Halloween Part Two

Tonks led her housemates back towards the cellar where their common room was located. Luckily for them, it was the closest to the great hall so they wouldn't have to walk for long before they reached there. The younger years looked around in fear and some even screamed in fright in response to the screeches that filled the halls of the castle. Cedric rushed over to Tonks with a look that was just as confused as hers. "Tonks what the bloody hell is happening!?" He asked, he already had his wand in his hand and was constantly looking around. 'Good instincts,' Tonks thought to herself.

Something was very wrong and she had no idea what it could be, she'd never heard such screaming before. "Hurry up, get to the common room!" She shouted loudly to the younger years. The prefects at the front of the column herded them even faster while Tonks protected the back with one of his classmates. "I don't know what's happening Cedric, but it can't be good if we are being sent back to our dorms.

"Hogwarts is the safest place in the UK what could possibly happen here?!" He asked.


Crashing through the walls was a grotesque creature that sent the first years into fits of screens —especially the Muggleborns. It could only be described as looking like a Gorilla with a wolf-like head. "Fucking hell a curse!" Tonks shouted and she quickly threw up a shield charm which stopped the curse from smashing both his arms where she currently was. She strained underneath its power, but it was quickly allocated when Cedric and another prefect both added their power to the shield.

"You needed to get the younger years back to the dorm!" Tonks shouted to both of them. While the other prefect nodded, glad at not having to face such a creature Cedric remained steadfast.

"I won't leave you to take the curse on alone!" He replied.

"I can handle it!" She shouted back.




"Fuck me..." she said as more curses came infesting the corridor.

"Okay! Push back on three," she shouted to Cedric who nodded.




They both grunted as they flooded the spell with their magic and made the shield outwardly explode sending the cursed spirit into the others. "There looks to be most grade 2's with a couple semi grade 1's," she said as she inspected the spirits in the hallway.

"Could be worse," she said while chuckling a little nervously.

Cedric felt his heart almost beating out of his chest as he looked at the monstrous creatures before him. He hadn't faced one before, this was the year he was supposed to be doing it. He breathed heavily before focusing and tightening his grip around his wand. "I'll lead you back me up," Tonks said and Cedric nodded.

Tonks rushed forward and sent a high-powered 'Bombarda' at the cursed which managed to kick up smoke and rubble. The first curse rushed through the smoke towards Tonks, Cedric transfigured some of the rubble into small dogs and had them grip the creature's legs, it slowed it down enough for Tonks to move out of the way. She jumped off the wall and enlarged her fist, she enhanced it with magic and brought it down on the gorilla curses back. She winced at the pain but didn't stop there as she landed on its back and fired a piercing curse through the creature's neck.


The creature screeched in pain as it thrashed around, Cedric cast a Diffindo to try and sever the curses legs but the curses muscles were thick.  He decided to cast Incarcerous, large ropes were sent from his wand and they wrapped around the creature's legs; that combined with its thrashing unbalanced it and sent it to the ground.

Tonks jumped off him before that happened and sent another Bombarda into the group of curses that were rushing towards them. Cedric joined her in launching high-powered spells at the incoming curses.  They screeched in pain, and despite being battered and bloody they pushed through their spells forcing both wizards to back peddle and protect themselves with shield charms.

'Expulso!" Tonks screamed, she could do it non-verbally but there was more power to be had in saying it out loud. The bluish-white jet of light sent two of the led curses back into the others. They were lucky the corridors were narrow or they would've been attacked from multiple sides. Tonk's concentration was broken when she heard the screams coming from round the corner where her housemates had disappeared. "Cedric go and help them!" Tonks pleaded.

Cedric had sweat pouring down his face as he breathed heavily "Trust our classmates, they can handle this," he said to her.

Tonks looked back down the corridor and struggled not to go and help them, but doing that would kill Cedric. She had to trust her friends could handle themselves, they'd all been through the same training she had. 'They'll be okay,' she thought to herself. She then looked back to the hall of curses that lay before them.

