
Harry was feeling incredibly relaxed right now. He was lying down on a cloud in the sky as he watched a rainbow streaking through the sky above him; Harry stood up and jumped from cloud to cloud, he let himself fall through a gap in the clouds where he let himself fall. The wind rushed through his hair as he fell, but he didn't feel any fear, he felt perfectly happy and relaxed. He looked out beneath him and saw beautiful rolling green hills that stretched across the land all the way to the horizon.

As Harry slammed into the ground he found that it was as soft —if not softer— than the clouds he was just lying on and he fell right into the ground as it stretched downwards. The land flung him back up and Harry landed on his feet; he curled his toes in the warm grass as he looked up at the sun that was shining brightly. Harry heard a noise behind him and looked around, he saw a white Ram trotting towards him up one of the hills.

"Aries isn't this place amazing," Harry said as he let himself fall back into the ground.

"Sir you're dreaming... I wish you would use this time more productively," Aries said with a sigh —Harry thought it looked pretty funny coming from the Ram.

"Come on Aries life has been pretty good recently, I'm finally starting to enjoy myself," Harry said with a contented sigh.

"You must focus on developing your technique sir, otherwise you'll find yourself woefully unprepared for the wizarding world," Aries said in a concerned tone.

Harry raised a brow "How would you know about the wizarding world, aren't you just a part of me?" He asked.

"While the user changes, we remain the same, our last user was your mother though she was unable to fully unlock the technique," Aries explained.

"You know about my mother? Can you tell me what she was like?" Harry asked as his carefree expression disappeared.

"She was a lot more diligent in her studies than you are, and quite talented too, which is what you need to be," Aries reprimanded.

Harry sighed before sitting up as Aries had effectively murdered the vibe "Fine killjoy what do you want me to do," Harry said as he looked at Aries.

"Connect with the rest of your summons starting with Taurus, he is quite upset that you were not able to understand him due to the incomplete connection," Aries stated in a chiding manner.

"How am I supposed to do that? When I summoned you for the first time the knowledge all just came to me," Harry replied.

"I've found Twelve Stars Summoning is quite different from other Magical techniques."

Harry and Aries both turned around to see an old man in white robes and a wooden staff, he had long white hair with a beard of the same colour. "Who're you?" Harry asked with a slight hint of concern. 'I was hoping for maybe Susan, but of course, I get an old man instead.' He looked next to him and saw Aries bowing his head 'He's not that respectful to me...' Harry thought.

"Forgive me for interrupting such a pleasant dream, but I thought it might be time to introduce myself," The strange man said with a kind smile on his face.

"I am Myrddin Wynn Emrys, though you may know me better as Merlin Ambrosius."

Harry's eyes widened slightly from shock "Merlin... as in the advisor to King Arthur?" Harry asked.

"The very same, it does warm my heart to know that Arthur's name has survived so many years," Merlin said with a sad smile.

However, Harry didn't hear the next part as he was mildly freaking his noggin. The Merlin from Legend just happened to be in his dream. 'Oh... it's a dream, so he probably isn't real,' Harry thought as he clicked his fingers.

"I can assure you I am real Harry," Merlin said with a smirk on his face.

"If that's true then how do you know what I said..." Harry said with a suspicious gaze.

"Show him some respect you dolt," Aries hissed from beside him as his head was still bent.

"I reside in your wand Harry, my soul is connected to yours, it's why I can read your thoughts and appear in your dream," Merlin explained.

"Why would you put yourself in a wand?" Harry asked with slight confusion. He was the most powerful wizard of his time —according to legend anyway.

"When I was alive it was a time full of strife and turmoil, especially for wizards. Morganna... she had plunged wizards and muggles into a Dark Age from which I believed we would never emerge," Merlin said with a grave expression on his face as he conjured a chair to sit down, making one for Harry in the process.

"I thought you were the strongest wizard of that time? Didn't you beat her?" Harry asked, his interest peaked at the story.

Merlin laughed heartily "I'm afraid history is quite wrong when it comes to that, Morganna was a witch without equal, few wizards could stand toe to toe with her, myself being one of them."

"But when she killed and merged with the last of the Fae Queens, or the lady of the lake as she was known... she became a vengeful goddess who could smite down the greatest wizards of history with the flick of her wrist," Merlin said as he stared off into the distance.

"You must've defeated her, since we are all here and not being ruled by a dark goddess," Harry said.

"Would you like to see?" Merlin said with a grin.

"You could've shown me this whole time and you didn't! Show me!" Harry said nearly calling off his chair as he frowned at Merlin.

Merlin laughed heartily once more "I do apologise, but it is a joy to see such familiar expressions once more," he said wiping a tear from his emerald eyes.

