As the class ended, the students were given the opportunity to explore the training grounds and have a bit of fun with their newfound skills. Most of the students jumped at the chance, but Kai decided to leave the dojo instead. As he was walking away, Ryou noticed him and called out a challenge. But to his dismay, Kai ignored him and kept walking. Infuriated, Ryou picked up a nearby stick and hurled it at Kai, only to be shocked when he caught it without even looking.

CRACK! (Kai snapped the stick!)

Ryou taunted loudly, "Are you scared?"

Kai gave no outward sign of acknowledgement, but inside, he felt a familiar heat rising within him.

Ryou's words lingered in the air, daring him to react.

In a steady voice, Kai said, "If you want a fight, I'm ready. But don't expect I go easy on you."

His tone was serious and resolute, and Ryou knew he meant every word.

Ryou smirked, accepting the challenge. "We'll see about that." He said, his eyes looking determined to win.

The two boys stood facing each other, the tension between them palpable.

Then after, at the count of three, they rushed towards each other, ready to fight.As the other students cleared the area, Ryou and Kai were left facing each other in the center of the room. The air was charged with anticipation, and tension was thick enough to cut with a knife.


Ryou made the first move, throwing a fierce punch, but Kai dodged it with ease. In a flash, he struck back with a powerful kick, catching Ryou off guard.


Ryou stumbled but regained his footing, his eyes narrowing in concentration. He rushed at Kai, throwing a flurry of punches, but Kai blocked them all, counterattacking with a series of swift strikes. Ryou was no match for Kai's speed and precision, and he knew it.

The battle was escalating, and Ryou was determined not to give up, even as the odds seemed stacked against him. He began to increase his speed and intensity, but Kai was unfazed. He was quick and clever, using Ryou's size and strength to his own advantage. The two combatants were locked in a fierce dance of blows and counters, their movements a blur of speed and grace.

As the battle raged on, Meili and the other students watched in tense anticipation, their eyes wide with wonder and anxiety. They marveled at Kai's calm and precise movements, each strike expertly executed with a surgeon's precision. Lei, in particular, found herself enthralled by Kai's skill, shouting encouragement at the top of her lungs. "Come on, Kai! You've got this!" she yelled, her voice quavering with excitement. Meili couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at Lei's unabashed enthusiasm.

Ryou began to tire, his breath coming in short gasps , Kai also beginning to feel some strain. Ryou's anger was beginning to get the best of him, and he began to make careless mistakes. Kai took advantage of this, landing a series of blows that sent Ryou staggering back. But Ryou was not easily defeated, and he came back with renewed vigor, landing a solid punch to Kai's jaw.

Kai tasted blood, then a devilish look came upon kai and countered with a sweeping kick that knocked Ryou hard to the ground.


Kai was about to take things to far but before he could make any more actions, WHOOSH!

A man white hair and charming looks and glowing blue eyes was able to come separate them in the nick of time. The white-haired man moved with such speed and grace that it was as if he had simply teleported to where the boys were fighting. The students were in awe of this man, who seemed to move with the agility of a warrior and the calmness of a monk.

He stood between Kai and Ryou, his hands outstretched to keep them apart. "That's enough." He said, his voice firm but gentle. "There is no need for violence here you can store that anger for another time against a real enemy."

Kai looked at Ryou, still breathing heavily and filled with anger.

As the man turned to speak to the students, Kai turned on his heel and walked away without a word. His body language was stiff and his expression cold. It was clear that he had no respect for the man who had stepped in to stop the fight. Lei was outraged, and her words were dripping with sarcasm. "Gee, thanks for making him even angry, genius," she said . But the white-haired man remained unfazed, a small smirk playing on his lips as he watched Kai walk away. He then turned to the remaining students, his expression calming.

The man addressed the students, his voice clear and authoritative. "Welcome to my dojo," he said. "I understand that there was a disagreement between you, but fighting your comrade is never the answer. I expect you to be respectful to one another's ideals and try to coexist with it. I know it can be difficult, but it is essential to your growth as martial artists and find solutions in missions. Now, tell me what really happened." He said, trying to keep his voice steady. "We were discussing the principles of the dojo, and we had different opinions," Ryou said trying to hide the fact it was challenge from him and it went out of line .His tone was measured and controlled, but underneath the surface, he was still seething with anger. He knew he had to give a convincing account of what had happened, but he wasn't sure how much he could get away with. He was worried that the man would see through his lies.

The man listened Intently, his gaze steady and unwavering. "A disagreement is not a reason to fight." He said, his words firm but not unkind. "You must learn to disagree with one another in a respectful and productive way."

Ryou nodded, acting like he understood.

Meili finally spoke up, addressing the white-haired man directly. "Excuse me, but who exactly are you?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

The man turned to face her, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, you're full of questions, aren't you?" he said. "But for now, let's just say that I'm here to help. And maybe, if you're lucky, I'll tell you more about myself."

His enigmatic response only served to pique Meili's interest further, but she decided to hold her tongue for now.

Fuse walked up to Meili, a determined expression on her face. "Hey, Meili," she said, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Would you be up for a little sparring session?"

Meili turned to face Fuse, her eyes widening in surprise. "You want to spar with me?" she asked, a hint of gratitude in her voice. "Of course! Let's go," she replied, a smile breaking out on her face.

Fuse returned the smile, sensing that this was more than just a friendly offer to practice.

Kagawa also approached Meili with a shy, hesitant air. "Thank you." He said, his voice soft and a little unsure. "For the way you came at my aid earlier today, I mean. I… appreciate it." He blushed a little, feeling embarrassed by the emotions that were swirling through him. He had never felt this way before, and he didn't quite know how to handle it.

