm here," she replied gently, taking a seat beside her daughter's bed.