
Miguel, Yaga, Yuki, and the others watched in stunned silence as Harry, now in his thunderbird form, tore through the tower and its guards. His enormous wings beat against the air, creating gusts so powerful they ripped men from their feet and sent them crashing into the cavern walls.

Harry swooped down, his talons raking through flesh and bone, shredding the guards to pieces. Blood sprayed in every direction, painting the ground red. He spun in the air, generating a cyclone that picked up debris and bodies alike, flinging them with brutal force. Screams filled the cavern as the guards were torn apart, limbs dismembered by the sheer force of the winds.

The thunderbird's beak snapped at those who dared approach, crushing skulls and ripping throats. Lightning crackled around him, striking down any who tried to flee. The smell of burnt flesh permeated the air as bolts of electricity seared through the guards, leaving charred corpses in their wake.

Harry's rage was palpable, each strike more vicious than the last. He clawed through armour and flesh, leaving a trail of death and destruction. His eyes, now tinged with blue, glowed as he summoned more power.

He beat his wings harder, whipping up another cyclone that lifted the heavy stone blocks from the tower. The guards inside were thrown against the walls, their bodies breaking upon impact. Some were sucked into the whirlwind, their screams abruptly cut off as they were cut to pieces.

With a deafening roar, Harry directed a massive bolt of lightning at the base of the tower. The ground shook as the foundation crumbled, large cracks snaking their way up the structure. The tower began to tilt, the remaining guards inside screaming in terror as they were thrown about like rag dolls.

Harry continued his onslaught, summoning more lightning and directing it at the weakened base. Stone and mortar exploded outward, and the tower's tilt became more pronounced. The structure groaned under its own weight, and with a final, massive strike of lightning, the foundation gave way completely.

The tower toppled, falling into the cavern below. The sound was deafening as tons of stone crashed down, crushing everything in its path. Dust and debris filled the air, and the ground shuddered with the impact. The remaining guards on the ground tried to flee, but they were caught in the collapse, their bodies smashed to a pulp under the falling rubble.

Yuki watched the destruction Harry caused with an almost amused expression. "I could still take him," she muttered under her breath.

Miguel turned to her, eyes wide with disbelief. "Is that what you took away from that?" he asked, shaking his head.

Harry, in his thunderbird form, flapped his enormous wings and soared back towards them. He landed at the edge of the cliff, his talons sinking into the stone with a crunch. Leaning down, his eyes flashed blue, and sparks shot from his body, connecting with their collars. The metal groaned under the strain before shattering into pieces.

Yuki grinned as she felt her cursed energy rush back through her, a blue aura engulfing her body. "This is more like it," she said, her eyes glinting with excitement.

Miguel stretched, feeling the familiar rush of energy. "I thought I'd never feel this again," he said, a broad smile spreading across his face.

Yaga, ever the voice of reason, snapped them back to reality. "Focus. Get the girls onto Harry's back."

They both pouted but complied, carefully placing Yennefer and Ciri onto Harry. Ciri, clinging to Harry's neck, looked up at him with wide eyes. "Is that really you, Harry?"

Harry responded with an eagle's cry, and Ciri smiled, hugging his neck tighter.

Once everyone was securely on his back, Harry pushed off the cliff with a powerful thrust of his wings. It took some effort, but he managed to lift off, soaring upwards through the hole in the cavern ceiling. As they emerged above the surface of the prison, lights began to erupt from the ground below.

Harry felt a slight buzz at the back of his mind and veered left just in time to avoid a volley of arrows. The Templar on the ground were using enchanted bows, their arrows carved with runes for speed, power, and durability. Each arrow shot through the sky made it difficult for Harry to manoeuvre, especially with passengers.

Forced to land outside the camp in a small forest, Harry urged everyone to get off his back. Yaga, Yuki, Miguel, Ciri, Yennefer, and Apolline scrambled off, finding cover among the trees. Harry took to the sky again, determined to end this once and for all.