Meili smiled, her heart warming at his gratitude. "It was nothing." She said, trying to downplay her actions. "I just thought it was unfair, the way Lei was treating you." "Kagawa, why don't you join Fuse and me for some sparring practice?" Meili asked, a friendly grin on her face. "It might help to relieve some of the tension you're feeling, and it would be fun to train with all three of us."

Kagawa blinked, taken aback by the invitation. He had never considered training with Meili or Fuse, but now that the idea was presented to him, he found himself intrigued. "That sounds great," he said, a small smile breaking through his nerves. "I would love to join you."

As the three of them practiced together, it became evident that Meili was the most skilled martial artist of the group. Her movements were smooth and precise, her form flawless, as if she had been born to practice this art. Her agility and grace made her a force to be reckoned with, and she moved with a sense of confidence and self-assurance that the others could only aspire to emulate.

Kagawa and Fuse watched in awe as Meili executed her movements, their own forms seeming clumsy and unrefined in comparison. Fuse and Kagawa watched her in awe, unable to believe the level of skill she possessed. "You're amazing." Fuse said, his voice full of admiration. "How did you get so good?"

"I've been training for a long time." Meili replied, smiling modestly. "But I'm always learning. There's always room for improvement."

As they watched, a thought began to take root in Fuse's mind: could Meili best Lei in a fight? Fuse knew that Lei was a formidable opponent, but Meili's skill seemed unparalleled as a fellow female warrior. But in the midst of her musings, she failed to notice that Lei was also watching Meili, her brow furrowed in concentration. Lei was unaware of the comparisons being made in Fuse's head, but as she saw Meilis performance reaching the eyes of others in the class. She started to feel unease with the way Meili was taking the attention of others in the classroom.

Lei went on to tease Meili, "Your moves are nice, but they lack the special abilities and power that make a true warrior," Lei said, her voice like ice. "You're just a pretty face, all style and no substance. You'll never be as strong or as skilled as me, no matter how much you practice. And by the way, that stunt you pulled the other day, don't try it again. I'll make you regret it." Lei's words were harsh and challenging, and Meili could feel the tension in the air.

Meili felt a flash of anger and frustration, but she took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. "I appreciate the gesture." She said, her voice even and polite. "But I'm not here to compete with you, because I'm setting my sights on the top and you don't look the type I should be bothered with".

Kagawa tried to lighten the mood, saying, "Ouch, that's some cold shade you just threw!" His tone was lighthearted, but the tension was still palpable. Meili and Lei continued to stare at each other, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. It was clear that this was more than just a friendly competition - there was something deeper at play here.

Then moments later, Miss Mei's arrived at the scene and with a commanding voice ringing out across the dojo to avoid anymore drama.

Lei just scoffed and turned away, clearly not convinced by Meili's words.

Then there was a student named koko, she went Miss Mei, who had been watching the whole exchange with a keen eye. She approached the Miss Mei, bowing in respect. "Si-Fu, I have a question for you." She said, trying to keep her voice steady. "Why do some people feel the need to tear others down in order to feel better about themselves?"

Miss Mei's eyes were wise and knowing, as if they could see right through Lei's bravado. "The need to compare oneself to others is a sign of insecurity and weakness." She said, her voice soft but firm.

Koko was a quiet and unassuming girl, content to stay in the background and learn at her own pace. She didn't have any grand ambitions of becoming a great warrior, or of surpassing her peers. All she wanted was to learn the skills she needed to protect herself and her family.

Despite her quiet demeanor, Koko was a diligent student, always practicing her forms and absorbing every lesson the Si-Fu taught. She was observant and took notice of the dynamic between Lei and Meili, but she never commented or got involved. Instead, she focused on her own training, determined to become the best version of herself.

As the sun began to set, the students started to make their way to their hostels, their bodies tired but their spirits still high from the day's training. Some chatted and laughed with each other as they walked in peers, their spirits light and carefree. But in the midst of all the cheer, there was one who felt like an outcast, a lone wolf on the outskirts of the pack. That person was Kai, whose dark mood hung over him like a storm cloud. He left earlier than everyone just after his clash with Ryou. Ryou also felt pissed that he lost but that didn't stop him from associating with his pals , he also thinks he could do better next time.

As Kai left the dojo, his thoughts were a jumble of anger, frustration, and confusion. He couldn't understand why Ryou had to push him to his limits and why the Si-Fu had stepped in to stop the fight. He felt like he hadn't been given a chance to poor out his emotions, and it rankled him deeply.

As he walked home, his steps were heavy and his mind was clouded with dark thoughts. He kicked at a stone in his path, sending it skittering into the gutter. He felt restless and agitated, his mind spinning with unanswered questions.

It happened that a mysterious figure was watching the dojo from the shadows with Their faces hidden in darkness, they were like specters The mysterious figure, hidden in the shadows, observed the dojo from a distance. Their identity was shrouded in mystery, and their motives remained unclear. They watched the scene unfold before them with cold, calculating eyes. They were not affiliated with any of the clans, and seemed to have their own agenda.

One of the figures turned to their companions, their voice low and insistent. "I'm telling you, we shouldn't waste this opportunity. This kid could be a valuable asset to us, if we just reach out to him."

"Enough!" Said another figure, their voice sharp and commanding. "We will not risk everything for a single person. We have to be careful, we don't want to drag attention to ourselves . We have a plan, and we must stick to it."

The others remained silent, though their eyes betrayed a mix of emotions. Some looked anxious, while others appeared intrigued by the thought of having such a powerful ally.