The Scandal

As the days passed, the tension at Miyagi Music School continued to mount. Aaron's malicious intentions had been uncovered, and MoMo, Lilia, and Rukia were determined to expose his deceit. Little did they know that trouble was lurking just around the corner, ready to engulf them in a scandal that would rock the school to its core.

One fateful evening, as MoMo, Lilia, and Rukia gathered in the practice room, they discussed their plan to reveal Aaron's true nature. They had gathered evidence of his treacherous actions and were prepared to present it to the school administration.

MoMo, unable to hear their spoken words, communicated through his notebook, his hands moving quickly to convey his determination to clear his name and protect his reputation.

Just as they were about to finalize their plan, a frantic knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Startled, they opened the door to find a group of school administrators and security personnel standing before them.

The head administrator, a stern-looking woman with a no-nonsense demeanor, spoke with an air of authority. "We have received a serious complaint, and we need to speak with MoMo immediately."

MoMo, Lilia, and Rukia exchanged worried glances. They had no idea what the complaint could be, but they knew it must be serious for the school authorities to be involved.

With trepidation, they led the administrators to MoMo's dormitory, where he had been staying since his arrival at the school. As they entered his room, MoMo's heart sank at the sight before him.

The room had been ransacked, and his prized possessions were scattered haphazardly on the floor. But the most shocking discovery was a stack of money, clearly stolen, hidden beneath his mattress.

MoMo's eyes widened in shock as he saw the evidence of the crime that had been planted in his room. He had been framed for theft, and the consequences of such an accusation were dire.

The head administrator turned to MoMo, her expression stern. "MoMo, you are under suspicion of theft and deception. We have received a complaint that you stole a significant sum of money from a fellow student. We will conduct a thorough investigation, and if you are found guilty, you will face severe consequences."

MoMo, unable to believe what was happening, desperately tried to communicate his innocence through sign language and his notebook. But the administrators remained unmoved, their minds seemingly made up.

As news of MoMo's alleged crime spread throughout the school, chaos erupted. Whispers and accusations filled the hallways, and MoMo's reputation, once unblemished, was now tarnished by the scandal.

Lilia and Rukia, determined to uncover the truth, began their own investigation into the theft. They retraced MoMo's steps on the day of the alleged crime, interviewed witnesses, and gathered evidence to prove his innocence.

Their efforts led them to a shocking revelation. Aaron had been seen near the scene of the alleged theft on the day in question. His presence raised suspicions, and Lilia and Rukia were determined to uncover the truth.

They confronted Aaron, who put on a facade of innocence and surprise. "I had nothing to do with this," he protested, his smile never faltering. "Why would I frame MoMo?"

But Lilia and Rukia were not easily deceived. They knew that Aaron was capable of deception and manipulation, and they were determined to uncover the truth.