High above the camp, Harry began to build up his power. The sky darkened as clouds formed, swirling ominously. Lightning crackled within the clouds, casting an eerie light over the landscape. Harry's eyes glowed with intense blue light, and he flapped his wings, summoning the storm. The air was thick with ozone as the storm gathered strength. Thunder boomed, and bolts of lightning crashed down, striking the camp below. Buildings caught fire, and the ground shook with the force of the strikes.

The Templars scrambled in a frenzy as the Paladins barked orders at the Templar Captains, who in turn relayed commands to their underlings. The encampment was in utter disarray, the once-organized military precision now shattered by the onslaught from above. "Form up! Defensive positions!" shouted a Paladin, his voice cutting through the din. "Archers, ready your bows! Fire at will!"

The Templar Captains echoed these commands, trying to impose some semblance of order on their panicked troops. "Get those shields up! Archers aim for the wings! We need to ground that beast!"

As the Templars scrambled to obey, Harry swept down from the stormy sky, his enormous wings creating gusts of wind that sent men flying. He unleashed bolts of lightning that tore through armour and flesh, each strike more devastating than the last. His talons, sharp and lethal, raked through the ranks, tearing Templars apart. The storm above mirrored Harry's fury, shooting powerful bolts of lightning into the camp. Tents and structures exploded, and the debris collided with various people. The ground was littered with debris and bodies, the air thick with the acrid smell of burning wood and flesh.

"Get those arrows in the air, now!" a Captain bellowed, trying to rally his men. The archers, despite their fear, notched their enchanted arrows and aimed the thunderbird wreaking havoc above. Harry swooped low again, his talons catching a group of Templars and flinging them aside like ragdolls. As he ascended, a volley of arrows shot up, several finding their mark. Harry let out a screech of pain and anger, his eyes blazing with fury. The arrows, enchanted with runes for speed, power, and durability, pierced his feathers and flesh, sending jolts of pain through his body.

Angered by the attack, Harry's retaliation was swift and merciless. He summoned a massive bolt of lightning that struck the archers, the force of the impact sending bodies flying and reducing their positions to smouldering craters. He flapped his wings, creating a powerful gust that knocked the remaining Templars off their feet.

Lancelot stepped out of the building, his gaze sweeping over the chaotic scene around him. The screams of his men and the thunderous crashes of battle filled the air, but he merely yawned, looking almost bored. "So loud," he muttered, stretching his arms and leaning against the building.

As he stretched, he considered his options. "Should I put my armour on?" he mused aloud, his eyes drifting toward the armoury. At that moment, a massive bolt of lightning struck the armoury, causing it to explode in a spectacular display of fire and debris. Lancelot watched the destruction with mild interest. "Damn... I'll have to look through all that rubble."

He shrugged. "I guess no armour." With that, he reached for his weapon. Durendal, a massive sword with a long handle leading to an even larger blade of black metal, looked more like a giant cleaver. He hefted it with ease, the blade glinting ominously.

Lancelot glanced up at the sky, observing the storm that had formed above the camp. He bent his legs, muscles flexing powerfully, and then he was gone. The ground where he had stood erupted in a shockwave, the sheer force of his departure leaving a crater in his wake. To the untrained eye, it seemed as if he had vanished, but he had simply moved with incredible speed.

In an instant, Lancelot appeared in front of Harry, his leg already in motion. The kick connected with Harry's massive thunderbird body, sending him hurtling towards the ground. Harry had sensed the danger but had been too late to react fully. However, he had the presence of mind to shift out of his animagus form just before impact, avoiding the catastrophic damage that would have occurred to his wings. However the crash was still brutal, sending shockwaves through Harry's body even as magic surged to protect him. He lay on the ground, winded and hurting, the taste of blood in his mouth. Above him, Lancelot stood with Durendal, the massive cleaver-like blade resting easily in his hand.

Lancelot looked down at Harry, who struggled to his feet, his body battered and bruised. Harry tapped into the Philosopher's Stone once more, red sparks flashing around his form as his wounds healed almost instantly.

