Quarrel With My Fiancé

However, Greywolf's magnetic voice wavered and broke into a phrase she didn't understand at all.

"Whoosh!" Marigold suddenly sprung up from the bed. The alarm clock was blaring, and it was already 9:30 am.

Glancing at the clean sheets beside her, it was evident that David hadn't returned home again last night. She turned off the alarm and received a message from David.

[Jenny has a night shoot and needs to stay up for makeup. Sweetie, I'll bring home Chan's Chinese dumplings for you when I come back.]

It was just a dream. She was still reminiscing about it. Although it was a dream, the screenshots of Greywolf's page and the donation records on her phone showed that it wasn't just a dream.

She had indeed performed a "striptease" for this mysterious and peculiar rich man, but it was a performance with the camera blocked.

Perhaps ASMR, a live stream that relied only on sound, would be more suitable for her? In any case, she no longer wanted to perform in front of the camera.

The events of that night felt like a dream, a dream that must be buried deep and never mentioned. She had nearly gone astray. She was a woman with a fiancé, about to step into the realm of marriage, and soon she would start a family and become a housewife.

Doing something like this would ruin her future, for sure.

So, after that day, she stopped live streaming, deactivated her account, and worked hard to find a new job.

She also cut off all contact with Greywolf. As for the money Greywolf donated, she kept it in a separate bank account, ready to return it to him if there was ever a chance encounter in the future.

Although she didn't want to hear that seductive voice of the sea monster again, it was too enchanting, like the serpent in Eden tempting her to make mistakes.

But deep down, she still held a glimmer of hope. What if they could meet again?

"Click!" The sound of someone unlocking the door echoed, perhaps David returning from his night shift. She quickly changed into casual home clothes and went out to greet him. It was indeed David.

David had a pair of red eyes due to staying up late. Without even looking at her, he handed over the suitcase and heavy backpack he was carrying.

"Help me run a bath. I need to soak. I'm really exhausted. And you, you really have a good night, uh? While I'm working hard to support the family, you just sleep all day and do nothing for me."

The words Marigold feared the most had come. What did he mean by "supporting the family"? She didn't willingly lose her job either. Finding a stable job now was really difficult, and she had been trying her best.

"I've been looking for a job these past two days. I've been in advanced talks with a company, and they might offer me a position this week. I won't let you bear the burden alone, trust me."

"What job?" David immediately retorted. "Are you sure you'll get hired? You made the same promise for the past 11 months, but you haven't done anything. You haven't contributed a single penny to the household."

Realizing he was getting too worked up and scaring Marigold, he gently caressed her back and continued,

"Not to overreact, but baby, we're getting married, and we can't get married without saving enough money. Everything requires money—rent, car payments, utility bills, your regular check-ups after falling ill.

"And in the future, if we have children, their formula, medical expenses, the cost of upgrading to a bigger house, and even the expenses for my own cosmetics... Cosmetics are expensive nowadays.

"Mary darling, Think about our future. I can't let our future take such risks. If you truly want to marry me, you need to understand and go out to find high-paying jobs. Otherwise, this marriage won't happen."

"I haven't done nothing. I've done all the household chores, prepared your meals, tidied up the house, and paid the gas and parking bills.

"Even the water for your precious showers—you didn't even know it broke two nights ago, and I figured out how to fix it myself. I took a cold shower and shivered under the covers at night... You didn't see any of that."

Of course, he never saw it. He just assumed that clothes magically appeared neatly in the closet and the floor cleaned itself. It was as if everything was taken for granted. These things were happening every day even before she lost her job.

"Oh, how could you think that way! Babe, I'm just saying, look, I work so hard outside, running around like a slave for that high-and-mighty princess Jenny.

"I have to endure all the snide looks and bullying on the set—it's unimaginable how low the status of a makeup artist is! I work so hard, all for the future of the two of us, but you can't understand that. Honestly, I'm hurt, babe, I'm hurt."

"I do understand, Dave. I just want to say that I'm not the worthless person you make me out to be. I'm trying, I've always been trying, whether it's making money or doing household chores..."

"I don't want to hear your excuses, baby. Your only flaw is that you love to defend yourself. It's the arrogance of you intellectuals. Sometimes having a girlfriend with a Ph.D. is like this—I have no status in this house, and even the tiniest flaws of mine are scrutinized by you.

"Have you ever considered my feelings? I'm really working hard to save money for this family, and you, baby, you only know how to spend.

"Don't rush to deny it, but you really don't care about me and show no concern for me. I'm truly heartbroken. Having a boyfriend who thinks about you wholeheartedly is your blessing, but you don't understand how to cherish me."

Marigold couldn't bear to listen any longer. If it were before, she might have argued with David for a few more words, but her mind was no longer there.

She did want to build a family, have a few adorable children if possible, and raise a few cats and dogs. She wanted to buy a villa with a large courtyard in the countryside, with a small garden of her own...

But today, in just that moment, she suddenly doubted if it is necessary to build a family with the person in front of her.

There were 7 billion people on Earth, excluding half of them who were women and the elderly and children, there were still billions of eligible men waiting for her. Did it have to be this person right in front of her?

"Forget it. I'll go run a bath."

She chose to appease David directly with her actions. He must be tired, just like she was, waking up from a long dream, feeling extremely exhausted.

She entered the bathroom, quickly filled the bathtub with water, and hurriedly prepared breakfast in the kitchen. But David went straight to bed without even taking off his clothes. Once again, her personal service turned out to be in vain.

A text message "ding" sounded, it was an email notification from B. Entertainment's HR department. The email informed her that she had passed the interview, and starting tomorrow, she could start working at B. Entertainment.

It was the same company where Jenny, whom David served, belonged to. Essentially, she and David would be colleagues. Her position was a security guard at the company, a challenging job. This was also thanks to her overseas service experience.

Marigold curled up on the sofa, basking in the sunlight, quietly enjoying her breakfast. No matter what, she needed to regain control of her gradually spiraling life. This was also her first formal job in 11 months, and she couldn't afford to mess it up.

B. Entertainment, short for Bennett Entertainment, is the largest entertainment company owned by the Bennett family, the first family of the Kingdom of Teal.

Many famous movie stars are born here. They produce over 60% of the films and entertainment programs each year. Marigold is joining such a company.

Early in the morning, Marigold got up, dressed in her most formal suit, and arrived at the famous Ninth Avenue, where the headquarters of B. Entertainment is located.

Looking at the towering skyscrapers, Marigold felt a sense of pride welling up inside her. She had never worked in such a luxurious place before. Previously, she worked at a small, rundown private museum with a limited collection, but it eventually went bankrupt.

The HR at B. Entertainment heard that she had served overseas for two years, although it was only participating in naval joint training and peacekeeping missions in conflict areas, not actual combat.

However, they looked at her as if she were a superhero, as if she could pull out a machine gun and start shooting at any moment or save an innocent little girl amidst a hail of bullets.

Marigold carefully explained that even if she could before, she couldn't do that now. She could only handle tasks that didn't put too much strain on her body.

So she was assigned to work as a security guard in the building, mainly responsible for monitoring and occasional celebrity escort duty.