In a small village on the outskirts of the Wushu Guan, a child was born to humble farmers. Her name was Meili Zino, meaning "beautiful dream." From a young age, it was clear that she was a child with a rare spark, filled with laughter and joy. Her hair was a vibrant red, like her mother's, and her eyes were a deep brown, like her father's. She took after her mother in many ways, from her fiery personality to her ability to make others smile.

When Meili was only a few years old, she began to show signs of extraordinary abilities. She could heal small wounds just by touching them, and she could sense the thoughts and feelings of others. Her parents recognized that she was special, and they sent her to train at a dojo called the School Of Iron Fist. Meili showed great potential to be a Kung Fu warrior, and her love for the art was evident from the beginning.

The School of Iron Fist was a massive temple nestled at the top of a mountain at the northern forest region, its towers and spires stretching into the clouds. The students wore white robes with the symbol of the school, a red fist, emblazoned on the chest. They trained from dawn to dusk, perfecting their martial arts skills and honing their gifts. They learned to harness their chi, and life force energy, to activate their special abilities and perform feats of strength.

On her day of enrollment , Meili was told she would be away from her family and home for a long time and would be given hostels to stay in during their training, and Meili would have to leave her familiar surroundings behind. Meili stood on the top of the mountain, the wind whipping her hair and robes. She stared out at the valley below, the sun rising over the misty hills. It was a beautiful sight, but Meili's mind was elsewhere. She thought about her parents, who had dropped her off at the dojo earlier that morning. They had told her that this was an important step in her life, but Meili couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

"Oi, newbie! You gonna stand there all day?". Meili turned to see a tall boy standing behind her, arms crossed over his chest. His black hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and his eyes were the color of ice. He looked down at Meili with a smirk on his face. Meili squared her shoulders and stood up straight, determined not to let him intimidate her.

"Is there a problem?" she said, her voice steady and strong.

The boy snorted. "You new kids are always so full of fire. That'll get knocked out of you soon enough."

Meili narrowed her eyes. "Is that a threat?" Meili asked, her tone daring him to say yes.

The boy laughed, the sound harsh and mocking. "You're a funny one. But I don't have time to play games with you. Come on, the others enrolling are at the classroom waiting."

He turned and started walking down the path that led to the dojo class room. Meili stood still for a moment, her mind racing. Who was this boy, and what did he mean by "knocking the fire out" of her? Meili took a deep breath and followed the boy down the path, her heart pounding in her chest. As Meili approached the classroom, she could hear the murmur of voices coming from inside. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped inside.

There were other students at the dojo with diverse backgrounds and reasons for joining. Each of them from different clans , but all united by a common goal: to become the best Wushu Guan warriors they could be.

There was a boy named Kai, who caught the attention of those around him with his charming looks and brown, wavy hair. Though he drew stares and whispers from those around him, he also carried a sad, dark history. Tragically, his mother died when he was an infant, leaving him without a parent in the world. He was sold into slavery as a young child, and forced to work hard on a cruel man's farm. As a young child, Kai developed a deep sense of injustice. Despite the unfairness and cruelty of his life, he vowed to make something of himself, to become strong and powerful. He was determined to find a way to escape his circumstances and build a better life for himself. His desire for strength burned within him, and it only grew as he grew older.

There was another first-year student who was enrolled in the same class as Meili. Her name was Lei Hanzo, She hailed from the Hanzo clan, a powerful and prestigious family, and her father was the leader of the clan. Lei was the granddaughter of Shimon Hanzo, a legendary warrior renowned for his strength and skill. Lei grew up in a world of privilege, where she was expected to excel in everything she did.

There was also a young boy named Kagawa Wang, from a middle-class family. Although he had no special talent in kung fu, Kagawa was a hard worker who never gave up. He was kind and friendly to everyone, but sometimes he felt ashamed because of looks and size. Despite these challenges, Kagawa was determined to become a great warrior and make his family proud. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was up for the challenge.

Then a young woman named Lian, who was another student also at the dojo at the time. She had been orphaned at a young age and the dojo took her in and trained her to be a warrior, but she always felt like an outsider and didn't belong to any of the clans. Lian was extremely shy and introverted, with purple hair that sometimes looked violet in the light, and a beautiful smile.

Another character was Jaggy, a member of the Tokugawa clan. A clan that possessed the special ability to control elements. He was known for his quirky and clumsy personality, he was always getting into trouble, bumping into things and accidentally causing objects to float away. Despite his clumsiness, he wasn't hated by anyone. But sometimes his antics got him into more trouble than he bargained for, and he often ended up on the receiving end of some well-deserved beatings.