"Mmm, interesting," Lancelot said, his eyes boring into Harry with an unsettling intensity. "What family are you from, boy?" he asked.

Harry narrowed his eyes, suspicious of the question. "Why do you ask?"

"You look similar to a friend," Lancelot replied, though he quickly sighed. "But I guess it doesn't matter. You've caused quite a hassle for me. Merlin isn't gonna be happy," he added with a sigh, as if discussing a minor inconvenience.

"I can only apologize," Harry said sarcastically, still trying to gauge the man's intentions.

"Mmm, I guess I forgive you, but they'll probably still want me to kill you rather than throw you back in the pit."

Harry stared at him in shock. What the fuck was with this guy? His thoughts were cut short as Lancelot moved, closing the distance between them in an instant. Harry's eyes managed to track the movement, but his body wasn't fast enough to react. Lancelot's fist slammed into his stomach, the force so immense that it would have impaled him if not for the magic he pooled there at the last second.

The impact lifted Harry off his feet, sending him skidding across the ground before crashing through a building's wall and bursting out the other side. Dust and debris filled the air as Harry lay on the ground, gasping for breath, his entire body aching from the brutal attack.

Lancelot stepped through the rubble, his expression unchanged. Harry growled, drawing more of the stone's magic into his body. His wounds healed rapidly, and he felt his muscles bulge with strength. He locked eyes with Lancelot, determination blazing in his gaze.

Harry launched himself at Lancelot, his enhanced speed and strength driving his attacks. He aimed a powerful punch at Lancelot's head, but the Templar dodged effortlessly, countering with a knee to Harry's ribs. The impact was like a sledgehammer, sending Harry staggering back, gasping for breath. Harry touched the ground, transfiguring the terrain into jagged spikes that erupted toward Lancelot. The Templar leapt over the spikes with ease, closing the distance with blinding speed. He delivered a swift kick to Harry's chest, cracking ribs and sending him crashing into a nearby wall.

Ignoring the pain, Harry summoned golems from the earth, the massive creatures lumbering toward Lancelot. The Templar smashed through them easily, his fists and legs a blur. He punched through a golem's chest, shattering it into rubble, and kicked another in the head, decapitating it.

Harry tried to use his wandless transfiguration to conjure animals to attack Lancelot. A bear lunged at the Templar, but Lancelot sidestepped and delivered a crushing blow to its skull, killing it instantly. A wolf leapt at him, only to be caught mid-air and thrown into a nearby boulder, its body breaking on impact.

Harry noticed Lancelot barely used Durandal, preferring his fists and legs to dispatch his attacks which pissed him off… though when he first used it Harry could feel his hair stand on his arms. A quick slash from the indestructible blade cleaved through a golem, and he used the flat of the blade to knock Harry off his feet. Harry, refusing to give up, transfigured the ground beneath Lancelot into a pit of quicksand. The Templar leapt out of the trap and delivered a powerful elbow strike to Harry's jaw, sending him sprawling. Blood sprayed from Harry's mouth as he hit the ground hard.

Harry's vision blurred, but he refused to back down. He drew more magic from the Philosopher's Stone, feeling his body surge with power. He lunged at Lancelot, landing a punch that sent the Templar stumbling back. But Lancelot recovered quickly, countering with a spinning kick that sent Harry crashing into a tree. He then closed the distance and landed a devastating punch to Harry's shoulder, dislocating it. Harry roared in pain but used the momentum to deliver a powerful uppercut that actually made Lancelot take a step back. Harry didn't let up. He conjured more spikes from the ground, trying to impale Lancelot, but the Templar dodged and weaved through them. He closed the distance with terrifying speed, landing a punch to Harry's gut that made him double over, gasping for air. Lancelot grabbed Harry by the hair and kneed him in the face, breaking his nose further and sending blood splattering. He tossed Harry aside like a ragdoll, watching as the boy struggled to get up. Harry's vision blurred, and he could taste blood in his mouth. But luckily the stone healed his body faster than Lancelot could damage it.

