Halloween Part Three

*I wanna go out tonight I wanna find out what I got*

*Well, I believe in the love that you gave me*

*I believe in the hope that you gave me*

*I believe in the hope and I pray that someday it may raise me above these-*


Professor Snape was woken from his drunken stupor as the sound of the castle shaking woke him up. He grunted in displeasure as he saw the muggle radio that he had finally managed to get to work in Hogwarts on the ground and in pieces, as was his bottle of fire whiskey. With a flick of his wand, the bottle was repaired and back on his desk, unfortunately he couldn't do the same for his radio as applying any magic to it would destroy the delicate balance he had achieved using thousands of runes.

He poured himself another glass of fire whiskey —a generous serving. However, before he could bring it to his lips he felt the castle rumble again. 'What's that idiot Albus up to now,' he thought as he stood up putting his glass down. He walked over to the sink in his classroom and ran the water before washing his face. He decided to go and investigate what this infernal noise was, he thought about ignoring it but he couldn't handle another speech from Dumbledore about how he was a teacher here. He flicked his wand and the bottle of fire whiskey flew into his hand, he hid it in his robes where he'd be able to take a few sips in case he ran into any students or teachers.

Walking out of his classroom he was greeted by nothing but empty corridors. At least that's what his eyes told him, years of working and going on assignments for the old goat had given him an ability to sense magic as he was often surrounded by either curses or enemy wizards. Whoever was watching him didn't seem to plan on attacking him yet so he walked down the hallway heading to Dumbledore's office. However, before he could even leave the corridor the people watching him dispelled their disillusionment spell and they launched various dark curses at him.

Spinning on his heels he whipped his wand around catching every single spell, merging them and launching the unstable ball of energy back at the group. The ball exploded before it reached them forcing them to throw up shields though even those were nearly not enough.

The leader of the group breathed heavily as he dismissed his shield. He had been tasked by Lady Rosier to distract Severus Snape, though he had no idea how they were supposed to do that. Every single one of the ten wizards here knew who Severus Snape was, it was hard not to.

'Severus Snape: S Class Wizard'

One of the only people to fight against You-Know-Who and survive though no one knows the details of how they fought. Half their group conjured metal chains and shot immobilising charms at the Professor while the others shot the darkest curses they knew.

"Avada Kedavra!" The leader shouted and the sickly green spell was launched towards the potions professor.

Snape didn't look panicked and just twirled his wand. All the spells launched at him seemed to dissipate before they even hit him, including the infamous killing curse. It was like they had hit a wall and yet nothing was there. "How did you enter Hogwarts?" Snape asked in a low emotionless tone. It took less than a second before Snape decided he waited too long for an answer. Flourishing his wand again nine of the wizards sunk into the stone floor like they were falling into a swamp, the floor then solidified leaving their heads exposed.

Snape batted away another spell launched by the leader before shooting a spell at him that made him crash into the wall. He sunk into the wall before it once again solidified trapping him in. "Legilimens," he whispered and he forced himself into the man's mind smashing past his rudimentary occulmancy and learning the truth of why he was here. 'To think they outmanoeuvred Albus in such a way,' he thought to himself. He had to admit he did get a small amount of satisfaction in seeing the all-powerful wizard being taken down a few notches.

"I suppose it's time to work," he said to himself before he spun on his heels heading back down the hallway, however before he left he whipped his wand in an arc sending a wide-cutting curse that beheaded every wizard present. Keeping them alive while in an active battle would be an idiotic thing to do; even Albus would agree that restoring order to the castle was more important.


Susan fell to the floor again, she didn't know how long she'd been running but her body felt exhausted, and her eyes stung as tears continued to fall down her cheeks. She was covered in blood and her arm hung limp as it was entirely shredded by the special grade spirit that attacked their classmates. The prefects tried to protect the younger years but the female curse killed them as easily as if they were insects.

