Chapter 23

But Zhang Dongcheng is not discouraged. There are many film festivals. It's amazing. Wait a few more months and go to the Venice Film Festival. As long as your work is good, where is it not a stage to showcase, Cannes, France? Forget it, there is no blessing here, and you can't exhibit your own movies!

   "Let's go, we may not have a chance to participate." To calm down the disappointment, Zhang Dongcheng patted Adaman on the shoulder, signaling to go back and forget it.

  Adaman also calmed down his anger, glared fiercely at Bernard, whose chin was raised, mocked and disdainful, and looked like I knew it, turned around and left with Zhang Dongcheng.

  Behind, came the teasing laughter of Bernard and his colleagues: "Haha, monkeys and orangutans haven't fully evolved yet. Why don't you go home early and think about how to be human, and come to participate in the film festival? What a joke."

  The staff next to each other burst into laughter after hearing this.

  Monkeys and orangutans? Damn, FUCK!

   Isn't it clear that Zhang Dongcheng was called a yellow-skinned monkey and Adaman was a black-skinned orangutan on the spot?

  As soon as these words came out, Adaman's anger exploded immediately. He turned around and wanted to settle the score with Bernard, but he only felt a gust of wind blowing by, and Zhang Dongcheng had already rushed forward with his fists clenched!

  The anger of not being able to participate in the exhibition, the resentment of having to wait a few months to see his own achievements, and the anger of being called a yellow-skinned monkey, all turned into this punch, which was close to the incomparably startled Bernard!

  Bernard only watched a huge fist in front of him keep expanding, and before he could react, he felt a pain in his face, and that crazy punch hit his face!

   Zhang Dongcheng's hateful punch, like a storm rising, like a raging dragon, directly sent Bernard, who was sitting on a chair, into the air, and fell to the ground, rolling his eyes like a dead fish, unconscious.

   "Ah, someone beat someone! Quick, call security!"

   "Call the police!"

  The staff of the film festival suddenly became chaotic. Some people hurriedly called the police, and several security guards rushed here quickly when they saw the commotion here.

   "Hey, buddy, you seem to be more angry than me!" Adaman grinned, looking with satisfaction at Bernard who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, foaming at the mouth.

"This damned white-skinned pig doesn't know how to live or die. FUCK, I don't want to wait any longer, I'm going to do my best! Are you coming with me?" Zhang Dongcheng saw the security guard pulling out his baton and forcing him towards him, and many reporters even held up their cameras. Running wildly, he couldn't help but feel a move in his heart. After making up his mind, he asked Adaman.

"I remember my dream was to watch my best friend succeed! Well, brother, today you want to kill the French president or bombard the film festival? I will follow you!" Adaman laughed, but stood Next to Zhang Dongcheng, puffed up his chest.

  "My good brother, you can do everything according to me. You can do what I do!" Zhang Dongcheng raised his hands, yelled at the security guard who was waving his baton and made him squat down to surrender.

"We are protesting that the Cannes Film Festival discriminates against people of color. The Cannes Film Festival employees insulted us on the spot. We are defending the dignity of the skin! Down with racism, down with the Cannes Film Festival!" For the reporters who came, Zhang Dongcheng raised his arms and shouted hoarsely.

  Adaman is not stupid, and quickly shouted: "People of color all over the world unite and declare war on racism! Down with the Cannes Film Festival, down with racial discrimination!"

  The flashes of countless cameras flashed by each other, and the two people surrounded by security guards still shouted loudly, making the whole venue resound with the roar of downing racism.

  In France in 1995, although the whole world was fighting to eliminate racism, some extreme rightists (Le Pen's National Front) still maintained exclusion of other races.

  In today's world, racism has long been out of the mainstream, and public opinion is also flogging the theory of white supremacy. And Zhang Dongcheng's idea was to use Bernard's last sentence to confuse the water!

   Only in muddy water can you catch fish!

Zhang Dongcheng's language talent is super strong, and he taught himself French as early as in school. At this moment, while resisting the rough treatment of the security guards, he spoke loudly in English and French in turn about the whole incident. When the camera reporter with the same yellow skin and the CCTV logo was in his hand, he shouted even more angrily in Chinese.

"Berna is not only an insult to our skin, but also an insult to France! In such an era where people all over the world are in harmony, some people use monkeys and orangutans to describe us yellow races and blacks! This is an openness and respect for human rights Blasphemy! The French people should be ashamed! This is not a hospitable country!"

Thirty-five-year-old Chinese reporter Song Wen is a reporter from China Central Television. The station gave him a task and asked him to conduct interviews at the Cannes Film Festival in France. The process will be sent back to China as soon as possible.

But when he and his colleagues just came to the film festival to get the privileged press card, they found a commotion not far away. A yellow-skinned boy with an oriental face was raising his arms and shouting, confronting the security guards who were on the verge of an enemy. And when the familiar Chinese sounded angrily, Song Wen was a little dazed unconsciously.

  "I protest, the staff of the Cannes Film Festival in France treat Chinese people like this, and black people like this! Is this still a free and open country that pays attention to human rights?"


The sensitivity of being a professional reporter and his identity as a Chinese made Song Wen wake up in an instant. He greeted his colleagues and rushed towards the incident. He immediately sent a reporter with the CCTV logo. Handing the microphone to Zhang Dongcheng's mouth, he asked loudly in English, "Excuse me, sir, what happened, why did you conflict with the Cannes Film Festival staff?"

  Song Wen is very smart. The reason why this question is in English is because he is in Europe and all the reporters around him are proficient in English. If you ask this way, everyone can know what happened in the first place.

"I am a directing student at the Renton Film School in the UK. We originally wanted to participate in the grand event of the Cannes Film Festival with our own works, but we did not expect that our materials were not submitted by accident. It was just a pity. , but the staff of the Cannes Film Festival has an extremely bad attitude. They even publicly insulted my friends and me as monkeys and orangutans. When did it become a bastion of racism? Is the Cannes Film Festival, like that staff member, looking down on our Chinese directors from the bottom of their hearts?" Zhang Dongcheng also switched to English, shouting loudly with righteous indignation, burning with anger narrated the whole incident.

Someone bravely stood up and said loudly to at least 40 or 50 reporters: "I was right next to the conflict, and I clearly heard the staff of the Cannes Film Festival say loudly that monkeys and Orangutan! This gentleman is right, the attitude of the staff is extremely bad!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar. All the reporters desperately took pictures, including Zhang Dongcheng, who was still furious, and Bernard, who was lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, rolling his eyes and passing out like a dead dog. .