
The grand chamber of the Wizengamot was bustling with anticipation as every seat was filled. The high, arched ceilings and grand columns of the ancient hall loomed above the assembly, casting long shadows across the polished stone floor. The members of various distinguished wizarding families, cloaked in their traditional robes, sat in their designated places. The room was a mixture of hushed conversations and the occasional raised voice, creating a tense yet expectant atmosphere. At the head of the chamber sat the Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore. Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, was seated not far from Dumbledore, his expression one of nervous apprehension. To his right sat other prominent Ministry officials, including Amelia Bones and Dolores Umbridge.

Suddenly, Dumbledore raised his gavel and brought it down with a resounding crack, silencing the room. "Order!" he called, his voice echoing through the chamber. "The Wizengamot recognizes Augusta Longbottom."

A wand with a light at its tip was thrown up, signalling her desire to speak. Augusta Longbottom, a formidable elderly witch with a stern countenance, rose to her feet. "We cannot ignore the events in France," she began, her voice steady and impassioned. "Grindelwald has openly declared war. The last time we hesitated, war engulfed Europe. Are we to make the same mistake again?"

Cornelius Fudge stood up, adjusting his robes. "The Muggles were embroiled in war; it was bound to involve us sooner or later," he countered. "This situation is different. We have no reason to get involved; we are not allied with France or any neighbouring states."

"Will you be of the same opinion when Grindelwald turns up on our own shores?" Augusta retorted sharply.

Fudge stammered, "We have no reason to believe that to be the case. Grindelwald has not set foot in Britain since his defeat by the Chief Warlock."

"Except for a few months ago when he attacked the heart of our very society," interrupted Amelia Bones, her eyes fixed on Fudge.

The room erupted into murmurs and whispers, some in agreement with Amelia, others shaking their heads in dissent. Lucius Malfoy rose gracefully to support Fudge. "Should that not suggest we are not ready to get involved in such a conflict? Many of us have lost children. Should they lose their lives in such a conflict, families that have been here since the time of Merlin and the founders will be wiped out and lost to time." The debate intensified, with members of the light-aligned families arguing fervently for intervention, while those with darker inclinations advocated for neutrality. Voices overlapped, and the atmosphere grew increasingly charged.

Finally, an elderly man stood up, his presence commanding immediate attention. The room fell silent as his cold gaze swept over the assembly. Dumbledore recognized him with a nod. "The Wizengamot recognizes Arcturus Black."

Arcturus Black's silence was more intimidating than any words. He looked around the hall, his eyes like ice, making many shift uncomfortably in their seats. "This is a useless discussion," he said abruptly. "You all speak on whether we should support France or not. But you fail to recognize the real question. Few people sit amongst us today that were involved in the last war and fewer still who have seen the true power of Grindelwald."

His gaze fixed on Dumbledore. "So the question I pose today is, will Albus Dumbledore involve himself? Will he fight Grindelwald?"

The chamber turned its attention to Dumbledore, awaiting his response with bated breath.

Dumbledore's mind raced as all eyes in the chamber turned to him, expectant and unyielding. None looked at him more intently than Arcturus Black, whose gaze bore into him with almost palpable weight. 'Shit,' Dumbledore thought, knowing the gravity of what was being asked of him.

He took a deep breath and began, "Grindelwald is a threat, that much can be said. He is powerful, intelligent, and most of all, ruthless. His recent attack on Hogwarts attests to this. I had never considered him being able to use the castle's own wards against me. I have done much to ensure this will never happen again."

Arcturus Black's expression remained impassive. "That is all well and good, Chief Warlock, but it is not the question I asked," he said bluntly.

Dumbledore met the man's stare with one of his own, steel meeting ice. "I serve as the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump at the behest of the members of each body. However, I am first and foremost Headmaster of Hogwarts. My duty is to my students, who need me now more than ever."

"If Grindelwald steps upon these shores, then I will kill him. However, I cannot afford to spend months searching for the man on the main continent."

Cornelius Fudge, sensing an opportunity, chimed in with a slimy smile. "Surely this could all be over in a matter of weeks if you were to involve yourself."

