A leopard can't change its spots

Mindy reclined on her cozy bed, the soft glow of her bedside lamp casting a warm light across the room. With her phone pressed to her ear, she engaged in a lively conversation with Emily.

As Mindy gushed about their recent move to her grandma's mansion, her voice brimmed with excitement and enthusiasm. She painted a vivid picture for Emily, describing the grandeur of the mansion and the luxurious amenities that now surrounded her.

"I'm telling you, Emily, it's like living in a fairy tale," Mindy exclaims, her tone animated. "The maids treat me like an absolute princess here. It's like I've stepped into a whole new world!"

But Emily's voice crackled with surprise on the other end of the line. "Wait a minute! Your grandma!? As in, your grandma from your father's side!?"

"Yeah, that's the one," she confirmed, nodding even though Emily couldn't see her.