My New Boss is Greywolf??

Marigold arrived at the building and explained her purpose to the receptionist, who warmly welcomed her. However, contrary to her expectations, she wasn't directed to the security department but was given a file and instructed to go to the 27th floor.

The 27th floor was already the top floor of the company. It didn't sound like a place where security guards would frequently patrol. Why would she go to such a high floor?

Although Marigold had some doubts, she followed the instructions and went upstairs. David was accompanying Jenny on an outdoor shoot today, so he wouldn't be coming to the headquarters.

But once they became colleagues, she could commute to work with David every day, and they would have more time together.

She couldn't even remember how many nights David had been away on business trips or shooting night scenes, their biological clocks unable to sync, with hardly any communication between them. The only communication gradually turned into arguments.

It could all be salvaged, thanks to this job.

Marigold arrived at the 27th floor, where a stylish young woman came to greet her.

"Welcome, Miss Allard. I'm Lily Whisper. The CEO is currently in a meeting. Since the entire 27th floor is the CEO's office area, let me give you a tour."

Marigold interrupted with a puzzled expression, "I'm sorry, Lily, but I remember my offer letter stated that I would be a security officer. Did you mistakenly receive the wrong person?"

Lily maintained her signature smile and asked, "Are you Miss Marigold Allard?"

Marigold nodded, "Yes."

"Then it's correct. Your official position is CEO Assistant, also doubling as a security officer."

"What?!" Marigold exclaimed. She never expected something so dramatic to happen to her. "Wh... What? CEO? Wasn't I just supposed to monitor CCTV in the control room?"

"Not at all," Lily replied, even more delighted, leading her into the exaggeratedly spacious living room on the 27th floor.

The 27th and 28th floors were actually connected, creating a duplex structure.

In the middle was an impressive multi-story reception area with a giant crystal chandelier hanging from above, exuding grandeur. On the sides were meeting rooms, offices, a private theater for the CEO, a gym, showers, a dining room, a lounge, and more.

It was like moving an entire home into the building. There was even a dedicated room for private collections, housing historically valuable artifacts that left Marigold speechless.

From the 28th floor, there was access to the rooftop, which served as the CEO's private lawn and glass conservatory, filled with exotic flowers and plants.

Marigold took a tour and was amazed. "Are all of these belongings owned by the CEO himself?"

Especially those precious historical artifacts, some of which she had only heard of as an anthropology doctoral student but never seen.

"This is just a small portion. After all, the company is not a museum, and Mr. Bennett cannot bring all his personal collections here. If Miss Allard is interested, you can suggest adding more collections to Mr. Bennett," Lily explained.

"No, no, that's not necessary..." Marigold replied, still not fully grasping the fact that she was going to be the CEO's personal assistant. "This seems to be different from the position mentioned in my offer letter. So what are my job requirements now?"

"Your main task is to fulfill the assignments given by Mr. Brian Bennett, the B. Entertainment CEO. You'll be responsible for his personal security when he is traveling.

"Of course, Mr. Bennett will also have professional bodyguards armed with firearms. Your role will be to protect him from fans and journalists," Lily explained.

Marigold furrowed her brow. Lily quickly added, "Of course, your salary will increase based on your workload. Each time you accompany the CEO on outings, it will be considered a separate task, and you'll receive a bonus. There will also be a generous year-end bonus..."

"Thank you, I understand," Marigold said, her interest piqued when she heard about the money.

"I have another question. Will I frequently accompany the CEO on outings? Will it consume a significant amount of my personal time? Is it dangerous?"

Lily paused for a moment. Marigold already understood what she meant.

"If you have specific requirements regarding working hours or the level of danger involved, you can bring it up with the union. We won't assign you additional tasks beyond your requested scope."

"Alright, I got it," Marigold made a decision without much thought.

Although it was unexpected, everything was negotiable with the right amount of money. "I accept the job. So what do I need to do next? Should I wait for my boss to finish the meeting and come out? I think we need to have a proper introduction."

"No problem," Lily assured her and continued to show her around some other corners. Marigold's feet were starting to ache. Finally, they stopped at the entrance of a large conference room.

"This is the main conference room. They are having a meeting inside. It's about to end soon. You can wait in the CEO's office with me."

Marigold was about to follow Lily when she suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from inside the room. That voice! Even if she became a ghost, she would recognize it. It was Greywolf's voice!

Five minutes later, Marigold was sitting in the CEO's office, sipping the coffee Lily had poured for her. Her mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts and images.

Greywolf? How could he be here? Is he also an employee of B. Entertainment? Will he recognize me?

Marigold's hands started trembling slightly. She was so immersed in her chaotic thoughts that she didn't even notice someone entering the room.

"Mr. Bennett, this is Miss Marigold Allard, who joined today. Marigold, this is your boss, Brian Bennett, the CEO of B. Entertainment," Lily introduced the man who stood deep inside the conference room.

A tall, upright young man stood in front of her. Marigold quickly stood up and discreetly observed him. His handsome and rugged features, the well-fitted lines of his high-end suit—it made Marigold's heart flutter.

He's so handsome. And he has all these precious collections.

He seemed prepared as well, extending his hand with a friendly smile.

Marigold quickly shook his hand and introduced herself enthusiastically.

"You can call me Mary, Mr. CEO. From now on, I'll be responsible for your personal assistant work. I hope we have a pleasant cooperation."

Bennett nodded, seemingly satisfied with her response. Lily decided to give them some space, so she found an excuse and left the room. As the door closed, Marigold became even more nervous, not knowing how to place her hands and feet.

"Well... um... Mr. President, where do we start? What do I need to do?" Marigold's inner voice screamed at her.

This handsome young man seemed to have a great interest in her, not concealing his naked gaze upon her, but he didn't say a word.

To ease the awkward atmosphere, Marigold could only keep chattering and open up a topic.

"Um... Mr. President, Lily just showed me around this floor. Are the items in the collection room personal belongings? They are truly rich. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm a Ph.D. in anthropology and I'm very interested in historical artifacts. I used to work as a guide at a museum..."

Brian nodded slightly as he walked towards a red wine bar on one side, browsing through a variety of bottles. "What would you like to drink, Mary? Red wine, juice, or soda?"

Brian spoke slowly, with a sexy and deep voice that pierced her soul, causing Marigold to jump as if she had been shocked. This was exactly Greywolf's voice! What was going on? Why was it like this?

Marigold widened her eyes and stared intently at the excessively handsome man in front of her. Her trembling lips uttered a choice. "No, I don't need anything, thank you."

"In that case, how about some juice? You'll like it." Brian poured a glass of blood-red liquid, resembling a gemstone, into an excessively beautiful cocktail glass and handed it to her.

She couldn't refuse it out of embarrassment, so she reached out her hand. But accidentally, her hand touched Brian's hand.

His hand had distinct knuckles, and because of his tall stature, his hand was much larger than hers. Faint blue veins were visible on the back of his hand, and the warm skin made her soul tremble.

Marigold recoiled like an electric shock, causing the cup to shake in her hand. However, Brian steadied the cup, preventing it from spilling.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional..."

"It's okay. You can give it a try."

Marigold cautiously took a sip. It was indeed a delicious and sweet juice, as if her taste buds were being kissed by an angel. It was filled with the fragrance of flowers and fruits. Brian also had excellent taste in beverages, befitting the heir of the prestigious Bennett family.

"It's really good. Thank you, Mr. President..."

"Just call me Brian." Brian lowered his head and looked at her gently, his eyes filled with a faint smile.