He Isn't Greywolf?WHY?

Marigold couldn't ignore this voice that she was all too familiar with. For many days, she had dreamt repeatedly about what Greywolf's face might look like. She dreamt about many famous celebrities, but none of their faces seemed more suitable for this voice than the one in front of her. His sharp and rugged jawline exuded explosive hormones. His deep blue eyes seemed to be able to lure away one's soul, mysterious and full of temptation, while his glossy lips always carried a charming smile. He was like a male sea nymph, sexy, masculine, oozing a strong aura of danger, yet irresistibly attractive.

"Brian, um... can I ask you a question?"

"Feel free to ask, Mary. It's a good habit to know your employer well."

"Do you... know someone named Greywolf?"

"What's that? A character from a novel? That's an interesting name."

"Well..." Marigold suddenly hesitated. He didn't know Greywolf? How was that possible? So he wasn't Greywolf? "Have you really never visited a livestream room called SodaMary on the Fantasy channel?"

"What is that? Livestreaming is not an area I'm familiar with. I usually prefer news updates and food forums." Brian's gaze towards her was sharp and full of curiosity. At that moment, she began to doubt herself again.

"In that case... I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone else. I apologize." Marigold quickly lowered her head and took small sips of her drink, trying to cover up the awkward atmosphere.

Brian laughed and walked back to his exaggerated office desk, sitting in the boss chair. "Interesting, it's the first time I've heard of someone mistaking me for someone else. So, there is another man out there who looks similar to me, someone Mary knows? Hmm, it doesn't feel good in my heart. If you have the time, you can introduce me to him."

"I don't mean to offend, but you seem familiar to me. Have we met before?" Marigold didn't give up. As someone who was meeting for the first time, Brian seemed a little too familiar, as if he had already inquired about every aspect of her. "Including my job. During the interview, it wasn't mentioned that I would be receiving a CEO assistant position, perhaps even responsible for your security. Can you tell me why?"

Brian gave a charming smile that stirred something in Marigold's heart. "Don't you think this is fate? I happen to need an assistant, and you happen to need a job. It's like we were destined to meet. There's no greater coincidence in the world. So, Miss Allard, would you be willing to work as my assistant?"

Marigold nervously lowered her head and squeezed the glass in her hand. The blood-red liquid in the glass was already empty, but the residue on the walls still held a hint of danger and temptation.

"I'm willing."

Marigold uttered a resolute answer. Even if she hadn't figured out if this person was Greywolf or not, she wanted to stay here.

Marigold looked at Brian's handsome face as it slowly revealed a mischievous and triumphant smile, as if everything was under his control.

"Well then, here's to a pleasant collaboration in the future," Brian said, extending his hand to Marigold, who shook it firmly. His strong hand enveloped hers, holding her pounding heart as well.

"Pleasant collaboration, Brian."

Brian, true to his busy CEO persona, was quickly approached by someone for the next meeting. Meanwhile, Marigold needed to go to HR to formally sign the contract. After completing all the onboarding procedures, Brian inexplicably appeared in front of her—she was already standing at the entrance of a restaurant that resembled a palace, ready for lunch.

However, she had gotten lost. The restaurant was so vast, with a buffet of flavors from different countries, reminiscent of a feast at the Palace of Versailles. She had never seen such luxury before and didn't know where to go.

Brian gently tapped her shoulder from behind, and when she turned around, he flashed his signature smile. "Why aren't you going in?"

Marigold awkwardly smiled. "I just arrived and haven't decided what to eat yet."

"Haha," Brian laughed cheerfully, gesturing for her to follow him. "You can come with me. The food personally selected by the CEO will never go wrong."

"But how can you be so sure that I'll like it? What if I don't enjoy the food here?"

Brian suddenly stopped and turned to look at her, his deep blue eyes showing determination and an air of not being refused. "This cafeteria and all the dishes are designed according to my taste. If what satisfies me cannot please you, then it means you're not suitable to be my assistant."

Marigold frowned and muttered softly, "Is it still possible to talk to HR about terminating the contract now...?"

Brian gently put his arm around her shoulder and led her into one of the halls. "Come on, how would you know if you don't give it a try?"

Marigold entered the hall and after taking a few steps, she was captivated by the aroma of the food on the counters, unable to take her eyes off them.

French foie gras burgers with Benedict eggs, Asado steak with roasted potatoes, cheese-filled onion soup, fresh salmon sushi from the Far East...

Brian watched as she moved among the counters, picking up food, and said with a smile, "So, what do you think? I didn't deceive you, did I? The ingredients here are personally selected by me, sourced from all over the world for the freshest ingredients, and the chefs are top Michelin-starred chefs. Only 100 meals are available here each day.

Many employees have to come early and wait in line just to have a meal here. Some even come to B.E. specifically to apply for a job just to dine in this restaurant. Oh, and of course, the CEO can enter anytime and bring a few people along as well."

Although Marigold was mentally prepared, she couldn't help but be surprised by these words. It was no wonder, as the sole heir of the Bennett family, the country's top aristocratic conglomerate, Brian spared no expense for even the company's cafeteria.

After they selected their dishes, Brian originally intended to take her to the exclusive CEO section for a private meal. However, Marigold's gaze was fixed on two figures in the corner of the restaurant, and she refused to move. Brian noticed this and curiously asked, "Who are you looking at? Your eyes should only be on me, you know? I'm your boss."

"S-Sorry, I just mistook someone for someone else," Marigold started apologizing incessantly, but her eyes kept glancing towards the corner.

She couldn't help but pay attention because she recognized that figure even if she were burned to ashes—it was David, having a meal with a young woman! And for some reason, she felt they were sitting too close to each other.

David being in the B.E. building wasn't a problem in itself, but earlier in the morning, he had said he would accompany Jenny for an outdoor shoot and makeup. How could he be here at the company headquarters at this time? Could the shooting location be nearby? And who was the girl next to him? Jenny? Marigold wasn't familiar with the entertainment industry; for the past ten years or so, she had been immersed in academic work and only occasionally caught wind of the glamorous entertainment world.

Brian followed her gaze and sneered. "What is that woman doing here at the company today? It's rare to see her."

Marigold couldn't help but be curious about Brian's words, so she followed the thread and asked, "Do you know that girl, the one by the window?"

Brian looked surprised. "What? You don't even recognize Jenny? I thought all the young women who come to apply for a job at B.E. would know who she is. "

Marigold blushed, "I'm 33, not some college girl who loves watching soap operas."

"Well, you better get to know her. After all, it's your duty to know the artists under our company. Moreover..." His mysterious and sensual thin lips formed an elegant curve, and his lazy eyes watched her as if he were amused. "She is important to this company." He emphasized the word "company."

"Of course, I've heard of her. She's the youngest Best Actress, you know. And we're also quite close," Marigold replied.

"Oh?" Brian suddenly approached her, probing further, "In what way are you close? Do you know each other?"

"N-No," Marigold quickly denied. For some reason, she didn't want Brian to know about David's existence. If he wasn't really Greywolf... then it would be best if he never found out. Marigold instantly dismissed any thoughts of going to work with David or displaying affection in the company. For some reason, seeing David's back (he was even wearing the silk shirt she had given him as a birthday gift a month ago) and witnessing him laughing and joking with Jenny, Marigold felt an indescribable heaviness in her heart.

"In that case, you don't know her. Alright, stop looking. The steak will get cold. Let's go," Brian attempted to pull Marigold away, but she continued to gaze at the two people by the window, unmoving. Brian's face grew darker. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, he grabbed Marigold's arm and forcefully led her into a private room.