He waved his hand and the whole land changed. What had been beautiful rolling hills was now a battlefield; thousands upon thousands of men were dead —muggle and wizard alike. Harry looked around and saw a blonde-haired man with a shining white sword in his hands, he was dead on the ground "Is that-"

"King Arthur yes, he fought valiantly but in the face of Morganna's power he fell, and so did the rest of the Knights of the Round Table, at the time they were the strongest the kingdom had to offer." Merlin interrupted.

Harry looked down to see Merlin engaged in a duel with a beautiful woman with pitch-black hair and a wild grin on her face.


Merlin slammed his staff on the ground erecting a shield that parted the corrosive green flames shot from Morganna's wand. "Tonat Terminus!" Merlin boomed out as a massive thunderbolt formed out of the sky and slammed down on Morganna throwing her from the sky. But the witch seemed to be unharmed as she twirled her wand up to the sky forming the clouds that had formed into a funnel which she shot towards Merlin.

Merlin was thrown back, landing on a corpse that softened his fall. He got back up again despite his bones creaking; Numerous gashes on his face and body due to the wind funnel disappeared as he applied Magic Reversal across his body "You're slowing down old man, how does it feel to know that in mere minutes you will have failed, Albion will be gone and I shall be Queen forever," Morganna shouted as she laughed.

Merlin frowned, in truth her words were right he was slowing down. They hadn't even begun to use more advanced magic and she had managed to push him hard. "Even if I fail today Morganna there will be someone else, it is the way of nature, you should know that better than most," Merlin replied.

Morganna scowled at him and then spat on the floor "I have mastered nature, I have mastered my destiny, there will be none who can cast me down from my throne once I kill you!" She shouted.

'Eternal Growth: Natures Bounty'

Morganna flicked her wand upwards and plants and vines shot out of the ground heading towards Merlin who stood his ground valiantly.

"Sol Ignis!!!" Merlin shouted as an intense white flame emerged from his staff washing over the plants and turning them to ash. However, the plants kept on coming and grew more numerous and even larger —some being as large as castle towers. Merlin jumped back and slammed his staff on the ground once more.

"Twelve Stars Summoning: Leo: Maximum Output!"

"Dominatio, Potestas, Principatus,"

"With my soul I call for thee, the unbreakable, the immovable, the indestructible, answer my summons King of Lions: Nemea!"

In a burst of light, a white lion the size of the Dursley house emerged. With a roar, the lion shredded the incoming plants and with its speed and razor-sharp claws it took care of the rest; the wind slashes that released from its claws tore grooves in the ground that went six feet under. Morganna scowled as he looked at the summon, she raised her wand to deal with the infernal beast but quickly noticed that Merlin was gone.

'Magic Reversal: Taurus'

Morganna was stabbed in the back by Merlin as he nearly instantaneously stabbed her in the back with Excalibur. "That won't kill me... you fool I'm immortal!" Morganna spat out at him.

"No but it will disrupt your magic long enough," Merlin said with an emotionless expression.

"Domain Expansion: In All Things Balance."


Suddenly they disappeared and Harry found himself back in the beautiful hills he was in before "What!? What happened!? Why did you stop it!?" Harry asked Merlin. Harry was on the edge of his seat as he was getting right to the climax of their fight.

"I'm sorry Harry, it was a mistake to bring up memories, it seems even after all this time they weigh heavily on the soul," Merlin said with a weary expression.

Harry sighed but nodded in understanding "We don't have much time left Harry so I will tell you what you need to know," Merlin stated.

"Twelve Stars Summoning is one of the few techniques that affects your soul, as that's where all of your summons reside," Merlin explained.

"You must forgive Aries but he's not much of a teacher, he was wrong to advise you to attempt connection with Taurus, doing so before you're ready is dangerous. Focus on mastering your connection with Aries, once you're able to summon his King form your soul will strengthen enough to move on to Taurus," He concluded.

Harry sighed "That sounds like a long and arduous process..."

Merlin laughed "Not as much as you might think so, with your special eyes and innate talent it wouldn't surprise me if you got it done by Halloween, and once you've done one the rest are easy."

"One last thing Harry..." Merlin said his tone turning serious.

"You must get stronger, I lost all of my friends that day, they all died because of my weakness, do not make the same mistake," Merlin warned before snapping his fingers.


"You doing okay Harry?" Cedric asked as he approached Harry in the Great Hall as he was having his breakfast. Harry looked up at him with tired eyes as he jabbed a piece into his nose as he missed his mouth.

"I'm a bit tired," Harry said playing off the toast incident.

Cedric snorted "I can see that, excited for lessons?" He asked as he took a seat in front of Harry.

"I don't know, what can I be expecting?" Harry asked.

Cedric started to scoop up breakfast items onto his plate, giving himself a generous portion of scrambled eggs, toast and sausages. "The first two years are mainly to make you combat ready, third years and above are sent out for practical experience against Cursed Spirits, can't exactly fight them if you only know the tickling charm," he replied.