'Us not so much.' she chuckled to herself.

"Alright let's do this," she said before they started to barrage the curses with their spells, weaker ones were blown apart and exorcised easily but the tougher ones managed to hold out. A semi-grade one who was at the back shrugged off their spells in an almost concerning fashion; Tonks started pouring more magic into her spells and smirked as the Grade 1 who looked like a human with goat legs and a fish head was pushed back.

The grade 1 pulled his head back and inflated his chest. Tonk's eyes widened and she rushed towards Cedric who hadn't seen it. The curse launched his head forward and spat out a large stream of water. "Protego!" She shouted however the shield wasn't strong enough and it caved in under the pressure submerging them in the water where they were knocked against the wall and floors. When the water lost its momentum and let both its victims out they both coughed as they took their first breath in what felt like hours.

Tonks was the first to stand up only to see a couple of grade 3's rushing to finish the job. She sliced her wand through the air and bisected them all, she stared hatefully at the Grade 1 as she spat out some more water "Fracture Frontis..." she whispered and a jet of sickly yellow light launched from her wand straight towards the Grade 1. The curse seemed to have the sense of self to avoid the spell by grabbing one of the weaker curses and holding it in front of itself.

He let the curse drop to the ground where it started screeching and gripping its misshapen head. Its screeching grew louder and louder until its head sunk into itself and imploded. All the while Tonks looked at them with cold eyes, people often forgot that despite her friendly demeanour she was a daughter of the House of Black and with that came a library full of powerful spells. She doubted that spell would've killed the Grade 1 curse but it would've hurt a lot. Having it feel like your skull was imploding was probably not a nice feeling. 'I'll have to thank Aunt Bella for that one,' she thought to herself as she helped Cedric up.

"No more distractions, start exorcising the curses," Tonks said to him. Cedric nodded, his strongest spell was probably Reducto, and he hoped it would be enough.

"I'll take the Grade 1, keep the others off me," She instructed.

'Incendium.' Tonks shot a gout of flames out of her wand straight towards the Grade 1 who avoided the flames as it charged towards them. Tonks twirled her wand and the flames solidified into a whip, she flicked her wand and it changed direction wrapping around the creature's neck. It hissed and shot another gout of water that Tonks avoided; Cedric rushed to her left shooting a Reducto at the curse trying to blindside Tonks.

He looked at the older girl in awe, he wasn't able to do elemental magic at that level. But he did know a few that might be helpful in this situation. "Ventus," he shouted as a gout of wind shot out of his spell. He aimed the spell downwards and smirked as the flames shooting from Tonk's wand intensified which made Cedric grin. However, he neglected to keep an eye on the other curses and was barely able to put up a shield when a spider-like curse climbed along the wall and attacked him. His half-formed shield was broken and he was sent flying back with a large gash across his shoulder.

Tonks cursed and let her spell fall before sending a confringo to the curse attacking Cedric which caused it to explode. She had lost her momentum and now was on the back foot as she had to defend herself from a multitude of curses.

'Boundless: The Space Between Us'

Cedric swiped his wand and space distorted, Tonks appeared by his side further down the hallway. He felt the large drain on his magic using his technique had caused him and he had to go down to his knees. Tonks didn't know what happened at first but seeing she had some space to work she smirked.

"Time to get a little rough," she said as she sheathed her wand and cracked her knuckles.

'Metamorphosis Maximum Technique: Titan.'

Steam started to rise from her body as it started to grow. Cedric watched in awe as Tonks grew to nearly the same size as Hagrid while being just as wide. This was Tonk's extension ability, by pushing it to its limits she is able to grow larger than she normally could by supplementing the extra body mass with magic. Her strength proportionally increases and her magic rushes to fill in the extra space making her magical enhancement that much stronger.

There was one other part of the technique that made it quite formidable.

Tonks started charging to the curses before her body started to shift and change until she took the form of a 12-foot-tall bull that was nearly 7 feet wide.

Her extension allowed her to apply the Titan form to all of her animal forms.