She tried pushing herself up but she struggled to on her remaining arm, she couldn't feel her left arm, but she tried to get up. The entire castle was in chaos; she ran past dark wizards grabbing students and curses devouring people. Even now she watched as a first-year Ravenclaw was lifted into the mouth of a curse and crunched. The screams they made were something she'd never forget as long as she lived; she found herself being surrounded by curses and she gave up trying to stand and just curled up into a ball waiting for the inevitable. She only wished that she knew whether her friends were okay, she knew Harry and Hannah, they were both strong, much stronger than she could ever be.

She closed her eyes when she saw the curse reaching out for her. At least now the pain would end, wherever she went she hoped it was better than here. However when nothing happened she opened her eyes, and the curses were frozen in their spots until they just started exploding every single one of them in the corridor blew up and turned into nothing. "Miss Bones, I assume you'd rather not be eaten, if so stand up I do not want to be slowed down by someone who'd prefer to be food." She turned her head at the voice and almost sobbed in relief when she saw Professor Snape walk down the corridor.

Snape flicked his wand up and Susan was brought to her feet "Drink this," he said as he removed a potion from his cloak. She did so immediately still intimidated by the potions professor, the pain in her arm and body started to lessen and she felt like she'd be able to move properly again.

"Do not get in my way stand back and don't try to help me," he said tonelessly as he turned around, his cloak billowing as he did. To Snape this was all becoming a large hassle, he walked down the corridors shooting spells and killing curses as he went. Sometimes a Dark wizard would try their luck and try to shoot the killing curse at him but to their surprise, it was stopped midair before it even reached him and seemed to dissipate across an invisible surface.

Snape sent a drilling curse through the dark wizard. The rotating bolt of energy pierced his skin while spinning at high speeds drilling a hole through his chest. Susan had to stop herself from feeling sick as she stood behind Snape he had managed to keep a wandless shield around her the entire time he fought which she found incredible. More and more students started to join her as Snape saved them from certain death at the hand of a curse or a Dark Wizard.


Snape stopped as he saw an older woman apparate before him. A sneer made its way onto his face as he recognised who it was "Rosier... so this is all the work of Grindelwald," he stated.

"You're a smart one Snape, this is as far as you go I'm afraid, we aren't quite done yet and we can't have you ruining things," Vinda said with a smile as she tapped her wand into her hand.

"Even you must realise you are an inferior witch, stow your wand and I'll leave you stunned on the ground," he said as he raised his own wand.

"My lord has tasked me with keeping you occupied until he has conducted his business," she said as she flourished her wand transfiguring two stone wolves out of the rubble and sending them charging at Snape.

"I also believe you'll find yourself too occupied protecting your students to use your full power," Vinda said, her face forming a malicious grin.

Snape sneered once more before letting out a burst of magic that shattered the wolves before they could get close to him. However, before he could retaliate the rubble started to glow and Snape quickly had to shield himself and the others from the large explosion. 'I'd almost forgotten about that infernal woman's innate magic,' he cursed.

Vinda Rosier was capable of imbuing her magic into objects and causing them to explode. It makes her transfiguration very dangerous; if anything she transfigures gets a hold of a person the fight is over, and the explosion would at the very least destroy a limb. Snape vanished the rest of the rubble before shooting a blood-boiling curse at the woman. She defected the spell, attempting to aim it at one of the students behind Snape. However, the spell harmlessly dissipated across an invisible surface in the air. Vinda cursed before switching to elemental magic and firing a large inferno straight down the corridor.

Snape conjured a shield that held against the fire, Susan looked in awe and a bit of fear as the fire rushed past them. Snape then jabbed his wand forward and the shield expanded until it sent Vinda flying backwards lying on her back. Snape placed his hand on the corridor wall and it immediately melted and turned into a liquid, he directed it with his wand towards Vinda who apparated away before it could reach her. Vinda appeared at the end of the corridor looking dishevelled. 'He truly has a dangerous ability,' she thought to herself.

*'Snape Innate Magic: Ars Magna'

Snape's technique allows him to shift the properties of any object between Liquid, Gas and Solid states. He has to be touching an object when he does so, but he got around this limitation by spreading his magic around in a 10-metre radius. *


Snape turned and saw Gryffindor and Head Boy Charlie Weasley leading prefects all with their wants out. They were covered in blood some theirs and some not. "Mr Weasley it seems you've come at an opportune time," Snape drawled.