Drawing on the endless well of magic, Harry summoned a massive rock golem, larger and more powerful than the others. It lumbered toward Lancelot, swinging its enormous fists. Lancelot ducked under the first punch, delivered a crippling kick to the golem's knee, and then used Durandal to cleave its head in two.

With the golem defeated, Lancelot turned back to Harry. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, stepping forward. Harry's eyes blazed with intensity. Though he didn't have his wand, it had never been a problem before. His body sparked blue as he shouted, "Fulminos Mortis!" A powerful stream of lightning, enhanced by his animagus nature, shot towards Lancelot.

Lancelot stabbed Durandal into the ground. The stream hit the sword and split around it, leaving Lancelot unharmed behind the barrier. When the lightning finally died down, Lancelot stood there with a blank expression. "This has been a good post-breakfast workout, but I think it's time for you to die. I still need to have my second breakfast and elevensies," he said calmly.

He rushed at Harry, Durandal slicing through the air. Harry managed to move at the last second, but not fast enough to avoid losing his arm and part of his shoulder. He screamed in pain, the agony searing through his body.

Lancelot moved to finish the job, but was suddenly launched away when a strange-shaped ball collided with his side, sending him smashing through a building. Harry quickly healed, his eyes widening as he saw Yuki catch the ball effortlessly. It wasn't a ball, he realized, but a creature of some sort.

"Yuki, what're you doing here? Why haven't you left?" Harry asked, breathing heavily.

"That's Yuki-sensei to you, and why would I leave my only student here to get bullied by this asshole?" she replied, walking closer to him. "Plus, I owe this guy a beat down," she added, punching one fist into the other.

Following Yuki was Miguel, who rushed to Harry's side, asking if he was okay. Harry nodded and asked where the others were. Miguel explained how Yaga was looking after them.

At this point, Lancelot appeared in front of them, rubbing his side with a pout. "That stung," he said. Yuki glared at him and rushed forward. They engaged in a brutal hand-to-hand combat bout, fists and legs flying. Lancelot's movements were swift and powerful, but Yuki matched him blow for blow. They collided with a clash of kicks, pushing each other away.

Yuki's eyes glowed as she activated her ability, and her body seemed to shimmer for a moment. She added mass to herself, not slowing her movements but enhancing the force behind every strike. She spun and delivered a high kick aimed at Lancelot's head. He ducked, countering with a punch to her midsection. Yuki twisted, deflecting his fist and driving her elbow into his ribs. The added mass behind her strike sent him stumbling back with more force than expected. Lancelot grunted but didn't falter. He grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her back, but she used the momentum to flip over his shoulder, landing gracefully on her feet. Lancelot lunged forward, aiming a series of rapid punches at Yuki. She blocked and parried each one; then countered with a knee strike to his gut, but he twisted away, bringing his elbow down toward her head. Yuki blocked the blow with her forearm, then retaliated with a roundhouse kick that connected with his jaw, sending him stumbling back.

Yuki glared at Lancelot and swung Garuda, the worm-like creature extending and wrapping around his leg. She yanked hard, pulling Lancelot off balance. He countered by slashing Durandal downwards, cutting through the ground as Yuki leapt back to avoid the blade. The impact sent cracks spider-webbing through the stone floor. Lancelot was quick to recover, lunging at Yuki with Durandal aimed at her chest. She sidestepped, Garuda rolling into a ball, which she hurled at Lancelot's head. He ducked, but she was already on him, delivering a knee to his ribs that forced him to stagger back.

Lancelot swung Durandal horizontally, and Yuki parried with Garuda, the force pushing her back a few steps. She immediately counterattacked, Garuda snapping out like a whip to strike at Lancelot's midsection. He deflected it with Durandal, spinning and bringing the sword down towards her shoulder. Yuki narrowly avoided the blow, feeling the wind from the blade brush past her.