With steam blowing through her nose Tonks charged through the curses trampling them under her hoofs. She had such power in her legs that she was able to pierce through their bodies and still make contact with the stone floor. The Grade 1 Curse tried to hold Tonks back but was trampled beneath her power, she then shifted into her bird form and raked her talons across the curses body, the magic infused in them was enough to tear the cursed body apart and exorcise it. Cedric was in awe, he knew Tonks was a powerful witch but he had no idea she was this strong.

After defeating the final curse she shifted back to her human form before shrinking. She had only recently been able to use her maximum technique, it drained a lot of her magic as she still hadn't gotten a good grasp on how to control it efficiently. She shrunk down to her original size and fell to her knees petering on the edge of entering magical exhaustion, but even that couldn't bring the smile off her face as she looked at all the curses start to fade away.

Cedric, feeling a little better now got off his knees and rushed over to Tonks putting her arm over his shoulder and helping her up. "Let's go check on the others," she said and Cedric nodded before helping her down the hallway. An ominous feeling started to invade both their bodies as their noses were filled with the metallic smell of blood. When they turned the corner Cedric had to put Tonks down.


Cedric leaned against the wall as he emptied the contents of his stomach onto the floor. Tonks wasn't very far behind as she started gagging at what she was looking at; three years of watching people die and fighting curses couldn't prepare her for this. The entire corridor ran red with blood, so much so that you could sink a fingertip into it, the bodies of first years, second years, and prefects. Some were twisted and contorted in unnatural ways while others had been cut in half from the waist. A young girl had her neck twisted around 180 degrees, her expression was one of raw terror.

'I didn't help them...' finally Tonks couldn't hold it in any longer and she threw up as well. She watched her bile mix in with the blood of so many of her housemates. 'Maybe some are alive,' she thought desperately as she started crawling through the blood. Her body was still weak from using the extension and she ended up falling into it.

Cedric was fairing no better as he saw some of his friends among those who were dead. Tears streamed down his face as people he knew for years had been cut to pieces, the smell of their dead bodies mixed with the blood made him retch again he turned away to throw up but nothing would come out. He could only see his tears falling into the pool of blood making small ripples across the surface. "I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry," he kept repeating to himself as he grabbed his chest. It felt like his heart was being stabbed with hundreds of sharp daggers; he had never felt such pain like this.

Tonks seemed to still be in denial as she crawled across the ground checking the bodies for any signs of life. Her tears were hidden by the blood that stained her body and face, however, she still had the presence of mind to realise that there were only around thirty students in the corridor meaning the rest might've escaped; she could only hope.

"Where... is... it."

Both Cedric and Tonks froze as they heard an ethereal voice echo throughout the corridor. They both looked to see a woman with black hair and bluish skin she wore a white dress and seemed to float above the blood. Cedric and Tonks froze as she looked at them. "Have you seen it?" She asked them.

Neither responded, which seemed to anger the woman a violent wind started to surround her pushing the blood away and revealing the stone floor once more. A sick realisation came across Tonks "That's a Special Grade!" She said in fright.

'Special Grade Cursed Spirit: Lady Helena Ravenclaw'

Cedric almost tripped as he rushed forward and summoned a shield in front of himself and Tonks —the latter being too exhausted to summon even a levitation charm. The winds Ravenclaw summoned were not even directed at Cedric and Tonks and yet ripped through his shield like wet tissue paper and started slicing their skin.

'Boundless: Dimensional Shift'

Pouring all the magic he had left into his technique the room expanded and became longer which extended the space between them and the Special Grade. This was as far as he had gotten with his technique and using it now nearly made him pass out, but somehow he was able to grab Tonks and start running.

But the cursed spirit wasn't done with them yet.


Hannah huffed as she walked down to the dungeon bathroom. She had checked the girl's bathroom on the second floor but didn't find anything but an annoying ghost that wouldn't stop screaming at her. She was a bit worried about Hermione, she hoped she managed to change houses, and she would be much happier in Hufflepuff with the rest of her friends. 'And away from the Weasley kid,' she thought to herself with mild disgust. He always ate like an animal at the table, like he'd never seen food before.

