A Stroll Through the Forest

Cedric clung on for dear life as Taurus charged after the horde of Peregrins. It was now that he was starting to regret coming into the forest with Harry and the others 'I think I'm going to be sick...' he thought to himself as he nearly fell off.

Harry who was laughing maniacally grabbed Cedric before he could fall off "This... isn't... funny!!!" Cedric shouted through the loud sounds of Taurus sprinting through the forest. "Come on Cedric we are getting closer!" Harry shouted as he pulled him back up next to him. Harry started to crouch up on Taurus and look ahead where the horde of Peregrins was travelling; they could tell they were getting closer to Hannah and Susan because they could hear the first girl still screaming as she clung onto a Peregrin's neck.

Flying above the Horde was Tonks who was as in her bird form, though she seemed to be having trouble getting close to the girls. "Come on Cedric, let's go!" Harry said as he dragged him up from Taurus onto his knees.

"What the bloody hell are you doing!" Cedric shouted, as he nearly lost his balance once again. "The horde might scatter if Taurus runs through it, so we need to jump," he explained.

"Jump!? You're bloody bonkers!!!" Cedric shouted back holding tightly onto Harry's arm.

"It'll be fine, you can use magic enhancement can't you?!" Harry shouted back.

"A little bit, we haven't actually learnt it yet," Cedric replied.

"See? No problem!" He said before channelling magic to his legs and leaping off Taurus' back onto the closest Peregrin; the massive creature squawked and almost buckled at the new weight on its back but managed to maintain its speed.

"Harry what the hell are you doing!"

Harry looked up to where the sound of the voice came from and only saw a bird "Tonks!?" Harry shouted.

"I told you and Cedric to stay where you were!" The Bird-Tonks shouted back.

"That was boring!" Harry shouted back as he stood up on the Peregrin and jumped to the one in front. Cedric who was still on Taurus was having a much more difficult time channelling his magic to have a physical effect on his body; magical enhancement is a third-year elective that students can take where they can better learn this ability —Though Cedric had yet to take his first lesson. However, Cedric managed to do it and he leapt off Taurus' back and onto a Peregrin.

'This is crazy!' He thought to himself, but he had to admit that it was exhilarating doing this; he had never even come close to doing something so exciting.

"Cedric I thought you would've been the smart one!" Tonks shouted at the boy.

Cedric looked up and scowled at Tonks "I do not want to hear that from YOU!" He shouted at her. She was a prefect and yet she was one of the main instigators of their little trip into the forest.

'Did she just roll her eyes at me...' Cedric couldn't tell cause of her current form but it looked like she did.

"STOP TALKING AND SAVE US ALREADY!!!" Hannah shouted from further up in the horde.

"I'm coming!" Harry shouted as he stood up and started leaping from creature to creature with Cedric doing the same —albeit more slowly. Tonks flew ahead trying to get as close as she could to the girls before she changed back to her normal form.


Tonks barely moved in time as a large-scaled Raven-type bird flew in from overhead, it looked to be twice the size of a Peregrin —so quite big. "Guys watch out there's a Ravyn!" Tonks shouted to the rest of them.

"Is that bad!?" Harry asked as he looked at the large scaled flying bird that closely resembled a Raven.

"What about that looks good!" Cedric shouted back from a few rows behind him.

"It must've been what the Peregrins were running from," Tonks theorised, but she did find it slightly peculiar that there was only one hunting as they usually hunted in groups of three or four.




'I can only blame myself,' she thought to herself with a sigh as she once again avoided the razor-sharp talons of one of the birds. A Ravyn was a large-scaled bird with black feathers, it had a beak but its mouth was filled with razor-sharp needle-like teeth that were designed to remove meat from bone. Each murder of Ravyns had an alpha that was able to breathe compressed air, though they rarely ventured from their nests.

Three other Ravyns swooped down and tried to attack Tonks "What the hell is your problem with me! Get them!" She shouted as she referred to the horde of Peregrins underneath her.

"They go for magic-rich foods Tonks, did you not learn that in class!" Cedric shouted.