Garuda extended again, wrapping around Lancelot's arm. She added mass, pulling hard and slamming him into a nearby wall, causing the stones to crumble. Lancelot retaliated by tearing Garuda off his arm and slashing at Yuki. She barely managed to parry, the impact sending her skidding back. She adjusted her grip and swung Garuda in a wide arc, aiming for his legs.

Lancelot jumped, avoiding the strike and landing with Durandal poised to attack. He swung in a tight arc, but Yuki was already moving, dodging and striking with Garuda. The worm-like creature snapped against Lancelot's side, adding mass to amplify the force. He grunted but managed to stay on his feet, retaliating with a swift kick that sent Yuki stumbling.

Yuki quickly recovered, Garuda shifting into a ball that she used to block Lancelot's next slash. She then rolled Garuda into his legs, tripping him up and delivering a powerful punch to his jaw. Lancelot's head snapped back, but he retaliated immediately, driving a knee into her stomach that forced the air from her lungs. She coughed but didn't back down, using Garuda to whip at his exposed side.

The environment around them took a beating. Walls crumbled, and the ground shattered under the force of their attacks. Dust filled the air, making it hard to see, but neither combatant slowed. Lancelot drove Durandal into the ground, using it as leverage to kick Yuki in the chest. She flew back, crashing into a pile of rubble. She immediately rolled to her feet, Garuda snapping out to entangle Lancelot's leg again. She pulled, adding mass to drag him off his feet. He hit the ground hard, but before Yuki could capitalize, he rolled away and sprang up, Durandal at the ready.

Yuki used Garuda as a staff to block Lancelot's strikes, feeling the impact rattle her bones. She shifted tactics, adding mass to Garuda and using it as a battering ram. She charged, slamming it into Lancelot's side and sending him crashing through a wall. Lancelot emerged from the rubble, barely phased, and swung Durandal. Yuki parried, the blade narrowly missing her. She retaliated with a roundhouse kick to his ribs, adding mass to the strike. He grunted but didn't falter, grabbing her leg and throwing her into the ground.

Yuki struggled to keep up with Lancelot. He smashed through walls, sending debris everywhere. Each swing of Durandal was a force of nature, tearing through the ground and sending shockwaves through the air. Yuki parried and dodged, but she was getting slower, her movements less precise.

Lancelot's relentless attacks took their toll. Yuki felt her muscles ache, and her breaths came in ragged gasps. Garuda lashed out, but Lancelot deflected it, his strikes coming harder and faster. He kicked her into a pile of rubble, and she barely managed to roll away from a crushing blow that shattered the ground where she had been.

The environment was in ruins. Buildings collapsed, and the ground was littered with debris. Yuki tried to counterattack, but Lancelot was always a step ahead. He landed a heavy punch to her gut, knocking the wind out of her and cracking her ribs. She stumbled, and he followed up with a brutal kick that sent her sprawling. Yuki got to her feet, but she was visibly weakened. Lancelot showed no signs of fatigue.

Harry watched Yuki struggle, his eyes narrowing. "We need to help her," he said, turning to Miguel.

Miguel laughed. "That's a good joke, my friend."

Harry's serious expression wiped the smile off Miguel's face. "Fine," Miguel cursed, shaking his head.

Seeing Lancelot about to deliver the finishing blow, both of them jumped into the fray, hitting Lancelot with their hardest punches. The impact sent Lancelot back a dozen meters, surprising him. Yuki glanced at them, annoyed. "Butt out," she snapped.

"Less talk, more fight," Harry retorted as Lancelot rushed them.

They fought together, Harry, Yuki, and Miguel moving in unison. Harry took the brunt of the lethal blows, his body absorbing the damage to protect the others. He changed the terrain, spikes erupting from the ground and rocks flying through the air to aid their attacks.

Lancelot countered, he swung Durandal, parrying Yuki's strikes and dodging Miguel's punches. Harry threw himself at Lancelot, taking a hit that would have killed Yuki, and countered with a powerful punch to Lancelot's gut. Miguel followed up with a flurry of punches, each one connecting with Lancelot's torso. Yuki swung Garuda, the whip cracking against Lancelot's side. They pushed him back, forcing him to defend against their relentless assault.