"A stronger man breeds himself a smarter enemy, and I am the strongest, Minister," Dumbledore replied, his voice steady but laden with the weight of his words. "While I would not lose in a fight, I am neither all-knowing nor all-seeing. Grindelwald would do his utmost to avoid a conflict with me while continuing his war."

The chamber was silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. "So, I am afraid to say, whether this body votes to stay neutral or to join the war, I will return to my role as Headmaster."

Murmurs spread through the hall like wildfire. Some members looked disappointed, others contemplative. Arcturus Black remained still, his face unreadable. Dumbledore knew his decision would not sit well with many, but it was a truth he had to stand by.


After the session, Dumbledore quickly made his way towards the exit, his robes billowing behind him. He looked as if he was ready to vanish at any moment. Just as he reached for the floo powder, a familiar voice called out, stopping him in his tracks.

"Albus," Arthur called.

Dumbledore turned and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Arthur Weasley approaching, flanked by Augusta Longbottom and Amelia Bones. "Arthur, it's good to see you," Dumbledore said with a sheepish smile, as if he wasn't about to just floo away.

"Going somewhere in a hurry, Albus?" Arthur asked with an empathetic look.

"I thought I might return to Hogwarts. There's always something needing my attention there," Dumbledore replied, his smile faltering under their combined scrutiny.

"Not so fast, Albus," Augusta Longbottom said, her tone no-nonsense. The elderly witch, though small in stature, had a presence that commanded attention. "We need to talk."

Dumbledore sighed, realizing there was no easy escape. "Of course, Augusta. What's on your mind?"

"Why didn't you support joining the war effort?" Amelia Bones asked, her voice stern and demanding. Her eyes, sharp behind her monocle, bore into him with a mixture of frustration and disappointment.

Dumbledore looked at the three of them, his expression troubled. "It's not that simple, Amelia."

"Enlighten us," Augusta said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Because from where we're standing, it looks like you're abandoning the fight."

Arthur placed a gentle hand on Dumbledore's shoulder. "We know you care about your students, Albus, but the threat Grindelwald poses... it's bigger than Hogwarts."

Dumbledore nodded, his eyes softening at Arthur's understanding tone. "I understand your concerns, truly I do. But my place is at Hogwarts. Those children need me."

"And what about the rest of us?" Amelia pressed. "Do we not need you too? Grindelwald is gaining power, Albus. We can't afford to have you sitting on the sidelines."

"It's not about sitting on the sidelines," Dumbledore replied, his voice growing firmer. "It's about where I can do the most good. Right now, that's at Hogwarts, protecting the future of our world."

Augusta shook her head, her expression stern. "You think Hogwarts is the only place that needs protection? Grindelwald's influence is spreading, and it's not going to stop at the castle gates."

Dumbledore sighed deeply. "I know. But if I leave Hogwarts, who will ensure the safety of those children? The wards and protections I've set up are strong, but they are not infallible. And the knowledge I have... it's unique. No one else can replace me there."

Augusta went to speak again but before she could Dumbledore beat her to it. Dumbledore took a deep breath and looked at each of them with steely resolve. "My decision is final, and my mind will not be changed," he said firmly. "My place is at Hogwarts, ensuring the safety and future of my students."

Seeing the disappointment on their faces, he turned to Amelia Bones. "Amelia, how is Young Susan doing?"

Amelia's eyes narrowed at him, her stern expression hardening further. "She has yet to even leave her room," she said, her voice tight with controlled emotion. "Seeing her classmates ripped to shreds was bad enough, but to find out that her best friend and my Goddaughter was dead, and that her other friend was missing... I wouldn't be surprised if she never returned to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore felt a wave of guilt wash over him but managed to keep it from showing on his face. He sent her a sympathetic look. "I am deeply sorry for my failure as Headmaster. I hope Susan finds some measure of peace and recovers soon."

Amelia did not reply, her gaze remaining narrowed and unyielding.

Dumbledore straightened and addressed the three of them. "If you'll excuse me, I have much work to do."

With that, he grabbed a pinch of Floo powder, stepped into the fireplace, and shouted, "Headmaster's office!" before disappearing in a swirl of green flames.