She finally made it to the girl's bathroom in the dungeons and opened the door. She could already hear the poor girl sobbing in one of the stalls "Hermione?" Hannah said softly as she approached the only closed stall in the bathroom. The brown-haired girl didn't reply but she did quieten her sobs.

"Let me in... please?" Hannah said as she pushed the door lightly. She heard the stall unlock which gave sight to Hermione who's eyes were red from crying though she had wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I'm o-okay Hannah, thank you for coming though," she said in a shaky voice as she tried to walk out of the stall.

However, Hannah blocked her way and instead drew her into a tight hug. Feeling overwhelmed Hermione started to fry again "Whatever he said isn't true," Hannah simply said as she stroked her friend's hair.

"H-He said people like me are the reason curses exist," she said while she wept into her shoulder.

"Is it t-true, do Muggleborns turn into curses when they die?" She asked as she looked up at Hannah.

Hannah shook her head "That's just stupid hateful speak, if a wizard or witch is killed without magic then they risk turning into a curse, Muggleborn or not. But since Muggleborns are used to living in the muggle world it happens a lot more often with them," she explained. Her mother had told her all about it and how Voldemort had turned something akin to a rumour into something terrible. Muggleborns were already hated for not coming from pureblood families and often lacking an Innate magical technique.

"You aren't going to hurt anyone Hermione, Weasley is just an idiot," Hannah comforted her as Hermione held on tightly.

"Harry and the others are going to speak with Dumbledore after today, we are going to see if we can switch houses for you, would you like to join Hufflepuff?" She asked with a smile.

Hermione looked up with wide eyes "I could join your house? Even after I already got placed?" She asked.

Hannah nodded "Harry hasn't let us down so far, he will get it done," she said with a smile. Hermione hugged her even tighter almost forgetting what she had been upset about, to think she'd be able to spend every day with her friends was an amazing thought and she'd hardly ever have to see Ronald.


Both girls detached from each other and looked toward the entrance of the bathroom. The whole classroom seemed to shake with what felt like an explosion "What was that!" Hermione said in a bit of a panic. The last time she'd heard something like that was when the front of her house was blown apart by a Curse.

Hannah took out her wand and walked to the entrance of the bathroom while holding Hermione's hand. She carefully opened the door and saw that there was nothing there, they both breathed a sigh of relief as they left the bathroom.


Hannah whipped her head around to see a dog-sized cursed spirit lunging at them. "Diffindo!" She screamed and the Curse was cut in half before disappearing. Hermione had gone still beside her "Curses have made it into the castle!" She stuttered with fear.

Hannah frowned "That shouldn't be possible, Hogwarts is the safest place in Britain," she replied.

"We need to get back to the others, we don't know how many more there are," Hannah said.


A man apparated a couple dozen feet away from them, he wore a suit and a fedora and had a smile on his face. "Hiya girlie, the names Macduff, now if you canna do me a favour and hand over the brown-haired one I'd very much appreciate it," the man said tipping his hat.

Hannah and Hermione felt terrified, the man was strong, they could feel the press of his magic against their own and they felt like specs. "Stupefy!" Hannah shouted launching the strongest stunner she knew, she had only started practising it a month or so before she came to Hogwarts so she wasn't perfect at it. As soon as she launched the spell she dragged Hermione down the adjacent hallway and started running. Macduff started to laugh as he batted way her spell and started walking down the corridor after them.

Hannah breathed heavily as she turned and launched stunner after stunner but the man didn't even put any effort into dodging them. He then launched a white spell which flew in front of them and exploded throwing them onto their backs. "I do enjoy meself a good foight, but as ya can see I'm a bit busy," he said as he launched ropes from his wand.

"Diffindo!" Hannah shouted again cutting the ropes before they could reach them.

Macduff frowned, the girl was starting to annoy him, but Grindelwald had ordered them not to harm students if they were able. He sent a stunner towards Hannah deciding to take her out and get the Granger girl; Grindelwald found her Magical technique very interesting.