"Take the students to the closest dormitory, I believe that to be Gryffindor Tower," he instructed them.

"Yes sir," Charlie stated before gesturing to the other prefects who formed up around the children while Snape stood there with his wand ready looking for any movement that might signal Vinda's intentions.

"So it seems you've gotten rid of the deadweight," Vinda said as she started to walk closer but stayed out of his 10-metre radius.

"So it would seem," Snape replied slowly.

Vinda poured a huge amount of magic through her wand and conjured a hail of arrows, each arrow was imbued with the same amount of explosion power as a grenade and there were hundreds of them. Snape imbued his body with magic and rushed backwards, he shot a powerful Ventus which blew some of the arrows away exploding the corridor walls but many remained true to their course.

He flicked his wand at wall and turned it into air and jumped out. Since his journey from the classroom, he had made it onto the second floor and so Snape created solid platforms of air as he attempted to escape the arrows. Whipping his wand up he used an Ascendio and flew out of the way at the last second, but it all seemed to be a trap as a much larger arrow was aimed for where his wand took him. Conjuring a shield around himself, the arrow then exploded throwing the potions professor a long distance away into one of Hogwarts courtyards. He was relatively unharmed as he had layered two shields upon themselves as well as a stasis charm which acted as a gyro stabiliser.

When he deactivated them he was greeted with the sight of the bodies of many students and even some Dark Wizards. The courtyard was full of curses that devoured students with no regard. He couldn't think on this much longer as Vinda apparated to him shooting a barrage of spells that he batted away and shielded against, she transfigured the rubble around the courtyard into ropes and shot them towards Snape.


All the robes were simultaneously shredded by the dark spell and Snape set his sights on Vinda once again. "You have distracted me long enough you infernal woman," he spat out before sheathing his wand and holding his right hand flat in front of him and his left hand underneath mirroring his right.

Vinda's eyes widened as she realised what Snape was about to do. She sheathed her own wand clenched both her fists together and placed them on top of each other.

"Domain Expansion: Et Ultima."

"Domain Expansion: Last Release."

The courtyard darkened as both the wizards' and witches' inner worlds were laid forth and clashed. On Snape's side lay a world that was ever-shifting between solid, liquid and gaseous states. While Vinda's side was a world where the ground was a desert of small grey powder, something Snape recognised as Gunpowder.

Both of their worlds clashed but it was clear to see that Snapes Domain was the more refined one and he very quickly gained the upper hand. However, it wasn't for very long as Vinda somehow gained momentum and returned them to a stalemate. 'She must've used a binding vow to increase the power of her domain,' he thought to himself.

Snape's assumption was correct as Vinda had indeed made a Binding Vow by sacrificing the sure-hit effect of her domain to increase its overall power. Both wizards drew their wands before firing spells at each other and clashing; even with her power amplified by her domain Vinda was still overpowered by Snape though she managed to direct the spell away from her.

Snape rushed towards her intent on breaking her domain. Vinda saw this and ran backwards conjuring a chain from her wand and flicking it over to the potions professor. The chain kept on extending from her wand becoming extremely long, before Snape could vanish it she transfigured it into ravens that dove and attacked him.

Snape fired a wide range of expulso which destroyed all the birds in quick form before he continued rushing towards her. Vinda stopped running conjuring a whip made of fire which she tried to attack Snape with, however, he avoided it easily before hitting her with a magic-infused fist in the stomach and throwing her towards a curse.

Since they had both used their domains in the courtyard they had engulfed the surrounding curses who continued to devour the bodies of wizards. Vinda grunted as she slammed into one, she wasn't the best at Magical enhancement which was why she was so concerned over this matchup. 'I just need to make sure he doesn't get close,' She thought to herself but Snape was already there and he grabbed her by the face before slamming her into the curse and through its body. He lifted her up and shot a point-blank Bombarda at her stomach which almost tore through her.

Vinda had poured all her magic into defending the spot from his spell but even so, she could see a dark almost black mark from where the spell had hit her. Though not even that concerned her as much as the sound of her domain shattering did; she looked up and saw Snapes Domain engulf hers.