Harry brightened up a bit at his words "What spells did you learn in your first year?" He asked a little more animated than before.

"Well first year is about getting charms and curses down, so we start with the easy ones like stunning, disarming, fire, protection, stuff like that," Cedric explained.

"You'll also learn the basics of Transfiguration, in the second year you learn to apply that in a fight, but that's pretty difficult," He continued.

"Sounds like it'll be interesting," Harry said as he yawned.

"Hi, Cedric!"

They both turned to see Hannah and Susan approaching them. Harry smirked as he recognised the look that Hannah was giving Cedric 'I guess he did rescue her,' he thought to himself. Hannah then turned to Harry and her face morphed into a scowl "Hello Harry..." she said in a much colder tone.

"Come on Hannah... It's been a whole day you have to forgive me at some point, plus it was Tonk's fault she really should be more responsible," Harry said with a smile.

"What's Tonk's fault," Said girl asked as she bonked Harry on the head with her fist.

"I said it's your fault we had so much fun last night..." Harry said with a nervous laugh.

"Smooth..." Cedric said as he took a bite out of his toast.

Tonks rolled her eyes "Here's your class schedule, make sure to be on time or it'll reflect badly on the house," she said before handing out two others to Susan and Hannah and walking off to other students sitting at the table.

Harry opened his up and looked at it, he didn't have any expectations nor did he have any preferences —he wanted to learn it all.









Barrier Application


"What's Barrier application?" Harry asked.

"It's something every Wizard is required to learn, while muggles can't see curses they can see wizards, barriers stop muggles from entering an area with a cursed spirit, it also stops the cursed spirit from escaping," Cedric explained.

"Seems a bit niche to have a whole class dedicated to it," Harry stated.

"There is a lot to learn when it comes to barriers and the rules that you can apply to them, they can even be used in combat if gain enough skill in them," Cedric replied.

"I guess that makes sense, in any case, I think I'll be looking forward to duelling the most," Harry said with a smirk.

Hannah raised an eyebrow "How many spells do you even know?" She said with a laugh.

"I know a few, but I'm not worried about that," Harry replied.

"Well me and Susan were both trained by her Aunt who is a peak First Grade Witch," Hannah bragged.

"You know any good spells?" Harry asked with wide eyes.

"You gonna show me them?" He asked before she could reply.

"I can... if you want," Susan said in a low voice as she looked down at the table.

Harry smiled and grabbed Susan around the shoulder pulling her into his side "You just became my new best buddy, sorry Cedric," Harry said.

"I didn't even know I was your old one," he replied.

Susan felt her cheeks start to glow red as she pressed into his side 'He's warm...' she thought to herself. But much to her disappointment he detached himself from her "Classes start soon we should get a move on," Harry said as he stood up and started walking out of the Great Hall —following the flood of students who were doing the same.


Albus Dumbledore sat in his office bored out of his mind. He threw a large red stone into the air repeatedly and caught it as it fell; he sighed before placing the stone on the table, as he went to stand up a melodious whistle interrupted him "Yes, Yes I know I promised to get this paperwork done for Minerva, I was just going to take a short break.

The whistling intensified "Yes I know j haven't started..." Albus said before sighing and sitting back down.

"I see you still have problems with paperwork Albus, you've not changed at all since school."

Albus smiled "Gellert, what a pleasant surprise, I don't suppose you've come to help me with this load," he said as he pointed to the stack of paper in front of him.

The white-haired man emerged from behind Dumbledore before taking a seat in front of him. "I'm afraid not my friend, I've come here for a different reason," Gellert stated.

Albus laughed "Indeed, you want Harry and this stone no doubt?" He said rhetorically as he picked the stone up and threw it into the air.

Gellert's face remained passive "I do, though you need not worry about me killing the Potter boy, the ritual as you know carries great risk, I'd much rather have him join our side, though if he doesn't the ritual is a good Plan B."

Albus didn't reply and instead reached down and opened one of his draws bringing an old bottle of brown liquid onto the table. With a wave of his hand, he conjured two glasses and he poured them both a glass "Why do you want the stone," Albus asked. Gellert was immortal in most ways, he didn't need its power, he didn't need gold, so Albus couldn't figure out why he wanted it.

Gellert smiled as he took his drink "The Great and Powerful Albus Dumbledore doesn't know something, I suppose there are first times for everything."

Albus joined him in drinking "You won't convince Harry to join you," he said moving on from the previous topic.

"He will join us, once he's shown the truth of this world," Gellert replied.

Albus smiled and then placed the stone back on the table "Then how about a wager?"

(AN: So another chapter, kinda info dumpy but there is some stuff I need to get out the way. Merlin is related to Harry through his mother if you didn't guess. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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