"Tutela!" Hannah cried out summoning the only protective spell she knew. Tutela was a first-year spell and one of the most basic shields a wizard could summon. Unfortunately, it couldn't stand up to Macduffs stunner which shattered the shield and sent her flying backwards. "Hannah!" Hermione screamed in fear.

"Obstupescere!" She raised her and shot the stunner she had learned in their first lesson. It managed to hit MacDuff in his leg which made him fall to one knee; Hermione took advantage of this and ran over to Hannah and helped her up. Both girls then shot spells at the man, but Macduff summoned a shield which easily defended against the spells. "This be embarrassing, I'm glad no one is here to watch," Macduff sighed as he regained feeling in his leg and stood up.

Hermione and Hannah had already started running and turned into another corridor when Hannah grabbed her arm "Hermione you need to keep running, he's after you, not me," Hannah said as she pushed the girl away.

"I c-can't just leave you, you saw how strong he is!" Hermione cried out.

"You need to, go and get help then-"


Blood started to pour out of Hannah's mouth and she even coughed blood onto Hermione's face. Both girls looked down and saw a fist-sized hole in her stomach. She then fell to the ground; behind her, Hermione saw Macduff who had a malicious smile on his face "I'm sorry ma hand musta slipped, I coulda swore I used a stunner," he said before laughing.

Hermione was speechless she started to back away from the man. Her friend had just been killed before her very eyes and the man was about to take her to who knows where. She raised her wand and fired all the spells she knew one after the other, but they were all either defected or ignored by the powerful wizard. Some of her spells fizzled out before they even left her wand as her voice was too shaken and her mind clouded.

"Grindelwald has plans for ya girlie, so do us botha favour and stop struggling," he said as he disarmed her; Hermione's wand hit the floor and the first year was now defenceless.


Macduff was caught off guard by the spell that was launched towards his back and couldn't dodge it in time. It hit him but instead of launching him forward, it pulled him backwards off his feet where he landed roughly on the ground. He turned onto his stomach and looked up with a scowl on his face.

Hannah stood there with her wand pointed at him, the hole in her stomach no longer there. "Damn Abbotts, been so long I almost forgot about your magic," he growled out as he stood up.

'Abbott Innate Technique: Magic Reversal Specialisation'


Harry walked down the corridor with his hands in his pockets, he wasn't in any rush to get to the girls. He assumed Hannah wanted a bit of time to talk to Hermione about girl stuff or whatever so he would give it to them. The ghosts freaking out was a bit concerning however as the last time something like that happened it turned into a curse. 'I should probably speed up a bit,' he thought to himself.


He turned around when he felt the castle shake "Bloody hell," he said to himself. Whatever that was shook the whole castle, a smile appeared on Harry's face as he wondered what could be happening. 'Hopefully something fun,' he thought to himself.




The sounds of multiple apparations sounded out through the corridor and Harry looked to see multiple adult wizards with their wands drawn. "You guys lost, happens to me all the time," Harry joked as he let his wand fall out of his sleeve into his hand.

"Shut up, you're coming with us," the lead wizard growled as he lifted his wand and shot a red bolt of light straight towards Harry.

With a grin on his face, he snatched the bolt out of the air holding it with his wand. The red light crackled with energy as Harry inspected it "Pretty weak," he said with a laugh before throwing it back to the caster.

The dark wizard threw up a shield letting it dissipate as a scowl crossed his face. All three wizards started shooting spells at Harry who deflected them away while laughing "I'm a first-year make sure you take it easy on me," he said sarcastically before he channelled a bit of magic to his legs and shot down the corridor. He shot an Expulso into the first man's chest sending him flying, but as he did he caught his leg and threw him to his friend on the left.

The third dark wizard shot a dark purple spell at him, one Harry didn't recognise. To be safe he avoided it and sent a stunner at him making him collapse to the ground. "Wow that was kinda disappointing, you didn't even move around you just stood there," Harry said with a chuckle.