Snape simply walked towards her, she tried to back away but the ever-shifting floor prevented her from so much as moving. "Tell me what your master's plans are," he said with a sneer on his face.

Vinda spat at him "You are a disgrace to your kind, such power and yet you hide from the muggles like a scared little boy!" She said mockingly.

"You aren't worthy to... *Cough*."

Vinda spat up blood almost vomiting it out as she felt unbearable pain start to flood her body. "Your inner organs are starting to liquefy, you have maybe a few minutes before the damage it causes is irreversible," he said emotionlessly.

Vinda tried to remain composed and stared at Snape with a venomous expression, but in 30 seconds the pain quickly surpassed the Cruciatus that she had experienced a long time ago. Her screams of pain didn't move Snape, he simply stood there as her inner body liquified and turned into sludge, he made the process as slow and painful as possible even though he knew she probably wouldn't speak.

"POTTER!" She screamed out.

"HE WANTS POTTER!!!" She said again as she writhed around in pain on the ground.


Snape liquified her on the spot killing her instantly. He also killed all the curses within his domain before he closed it. 'Potter...' the name brought only pain and sorrow to him, so much so that he almost snapped his wand by clenching his fists.


He was brought out of his thoughts when the sound of glass shattering sounded out and he saw two students falling from the third floor. 'Arresto Momentum,' he cast the spell on the two of them slowing their fall.

"Miss Tonks, Mr Diggory, explain your attire," he instructed as he looked at the two blood-covered students. However both students were exhausted and didn't seem to be able to speak, they only collapsed on the ground barely able to move.

His attention was then drawn to the window where a woman he recognised as the Grey Lady hovered through the window. Except she looked different, somewhat disfigured and a deeper shade of blue 'She has become a cursed spirit,' he quickly deduced. And by the feel of her power, she was easily a Special Grade.

'My technique won't be usable for a few minutes,' Snape thought as he tried to come up with a plan. After closing his domain his technique burnt out so right now he was limited to simple spells. Though he wasn't sure how effective those would be against a special grade, especially if she could open her own Domain.

"WHERE IS IT!!!" Helena shouted as her hair floated around her head.


Harry looked up with a smile on his face as he heard a rumble from the clouds above. He could feel his body, it was like he had been blind his entire life and now he was finally able to see. The irony of that statement made him laugh loudly as he looked with his real eyes for the first time in what felt like years. He could see the castle, he could see the beautiful magic woven into the walls, he could see the bright magic of the headmaster as he pushed against the castle.

"It's all so beautiful..." Harry said before looking down at Abernathy who looked at him like he was insane.

Grindelwald's acolyte knew he wouldn't be able to take Harry lightly anymore, he needed to fight as if he were fighting any other adult wizard. He hoped he wouldn't have to use his Domain Expansion, if he used it and failed then the drain would severely weaken him. He raised his wand as he saw Harry drop his robe to the ground and rip off his shirt revealing a white t-shirt. "I can see it, the magic inside you swirling at your command, you're about to form a spell aren't you?" Harry asked as he started bouncing on his feet.

Abernathy narrowed his eyes at the strange boy who bounced from one foot to the other. Harry then disappeared from his spot launching himself at him; Abernathy jumped back conjuring a shield which blocked the punch that Harry had thrown. The momentum carried them through the courtyard before Harry flipped over and kicked the shield with both of his feet launching himself up. "I finally understand... I am truly gifted," he said as a large amount of magic swirled through his wand and he sent an extremely overpowered bombarda at Abernathy who launched himself away using Ascendio.

The explosion created a twenty-metre-wide crater that was deep enough for a person to stand in. Using the black flash had finally given Harry an understanding of his magic and the nature of his Six Eyes. He was blessed with a large amount of magic being from an Ancient and Noble family, but the Six Eyes allowed him immense control over that cursed energy, much more than he ever imagined. He was able to fire spells with hardly any loss in magic, he could quite literally fire spells all day and not get tired.