These are some of the freshmen's who enrolled into the "school of iron fist " with Meili. The first year was full of highly talented children with different back stories. So as all freshmen entered enter the classroom to engage in a welcome orientation, all students where asked about their Clans and what they want to achieve in the future.

First up was a student named Kagawa from the Wang Chun clan. "I'm Kagawa, and I come from a long line of Wang chun warriors. I'm excited to learn new fighting techniques and I know people think my clan warriors for ages haven't proven to be respectful clan but I'm here to prove most people wrong and make my clan proud." He said, bowing respectfully.

As he ended, another student named jaggy responded "yeah , tough luck fatso " and the class bust into laughter . Meili saw Kagawa's face fall, and she felt a wave of anger and indignation wash over her. She felt a desire to stand up and defend Kagawa, but she wasn't sure what to say. The laughter was starting to die down, and she had to decide quickly.

She took a deep breath and turned to look at Jaggy.


"That's not very nice." She said, her voice shaking a little.

Jaggy's expression turned from smug to surprised in an instant. He clearly hadn't expected anyone to stand up for Kagawa. The class fell silent, watching the two students with wide eyes. Meili's heart was racing, but she wasn't about to back down now.

"I-I think Kagawa's pretty brave for coming here and trying to make his clan proud." She said, meeting Jaggy's gaze head-on.

Jaggy's face turned red with anger. "Well, I think he's a pathetic loser who doesn't deserve to be here." He retorted.

Then Lei intruded into the conversation and took the side of jaggy. "Who are you to say that, do you actually know the history of the Wang chun clan , they aren't even supposed to be around now . They were the clan that took sides against Lord Rukh and our clan during the Battle of Wushu Guan ages ago".

The class gasped as Lei's words hit home. The Battle of Wushu Guan was a dark time in the history of the land, and it was something that was rarely discussed. Meili felt her cheeks flush, and her hands began to shake. She didn't know the full history of the Wang Chun clan, but she knew that Kagawa didn't deserve to be judged by the actions of his ancestors.

"That was a long time ago!" She said, her voice rising in volume. "Kagawa is not responsible for what happened then, and he has every right to be here."

The tension In the room was palpable, and Meili could feel everyone's eyes on her. She was trembling with anger and fear, but she was determined to stand her ground. Kagawa looked at her with a mixture of surprise and gratitude, and she gave him a small nod. Then, to her surprise, she heard a voice speak up in her defense.

"I agree with Meili," Fuse said, her soft voice carrying an air of conviction. "A person's past does not define them. We should judge them by their actions in the present, not by whatever happened long ago. Kagawa had no control over what happened in the battle, he wasn't even there. It's not fair to hold him accountable for something he didn't even know about." The others turned to look at her, surprised to hear her speak up.

Before Fuse could reply, Lei interrupted, her voice brimming with rage. "How can you defend him when your clan was also a part of the traitors who fought against us?" Fuse froze, and Meili could see the pain in her eyes. Lei's words were a reminder of the suffering that Fuse's family had endured during the Battle of Wushu Guan.

"My clan was forced to join forces against their will." Fuse said, her voice shaking. "They were threatened and coerced, and they had no choice but to follow orders. At least that's what my mom told me."


The Si-Fu slammed the table in front of her cutting through the tension, and everyone turned to look at her. "That's enough!" She said, her tone stern but not unkind. "This discussion is getting out of hand, and we need to remember why we are here. We are all here to learn, and to become warriors. We must remember that respect and honor are the foundations of our training, and we must not let our emotions get the best of us."

The room fell silent, and the Si-Fu looked at each student in turn. "I want to hear from each of you. What you hope to accomplish in this dojo?"

Next was Lei from the Hanzo clan. "My name is Lei Hanzo, granddaughter of Shimon Hanzo. I've been training in the art of stealth since I was a child, and I look forward to honing my skills here at the dojoas I edge closer to following my father and grandfather's legacy on becoming the next great leader of Hanzo clan." She said, her eyes shining with determination.

Jaggy was called up next, "I may not have the same kind of talent as some of the other students here, but the dojo will give me the opportunity to find my own strength." Jaggy said, a new determination in his voice. "I want to horn and develop my skills use what I've learned here to help others, to be the next leader of my clan."

"That is a noble goal, Jaggy." The Si-Fu said, a hint of pride in her voice.