The other two wizards tried to get up but Harry shot one of them with a stunner before using a levitation charm on the first one lifting him in the air. He flung him around a little, twisting and turning him in the air "You gonna tell me who you are?" Harry asked as he held him upside down.

"Fuck o-"

Harry dropped him on his head "My bad, I don't study much so haven't got the spell down," he said before lifting him back up.

"What do you want with me, If you want to be friends you'll have to be patient I'm still working on that," he said as he spun him 360 degrees.


Harry didn't even turn he just dropped the man on the ground before stunning him "Maybe you can tell me what's going on here?" He asked as he turned around to face the man who wore an old-fashioned suit with a fedora. He had salt and pepper hair and was clean-shaven; Harry could feel the magic coming from him and it was a good amount 'He's strong,' he thought to himself.

"Lord Grindelwald requires you to join him, he has sent me to come and get you since he knew this rabble wouldn't be up to the task," The man replied.

Harry turned his head as he inspected the man "And who are you?" He asked.

"Abernathy, I am Lord Grindalwalds Acolyte, he chose me to come and collect you as he believes my abilities suited to the task," Abernathy said honestly.

Harry snorted "Those guys were barely a challenge what makes you think-"

"I am going to kick you in your chest," Abernathy stated.

Harry raised an eyebrow at the ridiculous comment, however, his look soon turned into one of shock when the old man launched from where he was standing —using magic to enhance his body. Then as he said he kicked Harry in the chest sending him tumbling down the corridor and slamming into the wall at the end.

It hurt a lot but at the last moment, he managed to channel his magic through his chest to mitigate the damage somewhat. "That was quite the kick old man," Harry said as he pushed himself up. However he quickly had to duck as a spell came hissing through the air, it hit the wall behind him making it explode which pushed Harry to the floor again.

He got up and launched his own bombarda but Abernathy deflected it behind him. "I'm going to send another bombarda," he called out from the end of the hallway and true enough the white spell came down the hallway. Harry sliced his wand through the air forming a shield, based on what he had seen before it should be strong enough to protect against it. 

Except it wasn't and Abernathy's spell ripped through his shield throwing Harry through the hole in the wall and into the great staircase room where he managed to grab onto one of the moving staircases. "Why was the spell stronger," he asked himself as he held on to the stairs. Though he didn't have much time to think about it before Abernathy appeared at the hole, he crouched before jumping straight at him. Harry held his wand up and shouted Ascendio avoiding the dark wizard, he then turned midair and shot a confringo at him which exploded the stairs making him drop onto a lower platform. Harry landed on another set of moving stairs, when he looked over the railing and down to Abernathy he saw the dark wizard standing there, but what he also saw were other students at the bottom, in a panic trying to escape from curses and other dark wizards. "What the fuck!?"


"Behind you."

Harry ducked but it seemed to be the wrong move as he was kicked sending him down the stairs almost falling off as the stairs had yet to connect to another platform. "You are pretty disappointing if I may admit, Lord Grindelwald said you had the potential to rival the Great Dumbledore and while you are certainly advanced for your age, you aren't anything special," he said as he prepared his wand to stun Harry.

"Your magic technique, I think I get it now," Harry said as he lay there.

"If the attack you say is truthful you'll get an increase in power, that's pretty cool," he said with a chuckle.

"Indeed, that is my Magic and why I was chosen for this task," Abernathy replied.

'Abernathy Innate Magic: Speak No Evil'

"However knowing it will not help you," he said as he pointed his wand at Harry.

Harry smirked before casting a shield, he then overpowered it and let it flow outward launching Abernathy away. It gave Harry enough time to get up and send a stunner straight at the man, however, he wasn't Grindelwald acolyte for nothing and he deflected the spell while midair. He then landed on his feet just in time to see Harry charging towards him with a magically enhanced body.

