
MoMo sat in the cold, dimly lit room of the disciplinary committee, his heart heavy with worry. He had been accused of theft, and the evidence, planted in his dormitory, seemed damning. The school's reputation for strict discipline loomed over him, and he knew that his academic life at Miyagi Music School hung in the balance.

The disciplinary committee consisted of stern-faced administrators and teachers who regarded MoMo with a mixture of suspicion and disappointment. The head administrator, Mrs. Ishikawa, spoke with authority, her voice cutting through the tension in the room.

"MoMo, you stand accused of theft and deception," she declared, her gaze unwavering. "The evidence against you is substantial, and your reputation is at stake. We take such matters very seriously."

MoMo, his heart aching with the injustice of it all, tried desperately to communicate his innocence through sign language and his notebook. But the committee members remained unmoved, their expressions unyielding.

Lilia and Rukia sat outside the room, their anxiety palpable. They had been allowed to attend the hearing as MoMo's advocates, but they felt powerless in the face of the school's strict disciplinary process.

As the hearing continued, the committee presented their case against MoMo. They outlined the evidence, which included the stolen money found in his room, as well as statements from witnesses who had allegedly seen him near the scene of the crime.

MoMo's attempts to defend himself, using his notebook and gestures, were met with skepticism. The committee questioned the validity of his statements and seemed determined to find him guilty.

Lilia and Rukia, growing increasingly frustrated by the lack of fairness in the proceedings, tried to interject on MoMo's behalf. They presented their own evidence, including witness statements that contradicted the accusations against MoMo.

But the committee members were resolute in their stance. They dismissed Lilia and Rukia's evidence as unreliable and continued to press their case against MoMo.

As the hearing reached its conclusion, MoMo's heart sank. The disciplinary committee announced that they would need more time to deliberate and would reconvene the following day to deliver their verdict.

MoMo, Lilia, and Rukia left the room, their spirits crushed. The cloud of suspicion that hung over MoMo was suffocating, and they knew that the school's disciplinary process had the power to end his academic career.

Outside the room, they huddled together, their faces etched with worry. "We have to find concrete evidence to prove MoMo's innocence," Lilia declared, her determination unwavering.

Rukia nodded in agreement. "We can't let Aaron get away with this. He's behind all of this, and we need to expose him."

MoMo, his trust in his friends unwavering, signed his gratitude for their support. He knew that they faced an uphill battle, but they were determined to clear his name and uncover the truth.

That night, as MoMo, Lilia, and Rukia huddled in their secret practice room, they devised a plan to gather evidence that would prove MoMo's innocence and expose Aaron's deceit.

But danger loomed in the shadows. Unbeknownst to them, Aaron had become aware of their efforts to uncover the truth. He watched from afar, his sinister smile hidden in the darkness, as MoMo and his friends prepared to challenge the accusations against him.