'Oh yeah...' Tonks thought to herself as she dropped down in her bird form and switched back to her normal form landing on the back of one of the Peregrins; she withdrew her wand before she started firing at the Ravyns. Though their scaled hides did well in resisting magic.

Harry who had kept jumping from Peregrin to Peregrin was coming up behind Tonks and drew out his wand before firing a high-powered Explulso at one of the Ravyns that were getting too close to Tonks "Hey Tonks, got any way to get rid of them," he asked as he jumped onto a creature next to her.

Tonks shrugged "How am I supposed to know," she replied as she kept shooting.

"Use fire, you bloody idiots!" Cedric shouted from behind them.

"Fire? But aren't they dragons?" Harry asked.

"No more like birds with dragon shit attached," Tonks said, Harry shrugged and they both lifted their wands at the birds.



Two large spheres of fire were launched towards the Ravyns who squawked and flew back. But what they hadn't considered was the effect the sudden light and heat would have on the Peregrins. The creatures fearing the flame instinctually leapt up into the air throwing the Hogwarts student up.

"Hey Hannah, Susan!" Harry said with a smile as he saw them both get launched up into the air.

"DON'T YOU HI ME!!!" She shouted back at him before she started falling back down and continued screaming.

"I'm coming!" Harry shouted though as soon as the words left his mouth he was picked up by the claws of a Ravyn. 'Oh shit!' He thought to himself as it carried him away; he had to quickly avoid the pecks of the other Ravyns as he pointed his wand upwards to the Ravyn and launched another Confringo. The Ravyn let him go and he dropped from its grasp, the sudden light made the Peregrins jump again and Harry was able to grab a hold of one of their necks before he fell.


Harry looked up and saw the Ravyns coming back for round two, so he quickly rushed ahead jumping on top of each creature. He made it to where Tonks and Cedric were before stopping "Come on guys we gotta keep moving!" He shouted as he hopped onto the next one.

"It's not as easy as you make it look you know!" Cedric shouted back.

"Pffft speak for yourself," Tonks said as she easily made the jump. They were close now, only a few more rows away from both Hannah and Susan who still clung to their Peregrins for dear life.


Harry turned and sent a Confringo at the bird. The large ball of flames scorched the Ravyn and forced it to fly away. "Dammit Harry!" Cedric shouted as they were all flung into the air once more.

Harry and Tonks managed to land on their feet while Cedric clung to the front of his Peregrin. 'I need to be able to see them better than I can...' Harry thought to himself as he took off his glasses and his green eyes turned into pools of crystal clear skies. Harry was overloaded with the amount of magic he was sensing in the forest around him, but years of practice had allowed him to learn how to focus on a particular one. He quickly found Susan and Hannah "They're over there let's go!" Harry shouted before leaping once again with Cedric and Tonks behind him.

However when Harry got there he realised a problem 'If I jump onto one of the Peregrins it might buckle under the pressure,' he thought to himself; Cedric must've realised the same thing as Harry saw a look of concern flood his face.

"Grab them when we jump?" He said to Cedric.

Cedric really didn't like that plan, but at the moment they didn't have much of a choice. "Let's do it!" He shouted back.

"What're you guys talking about?" Tonks said a little lost.


Harry shot the spell up into the air spooking all the Peregrins who jumped once again. As they were all flung into the air Harry set off a bombarda behind him and flung himself towards Susan who he grabbed in his arms before channelling magic to his body and grabbing onto a passing tree branch.

Cedric flicked his wand out and aimed it towards Hannah who was screaming her head off.

'Boundless: The Space Between Us'

Space seemed to warp as Hannah appeared in front of Cedric and he grabbed onto her, before lifting his wand "Ascendio!" He shouted and he was lifted further where he was also able to grab onto a tree branch.

Harry hung onto the tree branch with one hand while he held Susan with the other; the poor girl's face was so red that it was almost matching her hair. The only thing she could do was put her head in his chest to hide it, though this only made her blush even more. "You okay Susan?" Harry asked, the girl didn't reply but she did nod her head. Now that she was out of danger Susan had the same thoughts as Cedric; it was the most exhilarating experience she had ever had, and it felt amazing.

"You know I'm kind of offended no one attempted to save me!" Tonks yelled as she perched on one of the trees in her avian form.