Harry shifted the ground beneath Lancelot's feet, causing him to stumble. Yuki took advantage, delivering a powerful kick to his chest. Miguel aimed for Lancelot's head, but he dodged and countered with a swift punch that sent Miguel sprawling.

Harry created a wall of earth to block Lancelot's advance, giving Yuki and Miguel a moment to recover. Lancelot smashed through it, only to be met by Harry's fierce punch to his jaw, sending him reeling. Yuki and Miguel were back on their feet, attacking in sync.

Lancelot swung Durandal, narrowly missing Yuki's head. She ducked and retaliated with a quick jab to his ribs. Harry and Miguel flanked him, each landing heavy blows that forced Lancelot to retreat a few steps.

They continued their assault; rocks and debris flew at Lancelot, distracting him long enough for Yuki to land a powerful strike with Garuda, wrapping it around his leg and pulling him off balance. Lancelot frowned, slashing at the whip to free himself. Miguel took the opportunity to land a solid punch to Lancelot's face, followed by Harry driving his knee into Lancelot's stomach.

Lancelot kicked Harry away, sending him sprawling across the ground. He caught Miguel's fist mid-air and, with a brutal twist, threw him into Yuki. Both of them crashed into a heap, dazed and struggling to rise. Lancelot raised Durandal, ready to cut them in half.

Just then, a ringing echoed through the chaos. Lancelot paused, his expression shifting from one of intense focus to mild annoyance. He stabbed Durandal into the ground and reached into his pocket, pulling out a phone. He answered it, much to the shock of everyone present.

"Hello? Boss?" Lancelot said. He listened for a moment, occasionally nodding and responding with "uh huh," "huh," "yeah," and "are you sure?" His face twisted in confusion. "No, there are still some alive. Dark lord? Okay, I'll be right there."

He hung up and slipped the phone back into his pocket. Picking up Durandal, he turned and began to walk away. Harry, struggling to his feet, shouted at him.

Lancelot turned back, his expression indifferent. "I have new orders. See ya," he said. Without another word, he continued walking. The rest of the Templars, who had been watching the fight, followed him without question. Harry breathed heavily, his body aching as he fell to his knees. He stared after Lancelot, not fully comprehending what had just transpired.


A couple of miles away from the camp, Harry, Yaga, Yuki, and Miguel stood in a small clearing, saying their goodbyes. Yuki punched Harry playfully on the shoulder. "Look me up if you ever come to Japan. We can continue our training."

Yaga nodded appreciatively. "Thank you for helping us escape. If you ever need a place, consider the school I teach at."

Harry nodded. "Thank you. Both of you. For everything."

Yuki and Yaga smiled, gave one last nod, and walked away. Harry turned to Miguel. "Thank you, for everything."

Miguel smiled, clasping arms with him. "It's what friends do."

Harry cracked a small smile. "Yeah, it is."

"What will you do now?" Harry asked.

Miguel looked thoughtful. "Go back to my family. It's been a long time since they've seen me. What about you?"

Harry glanced over at Apolline, who sat with Ciri and Yennefer. Yennefer seemed to be recovering now that her magic had returned. "I'll try to find a place for Ciri and Yennefer and take Apolline home. Then, I guess I'll go back to Hogwarts."

Miguel brought him into a hug, slapping his back. "Don't feel pressured to go back until you're ready, my friend."

Harry nodded, appreciating his friend's words. "Good luck to you."

"And to you," Miguel said as he started to walk away.

Harry watched him for a few moments before turning and walking back to the others. "Let's get you guys home," he said as he started shifting into his Animagus form.

(AN: A bit of an abrupt ending but I don't like sappy stuff, anyway the prison arc is over and now we move onto the final part. The war arc, which shall end with the final confrontation between two wizards and two dark lords. I hope you guys have enjoyed this alternative year 1. And I hope you've enjoyed the way I've handled the Philosophers stone, with Harry basically using it like a FMA homunculus. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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