Chapter 24

The security guards of the film festival looked at each other, knowing that there was a reason for the incident, they involuntarily put down the batons in their hands, while the reporters on the scene jumped around and resorted to all kinds of tricks. Countless microphones and cameras were stretched out in front of Zhang Dongcheng, and all kinds of voices It kept exploding.

   "Excuse me, sir, I am a reporter from the American Sun, what is your name?"

   "I am a reporter from the British Mirror. May I ask, sir, are you extremely disappointed with the Cannes Film Festival? Do you have anything to say?"

   "The Cannes Film Festival is actually linked to racial conflict, sir, what do you think about racism?"

   "Excuse me, did you knock that staff member unconscious with one punch? May I ask if you know Chinese Kung Fu?"

   All kinds of strange questions rang out at the same time, and the white-skinned, yellow-skinned and dark-skinned reporters in front of them seemed to have discovered a huge news, and they kept asking all kinds of unexpected questions for Zhang Dongcheng.

  Song Wen stood beside Zhang Dongcheng and whispered in Chinese: "Answer well, Chinese, and stand with you!"

  Looking back, Zhang Dongcheng looked at Song Wen, who was much more mature than himself. Although he met by chance, he was still eager to help him. Zhang Dongcheng nodded heavily, suppressed his excitement, and replied in Chinese: "I know. Thank you for your help."

  Then, Zhang Dongcheng finally showed the skills that a great director must have, that is, respect and courtesy when facing the media, and talking with eloquence.

   Answering the reporters' questions, Zhang Dongcheng kept calm and answered each one in detail.

But no matter how much he emphasizes now that he rose up to resist because he was insulted, the fact that he knocked Bernard unconscious with one punch is solid evidence. A police car with flashing lights rushed to the venue and quickly took away the struggling Zhang. Dongcheng and Adaman, but all the reporters present knew one thing, that is, the staff of the Cannes Film Festival openly despised Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman's skin color, calling them monkeys and orangutans, which made Zhang Dongcheng angry , Knock it down with one punch!

  The Cannes Film Festival in France, a major event in the film industry, how could there be such a racially discriminatory employee with such unreasonable behavior!

Among the interviewed reporters, there were also many blacks. Seeing Adaman, who was of the same skin color as himself, being escorted into a police car by the police, he couldn't help being furious. Dongcheng and Adaman shouted.

   "Down with racism! Down with Cannes!"

  The high-pitched voice echoed in the sky of the convention and exhibition center for a long time, refusing to dissipate.

  On the same day, this seemingly insignificant incident suddenly became a huge headline in every evening newspaper.

   "Cannes Film Festival staff racial discrimination sparked brawl, yellow director was locked up in the police station!" - Le Monde

   "The Cannes Film Festival casts a shadow of racial discrimination, so far no person in charge has commented." - Le Figaro, France.

   "Monkeys and orangutans? Insulting words detonated the Cannes Film Festival, and the parties shook their fists!" - The French Liberation.

  These local French newspapers are not partial, they just tell the story of the incident, but in the eyes of other newspapers, the story behind this seemingly small conflict is intriguing.

  "Cannes Film Festival blatantly promotes racism, frequent riots on the scene!" - This is the headline of the incendiary American Sun newspaper.

   "Down with the Cannes Film Festival!" - This is the headline of the British Mirror. Anyway, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman are both students of the Renton Film School in the UK, and they are inextricably linked with the UK.

  For the French who faced each other across the sea and fought for hundreds of years, as long as the British saw a joke, they would definitely move a stool and sit down, and they would not leave.

   "Our government lodges a solemn protest, and people all over the world unite to declare war on racism!" This is an editorial in the Huaxia People's Daily.

  For a while, the turmoil caused the Cannes Film Festival Organizing Committee to be overwhelmed and became a critic.

  The great Chinese director Zhang Yimou arrived in Cannes early. As a super director who was in the spotlight last year, the Cannes Film Festival has the highest reception standard for him.

  In the hotel, when Zhang Yimou was interviewed by Song Wen of CCTV, under his deliberate narration, he learned that a young Chinese director had suffered unfair treatment here, and he couldn't help being furious.

"What did you say? The staff at the Cannes Film Festival called us yellow-skinned monkeys?" Zhang Yimou's eyes were filled with anger. In today's era, such words can still be heard at such a formal film festival that attracts worldwide attention!

"Yes, many people at the scene testified that the staff of the Cannes Film Festival did insult the young Chinese director in a bad manner. Ten newspapers and media have reported this matter, and I think there are at least hundreds of millions of people in the world who know about it." Song Wen's eyes were also flickering with anger, China today is not a hundred years ago, when it was crushed and flattened by others!

   "How is that young director doing now?" Zhang Yimou took a deep breath and walked around the room frowning.

"He and his black friends have been locked up in the police station. Now, it has been ten hours. In addition, our government submitted a formal protest to the French government an hour ago, and our minister is also active." Song Wen looked Watch, said in a deep voice.

   The high hat of condoning racism is too heavy, and no country is willing to take it on. The French government has also begun to notice this small incident, and has begun to pay attention to it, asking the police to investigate thoroughly.

"This matter can't be left alone. Let them know that we Chinese are not easy to mess with! I will go to the police station to release him on bail. In addition, I will lodge a solemn protest with the Cannes Film Festival organizing committee. If we don't give us an explanation, I will declare Just withdraw from this film festival!" Zhang Yimou said firmly, then opened the door and strode out.

As a mainland Chinese director with great reputation in the world in the 1990s, and as a leader of Chinese directors, if Zhang Yimou does not do something, just watch the behavior of discriminating against Chinese people and does nothing, it will definitely have a negative impact on his society. Image does great damage.

   In addition, Zhang Yimou was really curious about this young Chinese director who dared to make a scene at the Cannes Film Festival.

   On the other side, inside the police station in Cannes, France.

   "Oh, the police station in France is not bad, and the place where the prisoners are kept is quite large!" Adaman leaned against the wall and said to Zhang Dongcheng, who had been standing in front of the iron fence with a calm expression.

   "If you like, you can stay longer. I think we should go out in a few hours." Zhang Dongcheng turned his head and smiled slightly.

"Hey, buddy, why are you so sure? We can make the Frenchman extrajudicial by making a big fuss? Don't forget that your hard punch can knock people out!" Adaman waved exaggeratedly Fist, laughing.

"I was measured. That punch just hit him on the chin. He was foaming at the mouth and passed out. It looked scary. In fact, he will wake up soon, and he won't even have a slight concussion." Zhang Dongcheng raised his fist, smiled triumphantly, and then blew on his fist like a knight in a Hollywood western.

"Hey, I really didn't know you were so good at fighting! I have a question. The reporter asked me a question in the exhibition center, but you didn't answer." Adaman clasped his hands and made himself lean against the wall to sit more comfortably some.

"Which question? Dozens of reporters at the scene surrounded me, and I was dizzy from asking questions. I only answered questions that are beneficial to us." Zhang Dongcheng took off his black-rimmed glasses, breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped them again. .

"That's right, do you know Chinese Kung Fu? What's your purpose of hiding it so deeply? That guy Ender always bullies us, why don't you beat him with one punch?" Adaman's eyes widened and he threw out his own thoughts. unsolvable problem.