Dangerous game

As Old Mrs. Sullivan accused Grace of pushing her, the atmosphere in the kitchen grew tense. Suspicion hung heavy in the air as Jacob, Mindy, Hayden, and Natasha exchanged wary glances, their expressions a mix of concern and uncertainty.

Grace's heart sank as she watched the disbelief and suspicion clouding the faces of her own husband and children. She opened her mouth to protest, to defend herself against the false accusation, but the words caught in her throat as Michael's anger flared.

"How could you do this, Grace?" Michael's voice was laced with fury as he turned to face her, his eyes blazing with indignation. "How could you lay your hands on my mother?"

Grace's eyes widened in shock at Michael's accusatory tone. "Michael, please, you have to believe me," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. "I would never hurt your mother. I didn't push her."