Harry and Miguel, with Ciri on Miguel's back and Yennefer in his arms, walked cautiously along the cliff edge that overlooked the main cavern. The sight below was chaotic, a large mass of people pouring into the tunnel that would eventually lead up to them.

"Oh shit..." Miguel muttered, his eyes wide as he took in the scene. Harry had already seen it and did his best to ignore it, his mind focused on their immediate goal.

"Where are all those people going?" Ciri asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and fear.

Miguel forced a laugh. "They want to be friends with Harry over there," he replied, but his attempt at humour only earned him a sharp glare from Harry.

Yaga, waiting at the entrance of their cave, ushered them in quickly. He grabbed Harry and sat him down. "We don't have much time. You won't be able to escape the horde down there unless you unlock your animagus form, once you do the collar should break and you'll have your magic again."

Harry frowned, frustration evident on his face. "I haven't made any progress with it."

Yaga nodded, understanding. "We'll do something that should allow you to sink deeper into your mind and find your form."

Harry looked sceptical. "How is that possible? We can't use magic."

Yaga explained, "The collars we wear leak magic. They're designed that way to prevent them from being overwhelmed by magic build up. Miguel, come over here." Miguel joined them, and Yaga directed Harry. "Put your hands on both our collars. Use your Six Eyes to direct the flow of magic into yourself. Becoming an animagus is a magical process, so magic is necessary for it. This should allow you to find your inner self."

Harry focused, placing his hands on their collars. He concentrated on connecting his own magic with the magic leaking from the collars. It was a struggle at first, as moving his magic felt sluggish, but he persisted. Gradually, he felt the flow of magic becoming easier to manage as the collar flooded him with energy.

He sank deeper into his mind, the world around him fading to black. Harry found himself standing in a large arid landscape, the blazing sun high in the sky. The heat was oppressive, and the ground beneath his feet was cracked and dry. For a brief moment, excitement surged through him as he realized he had done it – he had entered the inner landscape of his animagus transformation. But as he looked around, his excitement quickly faded. There was nothing. No animals, no vegetation, nothing of any kind.

From what he understood, his animagus form would be the first animal he encountered in this mental landscape. Better get looking, he thought.

He started walking, each step kicking up small clouds of dust. The barren wasteland stretched out endlessly before him, the horizon shimmering with heat waves. The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of his own footsteps. He scanned the landscape, searching for any sign of life, but there was nothing. Just endless stretches of parched earth and distant, hazy mountains.

Harry continued to walk, the sun beating down on him relentlessly. Sweat trickled down his back, and his throat felt dry and parched. He pushed on, determined to find his form, no matter how long it took.

Outside of Harry's mind, the situation was growing increasingly dire. Yuki stood at the entrance of their area, standing guard. More and more prisoners poured into the tunnel, driven by the desire to be free. They thought they could overpower her with sheer numbers. They were wrong. Yuki had been honing her martial arts since she was a small child, she hadn't trained herself bloody to be taken out by some weaklings. She grabbed the first man who lunged at her, twisting his arm until it snapped, the bone breaking through the skin. With a swift kick to his knee, she shattered it, sending him crumbling to the ground. Another attacker came at her from the side, but she spun and delivered a powerful elbow to his throat, crushing his windpipe. He collapsed, gasping for air that would never come.

Two more rushed her, thinking they could overwhelm her with their combined strength. She ducked under a wild punch, using the momentum to drive her knee into the groin of the first man his testicles exploded under the force splattering his rags white and red, causing him to double over in agony. Without missing a beat, she swung around and delivered a brutal chop to the second man's neck, bursting his carotid artery. Blood sprayed across the tunnel walls as he fell, twitching.

A third attacker tried to grab her from behind, but Yuki twisted free, ramming her elbow into his ribs with enough force to crack them. She followed up with a backfist to his temple, his skull fracturing with a sickening crunch. She grabbed his limp body and hurled it into the next wave of prisoners, using it as a human shield as she advanced.