Harry threw his fist towards Abernathy's stomach but the older man pivoted away and backhanded him making him stumble back a bit. Harry tried again and started throwing a rapid series of punches that ended in him casting a high-powered Incendio that washed across the stairs. Abernathy shielded himself from it before transfiguring his shield into the water and putting it out. "On your right," he said as his fist connected with the right side of his jaw.

He then kneed Harry in the stomach before overpowering an expulso and shooting him right in the chest. He flew off the staircase and straight down to the ground floor, he attempted to slow his descent but even casting Ascendio only did so a little bit. He enhanced his body as much as he could before he slammed into the ground.


"Your control of your magic is pretty good for a student but subpar for someone who enhances themselves. Like I said before, nothing special," Abernathy said as he approached Harry.

Harry got up to his knees and saw students being devoured by curses in the courtyard and dark wizards torturing others. He needed to take this seriously, he needed to stop playing around. He took a deep breath and let his magic fill his body, every single part of his body was washed with his magic.

He moved his head out of the way as a red bolt of light flew past him. He stood up and turned around; Harry rushed towards Abernathy who looked disappointed, however at the last second he leapt into the air which surprised the old wizard. He then aimed his wand at him and cast Ascendio, just in the same way he had done to Bellatrix. His magic threw him forward and he slammed into Abernathy, though he didn't stay on him this time and he just rolled off before standing back up. The dark wizard also quickly stood and they both cast spells at each other which clashed together and cancelled each other out.

Abernathy ran towards him aiming a kick at his chest which Harry twisted out of the way of before punching him in the ribs. The old man didn't even wince at the blow and instead delivered a punch straight to Harry's face making him skid back. They both then sent a barrage of spells at each other, however they were both able to dodge and deflect them. Abernathy cast a wide area spell by slicing his wand through the air and sending a wave of water towards him; Harry jumped over it before shooting another Bombarda which caught Abernathy at his feet.

They both landed near each other and engaged in close quarters once again. "Your left!" Abernathy said, but when Harry went to defend against the punch he was hit in the right. While it wasn't as powerful there was still a great deal of force behind it that managed to daze him a bit. 'He doesn't need to tell the truth, he can lie,' Harry surmised.

"Your right," Abernathy said before hitting Harry in his gut making him sputter. However, before Abernathy could finish him with a final blow Harry jumped up connecting his head with Abernathy's nose and making it crunch; the old man growled as he kicked Harry away.

Harry let a smile come across his face as he looked at the man losing his composure. He took another deep breath, and charged towards him, 'Stop playing around,' he told himself.

He slid underneath Abernathy's legs before turning and throwing his whole body into the punch. Abernathy could only watch as he turned around and the punch connected with his stomach.

The whole world seemed to go still as the entire room flashed.

'Black Flash.' Abernathy looked in horror as it connected with him.


Abernathy was launched from the room straight through the wall of the castle and into the courtyard. The acolyte of Grindelwald threw up in the courtyard, blood spewed from his mouth. 'That would've seriously hurt me had I not made a Binding Vow in the last second,' he thought to himself.  He sacrificed the use of his arm for a month in order to give himself the extra magic to defend against the attack; he looked at his left arm which hung limply at his side.


Abernathy turned to the doors of the castle and saw Harry walking out of it with a huge smile on his face. "You were right old man, I never knew magic could be moved in such a way before!" Harry said.

As he walked towards Abernathy multiple curses tried to attack him but he flicked his wand up letting it spark with lightning making them both explode. "I've never felt this good before!" Harry said.

"But the castle is in a bit of trouble at the moment so I'll have to end things now," Harry said as he took off his glasses and threw them to the ground letting his ethereal blue eyes shine in the dark.

'Hitting a black flash at 13, I take it back this kid is a monster,' Abernathy thought to himself as he stood up and prepared to fight the newly awakened Harry.

(AN: So this is part two of Halloween, there is probably gonna be two more chapters before the end. The next chapter will probably be the continuation of Harry and Hannah plus the addition of some of the Hogwarts staff. I hope you enjoyed this)

(Magic Reversal = Reverse Cursed Technique)

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