It also meant he could pour as much power as he wanted into them. He laughed almost manically as he fired a rapid series of explosions at Abernathy who enhanced his body to a greater degree to escape them, he then returned firing a yellow curse. Harry moved his body slightly avoiding the curse but it seemed to be a distraction to allow him close as he attempted to punch Harry, but the boy caught his fist.

Abernathy however kept moving and pushed Harry through the courtyard and back into the castle. He couldn't let Harry start firing off those spells again so he would keep him close, he knew he had an advantage when it came to CQC. Harry with his eyes now unsealed moved fluidly as he avoided all of Abernathys blows before returning a punch of his own sending the wizard back a few feet. The wild grin on Harry's face only got wider as he rushed forward kicking the man in the stomach before jumping up and performing a Superman punch.

Abernathy growled "I am going to block your next blow and then punch you in your stomach," he said.

Harry laughed before spinning around trying to catch him with another punch only for Abernathy to catch it and then feint a punch with his left hand before drawing back his right and punching him in the stomach. The blow that caught him in the stomach shattered the ground and sent Harry back into the staircase room, he flipped over and sliced his wand up shielding himself firm a barrage of blasts from Abernathy's wand. When the barrage stopped he dismissed his shied before landing on the stairs and pushing himself back down to Abernathy who jumped away from the Harry-shaped missile.

Harry's grin was even wider as blood poured out of his mouth, his T-shirt was ripped and his belly purple but he was still having the time of his life. His wand sparked with electricity before he shot a bolt straight at Abernathy who transfigured the stone floor to raise up and block it.

"Thunder and Flash," Harry chanted increasing the power of his spell. The lightning bolt burst through the ground and hit Abernathy in the chest launching him back outside. He didn't have time to groan as Harry was above him with his fist drawn back. Abernathy cast the strongest shield he knew and powered it as much as he could.


Silence again as the world flashed and Harry's magic sparked black. Abernathys shield shattered like glass and his fist connected with his stomach. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" The man screamed in pain, while his shield had taken the brunt of the damage he still felt a lot of pain when the blow connected with him. He let his magic explode out of him forcing Harry back. "You brat, I won't let myself be beaten by you, I've been training all my life to stand next to Lord Grindelwald, I won't be outdone by you!!!"

Harry looked on carelessly as the man spat insult after insult at him, but he didn't care. He just wanted to stay in this moment for as long as it lasted, he didn't even care when Abernathy appeared to be healing himself. He had read about the healing properties of Magic Reversal but he hadn't seen it in action before.

Abernathy couldn't heal all the wounds he had sustained in the fight, but he healed the most critical ones. "You are going to stay still," Abernathy said.

Harry felt his body lock up and he couldn't take another step, quickly realising this was wrong he threw off whatever command he had used in a second or so, but that was enough and Abernathy rushed forward launching a vicious right hand to his jaw before punching him again and again. Meanwhile, Harry just stood there and took it, Abernathy ended up kicking the boy up into the air and sending a pain-enhancing curse to meet him.

Abernathy smiled malevolently as he applied Magic Reversal to his Magic Technique. Normally when he used it he would tell people what he was going to do, but when using Magic Reversal he could tell people what they were going to do and they would do it. Though it was a subconscious suggestion, one they'd do on instinct, but shook it off a moment later when they realised it was wrong.

Harry rushed towards Abernathy who dodged his first punch "Throw a right," He commanded and Harry did so, but Abernathy took advantage of this by pivoting to his side and slamming his fist into his liver. Harry stifled a yelp of pain and kept on fighting him, but Abernathy dictated the flow of battle using his ability and was able to dodge and counterattack with ease.

Harry quickly caught onto what his ability was and what it was making him do. He understood that his speech was necessary to activate it otherwise he wouldn't be able to issue a command. Harry jumped back while launching several cutting charms each aimed at his head and face, Abernathy threw a shield up before counterattacking with a spell of his own. Harry instinctually avoided the spell and watched as it hit the wall behind him making it flash freeze.

"Time to flex a little bit," he whispered to himself before he let his wand spark again. Abernathy started to run as he knew blocking the lighting would be too magic-intensive; Harry grinned as he rushed after him jumping up into the air as he fired a continuous stream of lightning from his wand.