Miguel and Yaga could hear the sounds of the fight getting closer. The echoes of screams, the wet thuds of bodies hitting the ground, and the sickening crunch of bones breaking filled the air. Miguel, uneasily watching the corridor, asked, "How long will it take?"

Yaga, his expression grim, replied, "I don't know."

Ciri clung to Yennefer's hand, her eyes wide with worry as she watched the corridor, praying for Harry to return.

Yuki was being forced back slightly as she stepped back not wanting to be overwhelmed by the numbers, this pissed her off a lot. She grabbed a man by the throat, lifting him off the ground with one hand and slamming him into the tunnel wall with enough force to crack the stone. His body went limp, and she dropped him without a second thought. Another prisoner tried to stab her with a shank, but she caught his wrist, twisting it until the knife fell. She then delivered a headbutt that shattered his nose and drove the cartilage into his brain. He dropped instantly.

More attackers kept coming, but Yuki didn't slow down. She sidestepped a punch, using the attacker's momentum to throw him into another prisoner. Before they could untangle themselves, she was on them, driving her fists into their faces with bone-breaking force. One man's jaw shattered, teeth flying, while the other's eye socket caved in under her assault. Blood splattered across her face and clothes, but she didn't care. Another prisoner, larger and more muscular, tried to tackle her. She jumped, using his shoulders as a springboard to flip over him, axe kicking the back of his head and shattering his skull sending him to the ground.

Yuki had a wild grin on her face made even more terrifying by the blood that stained her body. "I'll stain this whole tunnel with your blood," she hissed.


Harry knelt on the hard, cracked earth, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. Sweat dripped from his forehead, stinging his eyes and mingling with the dust that clung to his skin. His muscles ached from the relentless journey across this barren, arid landscape. He had been in this place for what felt like days, though he had lost all sense of time. The blazing sun overhead showed no mercy, beating down on him with unrelenting heat.

Around him, the land stretched out endlessly, a desolate expanse of cracked soil and sparse, withered plants. The air was dry, each breath feeling like it scraped the inside of his throat. There was no sign of life, no movement, just an oppressive silence broken only by the occasional gust of hot wind.

He had wandered far, searching for something—anything—that might lead him to his animagus form. But so far, he had found nothing. No animals, no signs of water, nothing but the unforgiving terrain. Harry's mind raced with frustration and doubt. "Why is there nothing here?" he muttered to himself, his voice barely more than a whisper. "There has to be something." He pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the protest from his weary body.

Harry's eyes widened as he finally saw something in the distance. A large mountain range loomed far away, with a storm swirling above it. Despite the clear sky everywhere else, the storm's dark clouds churned menacingly over the peaks.

Seeing no other options, he began the long journey towards the mountains. The landscape was as barren as ever, with cracked earth and sparse vegetation offering no relief from the heat. Each step was a struggle, but Harry kept his eyes fixed on the distant mountains, pushing himself forward.


Yuki was pushed back to the cliff edge, her muscles aching and her arms heavy. She had multiple stab wounds, but she pushed through the pain. Each breath was a struggle, but she refused to give in. With a ferocious yell, she grabbed the closest attacker and tossed him over the edge. His scream echoed as he plummeted to his death, his body hitting the rocks below with a sickening crunch.

She spun around, delivering a brutal elbow strike to another man's face, shattering his nose. Blood sprayed as she followed up with a knee to his gut, doubling him over before throwing him off the cliff as well. His body flailed helplessly before disappearing into the abyss.

Another enemy lunged at her with a knife. Yuki sidestepped and twisted his arm, forcing the blade into his own throat. Blood gushed out as he gurgled, collapsing to the ground. She didn't pause, delivering a swift kick to another attacker's chest, sending him tumbling backwards. He lost his balance and fell over the edge, his screams cut short by the impact below.

Inside the cave, Yaga and Miguel could hear the fighting getting closer. Miguel looked worried. "I should go and help her," he said.

"No," Yaga replied. "Harry needs the magic from the collars or he won't be able to find his form."

"It won't matter if they get past her!" Miguel shouted.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance," a voice purred from one of the offshoot tunnels. Miguel and Yaga nearly jumped up as they saw the large half-giant, Boulder, appear, bending to step into the large room. Behind him was Apolline Delacour and a group of her minions.

