[In School]

The halls were empty, everyone was in class. I seriously considered hiding in the bathroom till the end of the period before joining the next class for a moment; But class just started, and I didn't want to spend the better part of an hour in the school toilets. So I headed to class. It was 09:12. Second period, maths. Mr Glass's class. The man is half blind, I reasoned___ I should be able to sneak in undetected.

I just rounded an intersection into another hallway when the sound of footsteps echoing down the empty hall made me panic. Quickly I ducked into an empty class room close by and eased its door slowly and quietly close.

Turning, I almost screamed. I was face to face with a familiar girl.

This girl looked a lot like me. But unlike me she has long fair blond hair falling past her shoulders to her small back, blue eyes and tan skin. She's also taller, way taller than me. In fact an amazonian goddess with her 6ft height towering to my 5ft 6 perspective.

[Our father is very tall, you see...,]

Despite my almost opposite description, you'd see the resemblance in our straight nose, big eyes, and the set of our mouths.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at seeing her here. This is Sidney, my perfect, annoyingly sweet, estranged half sister. Yeah, this could have been worse, but not by a lot. On a second thought though..., this is perfect!

I waited for a moment after the footsteps passed the classroom before I spoke. "Slept through your alarm did you?"

Sidney shifted on her feet and shrugged, avoiding eye contact with me, failing to see my mocking smirk. God I hate her!

"What? Cat got your tongue? What were you doing all night you slut?"

"Leave me alone Sam," The blond rolled her eyes.

It got me angry if that made sense. I hated how she brushes everything I say aside as if I wasn't worth her time. Just because my father replaced my mother with hers, just because she got to see him everyday, just because she has a mother that really cares about her; just because I'm the unwanted daughter, just because she's loaded, just because she's dating a football player..... Just because of a thousand things that makes her feel superior to me.

[Just because she has a complete family,]

But I didn't show that on my face. That'll make her win, make them win. I was still smiling as I went on, ignoring her protest. "But you didn't deny you are a slut, you can talk to me,"

"You sound like a perv you know,"

"Hey easy, just trying to help...."

Sidney rolled her eyes again. I realized I had just lost an argument with her yet again without her even putting an effort. I wish she would fight back though; she'll be angry with me, we'd be heated rivals for weeks then one day I'd apologize to her and she'd let me be her big sister. She'd let me take her shopping and do her hair and give her advice. But of course she wouldn't. To her I'm the pathetic sister she'd have to deal with everyday.

The annoying bully hovering around her in school, criticizing everything she does out of jealousy and spite. I sighed then turned around and opened the class door a crack. I peered into the hallway, it was empty. "Clear," I said. "Want to go first?"

Sidney didn't even blink. "Sure,"

That's it again! I felt a spike of anger. I do a thing for her and she doesn't even seem grateful or even surprised. Like... I dunno, like I'm just a worthless person. Damn her!

I sucked in the cold air gritting my teeth and stepped out of the way for her to pass. Then I followed right behind her. She's in my English class so we are headed the same direction.

We snuck through the school together. Silent. Weaving through corners and intersections like thieves. Confident in our ability not to be caught. It reminded me of our younger days, in the mansion. We had been inseparable weren't we? Till our parents separated us. I shock my head to clear those melancholic distractions.

Sid peered around the corner at the end of the hallway, turned to me wide eyed, waving. We retreated back the way we came, retracing our steps. Heavy footsteps approaching from the other end of the hall too, if we didn't do something they owners of the footsteps would soon sandwich us in the hallway. Luckily there was another intersection in the middle of hallway.

I took the lead now as we ran into the bathroom.

Sid followed, quickly shutting the door close behind her. "I think we should wait here till next period." I suggested, dropping my back pack beside the sink. "We'd get detention for missing homeroom, but it'd probably be worse if we come to class late. It won't be hard for them to figure out we just arrived in school."

To my surprise Sidney nodded easily. It made me feel good. Taking lead. She dropped her back pack on the floor too, then took out her phone and started scrolling as she leaned back against the sink.

I felt bored so I also fished out my phone. My mom didn't send any message about where she was or when she'll return home. But that was to be expected. I sent her a message but I didn't expect a reply.

[In school. U still alive? Love u!]

"I still don't understand why you are late," I suddenly said while replying to a message from Sarah asking me where I was. [Late. In bathroom. C U lunch!] I went on. "Don't you have some exotic maid in the big mansion to wake you up in time?"

Sidney snorted. "Don't you have an alarm in your 'crappy house'?" She stressed the crappy house, somehow sounding like she's not mocking my 'impoverishment'____ relative to her, of course____ but mocking my question. She's perfect remember?

"Hey don't mock my home. Your mother put us there,"

"Here we go again,"

"What? It's the truth. What with your mother being a slut and all,"

The silence that followed startled me. I looked up from my phone at Sidney to see her staring at me with a funny look on her face. It wasn't anger, it wasn't surprise, it wasn't even mocking. She held my eyes for a moment then looked back to her phone. I was about to look away when she spoke, slowly but deliberately. "Your mother is the slut,"

"What?" I croaked in surprise.

Sidney looked at me and shrugged, "I said your mother is the slut,"

I froze for a moment in despair and hurt. The sentence hit too close to home for my liking. If she had said it with anger or even malice it would have been better. But this..., she said it so matter of factly that it rang with truth. I felt ashamed suddenly and blushed. Then the anger set in. "What do you know about my Mother!?" I snarled through gritted teeth.