The Si-Fu called out the names of the new students one by one, and Kai sat motionless in his seat, eyes fixed on the ceiling. When his name was finally called, he stood up slowly, his expression cold and unreadable. He scanned the room, his gaze finally settling on the Si-Fu. "I am here to become stronger," he said in a clear, determined voice. "I will not be weak again. I will learn to defend myself and never be taken by surprise." There was a hint of steel in his voice, a sense of resolve that belied his calm demeanor.

The Si-Fu let out a small "hmph" as she considered Kai's words. There was a brief silence, broken only by the sound of the students' breathing. Then, the Si-Fu spoke, her voice as serene as ever. "It's good that you want to become strong, but I must ask – what is your purpose in becoming strong? What do you hope to achieve by becoming powerful? Do you have something you wish to protect?" Her question hung in the air, leaving everyone to wonder what Kai's answer would be.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kai responded, "I understand that the martial arts world is all about competition. Not everyone can or will become a warriors. Only the strongest and most skilled are chosen, I am here to become one of those chosen few not just that but also become the strongest. I wish to test my strength with a lot of competent warriors and be victorious no matter what. I want to be the best of the best, the strongest warrior in the land. And I want this not just to gain glory or fame, but because I need the strength to protect myself, to be prepared for anything that comes my way. I must become my own hero." His words were resolute, filled with determination and focus.

And awkward silence raised throughout the class for a moment.

With a slight smile, the Si-Fu replied, "You are correct in many ways, but I must also point out that being a warrior is not only about honing your own skills and strength. It is also about working together with others, as a team. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, and by supporting each other, we can become a force to be reckoned with. So while it is admirable to want to protect yourself, it is also important to remember that true warriors also protect those around them." She continued "To be a true warrior in wushu guan, one must not only fight for oneself, but also fight for the sake of others around him. And one day maybe you might be the one who need saving."

The other students began to murmur amongst themselves, some nodding in agreement. But Kai remained unfazed, "whatever", he scoffed,his expression unchanged.

The Si-Fu studied him for a moment, and then nodded. " Anyways, Welcome to School Of Iron Fist, Kai. "

The next student to present was Ryou from the sukuna clan. "I am Ryou, and I come from a long line of potentially powerful sukuna warriors. I am excited to be here and learn the ways of the sukuna clan." He said, a slightly suspicious smile on his face as he faced kai. Kai couldn't help but feel unsettled with the way Ryou stared at him. He decided to himself to keep an eye on Ryou for the time being.

Then a girl named Koko from the Tokugawa Clan . "Hello, my name is Koko, and I come from the Tokugawa Clan. I hope to use my training here to help my clan and Wushu Guan in any way I can." She said, her voice full of pride.

"And now, we'd like to introduce the final student, Meili." The Si-Fu announced, turning to Meili with a warm smile. Meili stood up with haste and said "Hi, my name Meili, and I'm from the Zino Clan." She said, trying to sound confident. " I'm looking forward to learning new things and making new friends here at the dojo." She looked out at the other students, hoping for a friendly face.

"It's nice to meet you, Meili." A voice said from the back of the room. It was fuse, she seemed to take a liking to her.

As the discussions were over , the Si-Fu led the new students on a tour of the dojo's sprawling grounds. As they walked, she pointed out various features of the dojo, each one more impressive than the last. "Over there is the armory, where you can find weapons and armor to match your fighting style," he said, gesturing towards a large building. "And over there is the library, filled with ancient texts and scrolls on the art of war." He pointed to a towering building, its walls lined with shelves of books. The Si-Fu continued, "Beyond that is the gymnasium, where you can train your body to become stronger and faster." He gestured towards a large, open space filled with training equipment. "Finally, at the end of the grounds, you will find the arena, where you can test your skills in combat." The students looked towards the arena, their eyes wide with excitement. It was a massive, circular space, with a floor made of sand and a tall, stone wall around the perimeter. "We will begin your training with an introduction to the basics of martial arts," the Si-Fu said.

As the class was about to leave, the Si-Fu cleared his throat and called out, "Before you go, I would like to make a small announcement." All the students turned to look at her, curiosity etched on their faces. "I too have my story to share." She said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "You see, I am not just your teacher, I am also a proud member of the Wang clan."

The students' jaws dropped, and Lei's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that the teacher, who had always seemed so ordinary, was actually a member of a family she despised.

As the class drew to a close, the students were abuzz with questions for their teacher. "What is your name, ma'am?" one student asked. "And why haven't you told us before?" another chimed in.

The Si-Fu smiled, and replied, "You may call me Miss Mei. As for why I have not revealed my name before, it is because my name is not as important as the teachings I will impart to you."

The students went silent, their minds racing with questions.