"How did you get here?" Yaga asked, his expression stern.

"Please, did you really think your tunnels were a secret from me? I knew about them before you came here," Apolline said with a sultry smile as she approached.

Yaga remained tense, while Miguel wore a stupid grin on his face. "Why would you assist us? Don't you want your freedom?" Yaga asked.

"Harry and I have a little understanding, and I'm sure I'll be getting my freedom either way," she said before clicking her fingers.

Boulder and her men charged outside, joining Yuki in beating back the attackers. Yuki, her energy renewed, fought alongside them, delivering brutal punches and kicks, breaking bones and crushing throats. Boulder swung his massive fists, sending men flying, their bodies broken and bloodied. Apolline's minions fought with zealous fury for their mistress, throwing wild punches at anyone who got close. The attackers were finally halted. Yuki grabbed another man, slamming his head into the rock wall with a sickening thud before tossing him off the edge. Boulder grabbed two men by their heads, smashing them together with a force that left them lifeless before discarding their bodies over the cliff.


Harry was getting closer to the mountain, but each step became more arduous. The fatigue was overwhelming, and soon he was practically dragging himself across the ground. He knew this wasn't a physical place; the weariness he felt was tied to his magic. "I don't have enough to make it to the mountain," he thought, frustration gnawing at him.

Suddenly, his already meagre supply of magic dwindled even further, and the distance between him and the mountain seemed to stretch endlessly. "What happened?" he wondered, panic rising in his chest. "They must've had to move. That's not good."

Desperation set in as Harry wracked his brain for a solution. After a few minutes, the idea struck him: the Stone. He'd been able to connect with it before; maybe he could do it again. It was a slim hope, but it was all he had.

Focusing all his energy, Harry tried to connect with the stone within his body. It was like trying to grasp smoke, but he persisted, reaching deep within himself, his magic sluggish and uncooperative. The effort was immense, and he felt like he was pulling against an invisible tide.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he touched the stone with his magic. The connection was immediate and violent. The landscape around him exploded as red electrical sparks crackled and surged around him. His blue crystal eyes tinted with red as the power of the Stone coursed through him.

The arid plains shifted and transformed. Harry found himself at the peak of the mountain, the air crisp and thin. He looked up, a sense of awe and dread filling him as he saw a large shadow swooping down towards him.


Boulder, Apolline, and their men fought valiantly, but the sheer number of prisoners overwhelmed them. One by one, Apolline's men fell, their cries echoing in the cavern. Boulder, bloodied and battered, pushed Yuki back into the cave with the others, using his massive body to block the entrance. Despite the relentless stabbing and attacks from the prisoners, he held firm, his face twisted in determination.

Boulder eventually succumbed to his injuries, but even in death, he remained crouched, blocking the way. Yaga and Miguel stood up, joining Yuki in keeping Boulder's body in place. They struggled against the weight of the mass of people pushing and screaming outside the cave.

A moment of silence fell over them as they realized the gravity of their situation. It was over. They were about to die, possibly facing fates worse than death. Yaga gave Yuki a sad smile, wishing he could have gotten her home. Miguel looked at Ciri, who sat next to Yennefer, terrified and shaking. He would never see his family again—his father, and his mother. He hoped they'd move on without him.

Apolline, aware of the grim reality, knew she was in for a fate worse than death when the prisoners broke through. She could have tried to escape, but she knew it would only delay the inevitable. She wished she could have seen her daughters one last time. She crouched next to Harry, brushing her hand against his face. Suddenly, she drew her hand back as if she'd been shocked, frowning as she stepped back.

A small explosion of red sparks erupted from Harry, and he opened his eyes. The sparks ran through his collar, shattering it as he stood up. "Move," he commanded. They dove out of the way just in time as he shot a bolt of lightning, the force launching Boulder's body forward and sending the group of prisoners in front of him off the cliff.

Harry stepped out of the cave, sparks still surrounding him, his bones shifting beneath his skin. Yaga realized he had delayed his first Animagus transformation, making him wonder just how big Harry must be. As Harry revealed himself, the prisoners roared and charged.