Sidney rolled her eyes and went back to her phone, humming some catchy song softly, ignoring me. Suddenly I nurtured a bitter hatred for the girl. The jealousy, the loneliness, my wounded self esteem combined to form unbridled rage. All the hurt I have been holding in my heart, festering like an infected wound compounded in that moment and exploded like like a nuclear weapon.

[Maybe the party, my mother not coming home, and the slight headache I still felt from the hangover contributed greatly to what I did next. But I have no excuse for how I treated my sister, for what I did then.]

At that moment, at that time, I found the world grow quiet. It was only Sidney and my spite. My tunnel vision glared at her, red at the edges. I found myself dropping my phone in the sink beside me with cold almost robotic dis- attachment. Before I knew what I was doing I had already jumped my little sister. We fell to the ground together, me above her. "Who did you call a slut!?" I roared, slapping her on the face.

"Fuck you!" She cried out pushing me off her. Rising to her feet smoothly, Sidney glared down at me. A giant before my shorter self. "What the hell are you doing?" She demanded grievantly. "You slapped me you bitch!" Then she revenged.

I stumbled back as a slap connected to my face. "Now we are even," she growled.

"Oh yeah?" I punched her on the face___ she struck back too. However this time I was ready; I caught her fist, then punched her in the gut, before kicking her on the knee. She crumbled to the ground like a heavy blanket. I grinned down at her my face still stinging. God, kicking her ass felt so good! "You know the training we use to do in the mansion?" I asked, "I never dropped it. What would daddy think now, his favorite girl on the ground?"

"I am not his favorite," Sidney snarled angrily. "And we both know that!"

"Oh really? Anyway, get up blondie,"

"Why are you always mean to me?" Her frank question startled me, almost brought me to tears, but I didn't let it show. This is the most conversation we'd had since the divorce and I wasn't about to let it end.

So I was merciless and mean. "Is my way of showing affection," I shrugged. "Now up bimbo,"

"You really are a bitch," Sidney glared rising to her feet.

"Normally I'd let you go," I quipped, "but you called my mother a slut,"

"You started it,"

"Then maybe you should know when to shut your mouth,"

"You too," Sidney zoomed on me in an instance, knocking me back with her shoulder. I reeled backwards. My surprise making me unable reacting on time. I quickly recovered however and punched at her. But she danced away from my attack and sent a flying kick at me.

I drew back quickly, avoiding it somehow, sending a forward kick of my own. Unfortunately the kick was weak as I wasn't balanced, and she got me for a moment. Sidney caught my foot and pulled me to the ground! The bitch!

I kicked her away before she could take advantage though and rolled to my feet. We stared at each other grimly for a moment, across the bathroom, then jumped at each other, screaming and cursing.

[With the niose we were making, till this day, how anyone hadn't found us I don't know.]

We started throwing kicks and punches at each other, biting and hair grabbing; using both trained moves and pure thuggery. We were panting heavily as the fight continued to the ground. I found myself atop her somehow. "You bitch!" I heaved, "You Fucking bitch, you fucking bit me!" I slapped her twice with the back of my hand.

She managed to push me off her. I rolled to the side but she got up before me, rushed and connected a painful kick to my side. I coughed as the air got knocked out of me and rolled on the filthy tile. I felt like shit.

I looked over my shoulder at her as she approached me. Her eyes were wild and angry. "Look at your stupid ass," she growled. "You think you are tough, huh Samy? You are nothing but a pathetic bully, and an unwanted child at that. It's no mystery dad doesn't want to see you. Fucking...,"

I kicked back at her in the stomach interrupting her unwanted rant. She fell back on her ass at the unexpected attack and I rose. "What did you call me you bitch!?" I panted out, glaring daggers at her, so angry I was trembling. "Oh blondie you finally did it, I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

We fell at each other again, punching and slapping and wrestling, and name calling. We became a tangle of limbs on the ground, we punched and kicked each other. I slapped her till my hand stung and received the same treatment; my scalp burned from the hair pullings, my face stung, my tongue tasted blood. Finally I came out on top as I managed to hold Sid in a submission hold. My legs twisted around her torso and my arm around her neck, choking her.

"Now apologize for what you said sis," I hissed.

She said nothing.

"Apologize blondie or I'm gonna fucking choke you to death,"

She said nothing still...,

The bell suddenly rang. End of second period?! We'd been fighting for almost an hour. Jesus! I released Sid quickly and rose to my feet. Pausing for only a moment in panic, I reoriented myself, before rushing to the sink to retrieve my phone and make myself presentable.

My hair was tangled, my face ruddy and wet and, stinging. I panted heavily as I stared at the mirror, I had a big bruise below my left eye and the side of my mouth. So much work to do.

Sid managed to pick herself up after sometime. The first thing she did was go to her phone. I glanced at her, the screen was broken. She said nothing. Moving like a wounded cat she went to a sink to start fixing herself too. I felt bad suddenly. What did I do?

Should I apologize? I should probably apologize. I opened my mouth but before I could say anything some girls walked into the bathroom.

I quickly finished at the sink and went out.

For advance chapter be a PATREON!
