In this world, Wraiths are malevolent spirits that can possess the bodies of mortals, corrupting them from within and amplifying their darkest desires.

Wraiths are mysterious spirits that exist on the fringes of the world, their origins shrouded in mystery. They are drawn to mortals with powerful emotions, such as anger, fear, or grief, and they feed on these emotions, growing stronger with every soul they consume.

Once a Wraith has found a suitable host, it will begin to corrupt the mortal's mind and body, amplifying their negative emotions and turning them into a twisted version of their former selves.

Wraiths are not only drawn to strong emotions, but also to individuals with a unique spiritual resonance that matches their own. This resonance, known as the "Siren's Song," acts like a beacon to Wraiths, allowing them to sense the presence of mortals who are particularly susceptible to their influence.

The Siren's Song is rare, occurring in only a handful of individuals across the world. Those who possess the Song are often powerful warriors, healers, or scholars in martial art, making them highly sought-after targets for Wraiths.

The Wraithbane Astrarch, being a Wraith itself, is able to sense the presence of other Wraiths and is driven by a single-minded purpose: to destroy them all.

However, its quest for destruction is not noble. The Wraithbane Astrarch is a being of immense power and cruelty, its goals fueled by an insatiable hunger for chaos and suffering.

The Wraithbane Astrarch's motivations are far more complex and malevolent than simply wanting to rid the world of Wraiths.

To the Wraithbane Astrarch, the destruction of other Wraiths is a means to an end, the first step in its twisted quest for domination. With all other Wraiths eliminated, the Wraithbane Astrarch will be free to corrupt mortals at will, using their bodies as puppets to bring about the end of days.