"Did you die?" Harry asked in a sarcastic voice.

The bird Tonks scowled at him before turning around and releasing a small white splatter from her behind. Luckily Harry had pretty good reflexes otherwise he'd have bird shit right on his face "Tonks... if you do that again, I will do that right back..." he said in a serious tone.

"But... you can't take on a Bird form..." she said in a nervous voice.

"I know..." he replied making them all shudder.

"Harry... what happened to your eyes," Susan asked in a low voice as she looked up at him.


"It's nothing, I just sometimes use magic to make my eyesight better, nothing more to it," he said with a smile.

"If I hadn't seen your control earlier I'd definitely think you're lying," Tonks said. Though inside she did suspect him a bit, she couldn't actually disprove his words because she's never known someone advanced enough in Magical Enhancement to show her, but her books state that it's theoretically possible, but could a first year do it —not likely.

Cedric and Hannah hung from a tree further up, and they both seemed to be relieved that this whole ordeal was over. Especially when they saw the final Peregrins at the back of the horde running off: Cedric let go of the tree and landed on the ground with Hannah still in his arms "Are you okay?" The Older boy asked sincerely.

"Yes..." Hannah said uncharacteristically quietly —though the blush on her cheeks was a clear indication as to why she was acting this way.

Harry and Susan came down next and started to walk towards the others. Tonks flew down from above and changed back into her regular form "That was pretty fun guys, though next time we should start with something a little easier," she said as she stretched her aching muscles. Going through multiple drastic changes in such a short time made her body hurt really badly.

"Next time!?" Hannah and Cedric said at the same time as they looked at Tonks incredulously.

"I don't know I thought today wasn't too bad," Harry added as he walked up towards them with Susan.

"Wasn't too bad?!" Cedric and Hannah repeated as they switched their gaze to Harry.

Harry raised his wand and formed a shield defending himself from the stinging hex he was just about to receive from Hannah "Rude."

"How do you already know the shield charm?" Cedric asked with wide eyes. That wasn't something you learned till your second year.

"The idiot over there taught me," he said pointing his wand at Tonks who stuck his tongue out at him. Harry then put his glasses back on covering his eyes, he'd already messed up slightly by revealing them, but he needed to get a good lock on them both and it was hard to see with normal vision.

"We should probably get back to our dorms, past midnight some pretty creepy stuff starts coming out," Tonks warned.

Cedric saw the look on Harry's face and decided to shut it down "We are going back!" He shouted.

"We have lessons tomorrow, we've had enough adventure for one night," Cedric said with a long breath.

"Yeah I guess so," Harry said with a small chuckle, tonight was the most fun he'd had in a long time, it was nice to do it with people he hoped he could be friends with. Harry and the others all started trekking back to Hogwarts and fortunately —or rather unfortunately for Harry— they didn't run into any more creatures or curses. By the time Tonks led them through one of the secret passages into the basement it had just passed 2 am and they were all rather tired.

"Night everyone, see ya tomorrow," Tonks said as she waved while walking into the girls' dormitory,  Hannah also said goodnight and joined quickly behind.

Susan trailed back for a bit and turned to face Harry "Thank you for saving me... I also had a lot of fun as well," She said with a small smile before she quickly turned and left.

"I guess it's just you and-"

Cedric was already walking to the boy's dormitory. Harry chuckled as he followed "Come on Cedric you got to admit it was a little fun," Harry said as he put his thumb and index finger together. Cedric shook his head as he smiled, it was a lot more fun than what they usually did in lessons but he wouldn't admit that to Harry.

"Come on Harry we have lessons tomorrow you should get back to your dorm," Cedric said as he walked back to his own.

Harry sighed as he left Cedric and went to the dorm he shared with three others, though he hadn't learnt their names so he wasn't sure who they were. 'I'm sure I can learn them another time,' he thought to himself as he slipped inside his room and fell onto his bed.

(AN: So they are finally at Hogwarts and stuff, I'm gonna be diverging stuff from canon from here on out. Well mostly. The philosophers stone is still in it 🤷🏻‍♂️ but I'll try and change most of the things up. If you guys wanted to read Harry Potter then you wouldn't be here. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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