Tapping into the Stone, Harry touched the ground, and the terrain shifted. Spikes erupted from the ground, impaling everyone who charged at him. With them dealt with, Harry felt his body erupt with pain. He had delayed the transformation long enough. He ran and jumped off the edge, shocking everyone as they ran to the cliff to see.

What they saw was a large, golden eagle-like creature with three sets of wings and red crackling sparks surrounding its body. Apolline recognized the creature immediately and whispered its name, "Thunderbird."

Harry flapped his wings and cawed loudly as sparks built up around his body. He opened his beak and sent a powerful stream of lightning at the tower. The guards atop it scrambled, trying to fend off the massive bird, but their efforts were futile. Lightning struck the tower, exploding in a cascade of sparks and debris. Guards were flung off, some plummeting to their deaths, others charred by the lightning's intensity.

Harry swooped down, his talons extending as he snatched up a group of guards, crushing them with ease before tossing their lifeless bodies aside. He flapped his wings again, generating a gust of wind that sent more prisoners and guards flying. The air crackled with energy as Harry unleashed another barrage of lightning, decimating the tower and those who remained on it.


The surface of the Pit was in utter mayhem as the Knights Templar mobilized. Alarms blared, and armoured figures dashed about, preparing for battle. Amidst the chaos, in a small, surprisingly peaceful kitchen, stood a tall and muscular man. At 6'5", Lancelot was an imposing figure, his body honed to perfection. He had short, ear-length black hair swept back neatly. Today, he wore a plain white T-shirt with dog tags hanging around his neck.

Lancelot moved with deliberate precision as he prepared his breakfast. He started by placing a frying pan on the stove, and heating it to the perfect temperature. He added a generous pat of butter, letting it melt and bubble before gently laying down strips of bacon. The bacon sizzled and crisped, filling the room with a mouthwatering aroma.

Next, he cracked a few eggs into a bowl, whisking them with a pinch of salt and pepper before pouring them into a separate pan. He stirred them gently, ensuring they cooked evenly into fluffy, soft curds. Meanwhile, he sliced a tomato and placed it alongside the bacon, allowing it to sear and caramelize.

Lancelot took a moment to toast some bread, its surface turning golden brown. He carefully arranged the toast on a plate, adding a pat of butter to each slice. With the bacon done, he moved it to the plate, followed by the scrambled eggs and tomatoes. He added a few sausages and a couple of hash browns, completing the hearty meal.

He poured himself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and brewed a pot of strong, dark coffee. As he was pouring himself a cup, the kitchen door burst open, and a man dressed in white armour with a cross down the middle rushed in.

"Lancelot, there is an escape and a magical beast—" the paladin began, but Lancelot raised a hand, ordering him to be silent.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," Lancelot stated calmly. He gestured for the paladin to take a seat. The paladin hesitated but obeyed, sitting down as Lancelot continued to cook.

Lancelot plated up another serving, identical to his own, and placed it in front of the paladin. They ate in silence, Lancelot savouring each bite with evident pleasure. The paladin, however, ate reluctantly, his eyes darting nervously around the room.

When they finished, Lancelot wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked expectantly at the paladin. "Now, what were you saying?" he asked, his voice calm.

The paladin swallowed hard before speaking. "Sir, there's been an escape. A magical beast, a Thunderbird, is aiding them. The situation is dire."

Lancelot nodded, standing up and stretching his muscular frame. "Then I suppose I'll have to put the dogs back in the cage," he said, a cold look in his eyes.

(AN: How many of you figured out what his form was? To be honest I think Thunderbirds are really cool, the ability to summon storms and sense danger. I'm surprised more Fics don't use it as an animagus form. Though I guess some authors worry about making the MC too OP, but not me. Tbf since this is a mix of Harry Potter and JJK the power level of the universe as dramatically increased. I mean it's not that surprising Yuki could turn herself into a black hole 🗿. But yeah Harry is a Thunderbird and is now escaping. I do hope you enjoyed the chapter and this mini arc, I wonder how many of you thought it would be an edgy and cringe torture arc.)

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