"Lone cloud in the storm."

"Thunder and Flash."

"Illuminating Bolt."

"Begone with the Thunderclap."

Abernathy poured as much magic as was safe into his body and rushed as a huge stream of lighting dug up the earth behind him. He jumped up before conjuring water from his wand and sending it to Harry hoping he'd destroy himself, but Harry used his bare hand and shot an expulso at the water blowing it away. He then rushed to Abernathy still firing the stream of lightning though before he reached him he formed it into a whip before spinning around and aiming for his midsection.

Abernathy conjured a shield and was tossed away like a baseball. He smashed into the castle wall and he fell to the ground. "CRUCIO!" Abernathy shouted as he sent the deep red spell to Harry who avoided it easily. He flicked his wand and caught Abernathy by the leg and began tossing him around the courtyard before smashing him into the ground. He started to approach Abernathy who was struggling to heal himself, but before he could get to him he fell to one of his knees. He leaned forward throwing up a large amount of blood.

Abernathy pushed himself up and laughed at the boy. "You are a child, your body can't handle the amount of power you are channelling through it, you haven't even reached your magical maturity," he said as he stood up with a noticeable limp.

Harry had fractured most of the bones in his body and ruptured one of his kidneys and was bleeding into his stomach. People have a natural immunity to their own magic, but channelling huge amounts of it in quick succession, especially when using it to enhance yourself will still cause damage. This is especially true of people whose bodies haven't even developed yet.

Harry pushed himself up to his feet ready to fight, despite the blood pouring out of his mouth. However, their standoff was interrupted when a large influx of students ran out of the entrance to the castle trying to escape the horrors from inside.

A dark smile made its way onto Abernathy's face. "At least now you can't avoid this without condemning your classmates to death," he said to Harry whose smile melted off his face.

Abernathy sheathed his wand before covering his mouth with both his hands and extending his fingers in the shape of a mouth.

"Domain Expansion: Ask No Questions Hear No Lies."

Time seemed to slow as Harry watched the domain engulf him and the other students. He didn't have much time to do something, but he had no experience with domains, they weren't available to read about in the library, and he hadn't even been inside one before. He took a deep breath calming himself, he wouldn't overthink. He could summon Aries; he hoped the Ram would be able to protect both him and the students, but based on what he'd seen before he doubted it. 'I'll need to pour more power into it,' he thought to himself. When he reached inside of himself forming the technique he poured as much power as he could into it, but as he did he felt something snap and then start to expand. Words that he had never known formed on his lips.

"By the stars and my souls domain."

"King of Rams: Amun, break your chain."

"From the depths of magics core,"

"Aries, rise as king once more!"

White light engulfed the darkness of the domain. Abernathy covered his eyes as the brightness threatened to blind him. When he put his arm down he was greeted by a white and golden ram that stood over 9 feet tall with horns that glowed brightly. What was most prominent however were the golden shields that surrounded the students 'My attack can't reach them, that's impossible,' Abernathy thought to himself.

However, he realised his mistake quickly as felt movement within his domain. A golden shield surrounded Harry and moved with him as he sped towards Abernathy until it popped at the very last second allowing him to make contact with him launching a third black flash smashing through his domain and sending him out of the courtyard and off the cliff Hogwarts stood on.

Harry fell to his knees quickly after, his eyes were starting to throb with pain. He wasn't used to using them so much, the information rushing through his head was overwhelming. He picked up his robe and ripped off the sleeve making a makeshift blindfold. "Aries," Harry called out.

"Yes master," the large ram responded.

"Get them to safety," he said before he reentered the castle. He wasn't done here yet.

(AN: Part three is done, I hope you enjoyed it. I wonder how many of you are surprised by Snape being that powerful. In this fic, Snape will be a tragic character, a man broken from his mistakes and the war. It's pretty fun doing Domain Expansions and making up cursed techniques. I hope you guys like them. Anyway let me know what you think.)

(Also if you're wondering the song at the beginning was Badlands by Bruce Springsteen)

If you like my stuff consider supporting me.
