Cancel the Engagement

Jenny's countenance immediately turned pallid as she took several steps backward, evading David's grasp as if avoiding a plague. She exclaimed, "How, how did you come here? Who allowed you on board?"

"It was I," Brian smoothly interjected. "This business gathering has an additional special segment—a professional makeup competition. I recall your exceptional skills as a makeup artist, and knowing your desire for his return, I extended him an invitation. I hope that you both have a pleasant collaboration in this competition."

"No! No!" Jenny covered her face, stepping back repeatedly, frantically shrieking, "I refuse to dance with him—Brian, I implore you, do not treat me this way..." She lunged towards Brian, attempting to grasp his garment, but he swiftly eluded her.

Consequently, she clutched the exquisite gown hem of Marigold's, desperately clinging to it.

"I promise you, I will henceforth heed your words, cease being capricious, and no longer provoke your anger. Even if you have countless other women by your side, I shall not feel jealousy or envy... So, could you please, please reconcile with me?"

This scheme was malicious, causing everyone present to conclude that Marigold was the third party, and that the relationship between Brian and Marigold was nothing more than an aristocrat's fleeting affair.

Marigold became slightly infuriated. Either way, the two people she despised the most had coincidentally appeared together, intensifying her disgust.

Brian tightly grasped Marigold's waist, attempting to find an excuse to swiftly remove her from this suffocating scene. The surroundings buzzed with discussions, and some individuals began recording videos.

Perhaps, in no time, he and Marigold would become trending topics, while she would be labeled as a home-wrecking interloper. This was highly undesirable. In the distance, Mitchell observed the spectacle coldly.

He wouldn't act rashly, but rather take advantage of the situation and observe which outcome would be most advantageous for the Whitehouse family.

Suddenly, Marigold had a brilliant idea. She squeezed Brian's hand, subtly signaling him to let her go. Brian didn't respond immediately, but Marigold cast him a meaningful glance, urging him to "believe in himself." Brian hesitated for a moment but eventually released his grip.

Marigold, then, lifted her long diamond-adorned skirt and struggled to move forward. Surprisingly, she surpassed Jenny, who was making various cute pleas, and ignored David, who was exchanging furtive glances with her.

She continued onward through the crowd, effortlessly parting the way as people made room for her. Unobstructed, she arrived in front of the lighting technician responsible for the LED screens on the stage, and with some effort, extracted a mobile phone from her dress.

She had gone to great lengths to hide the phone in a pocket secured to her leg so that she could maintain constant communication. As she danced, her legs exhibited a slight stiffness, almost causing her to stumble.

However, at that moment, she retrieved her phone, swiftly scrolled down, and found a particular video segment, which she handed to the media playback personnel.

"Please play this video, thank you," Marigold uttered through gritted teeth.

Almost simultaneously, Jenny also discovered her intention. Jenny rushed towards her, holding her skirt, but found herself engulfed by the crowd of onlookers, unable to make any progress.

Thus, she helplessly watched as the large screen on the other side of the stage began playing that scandalous video.

"What the hell is this!"

"It's so scandalous! Good Lord, my eyes have been tainted!"

The scene immediately ignited, and everyone was vigorously filming with their smartphones, including media journalists holding long guns and cannons. It was an unprecedented gossip of immense magnitude, and almost everyone quickly shared it on social media after filming.

The atmosphere became uproarious. Jenny's face turned pale as she collapsed into the crowd, and Brian immediately called security to carry her out.

Mitchell, who had been watching the spectacle from the sidelines, was now thunderstruck and in disarray. He never expected his daughter to behave so outrageously and be caught in such a scandalous manner. What's worse, it was exposed in such a brutal and conspicuous way.

Without having the time to attend to his fainting daughter, he briskly approached Brian, casting a disdainful glance at David beside him. Recognizing him as the person in the video, Mitchell raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap, toppling David to the ground. Then, he half-knelt on the floor, trembling, and beseeched Brian:

"Master Brian, I... I have failed to guide my daughter properly... Please accept my apologies..."

Brian cast a fleeting glance at the middle-aged man lying on the ground, and uttered a disdainful "So, does the engagement between our families still hold any weight?"

"I declare the engagement between the Bennett family and the Whitehouse family null and void."

A forceful and venerable voice resounded from behind. All eyes turned toward the same direction. It was an elderly man, aged yet still retaining an upright posture, leaning on a cane with a pure gold lion's head, slowly making his way toward the crowd.

Upon hearing the voice, Mitchell looked up and his gaze met the old man's, intensifying his fear. He trembled as he spoke:

"L-Lord Byron... Why are you aboard the ship as well?"

The old man slowly approached him, lowering his head to gaze at him expressionlessly.

"Why, can't I come, Mike?"

Brian was also taken aback, never expecting the old man to personally be on the ship. He made his way through the crowd, took Marigold's hand himself, and led her back to the center of the dance floor. He then bowed respectfully to the old man and introduced:

"Grandfather, this is Miss Marigold Allard, my secretary and dance partner."

As he mentioned "dance partner," he playfully winked, implying a relationship deeper than mere dance partners.

Count Byron nodded, carefully examining Marigold, his gaze suddenly becoming misty and affectionate.

"Resemblance, a striking resemblance indeed..."

"What resemblance, Grandfather?" Brian, perplexed, added.

"Nothing." Count Byron waved his hand, gesturing not to delve deeper, then turned to Mitchell and spoke earnestly,

"I have already arranged for the media and public opinion. It won't escalate for the time being. However, this engagement must be canceled. Both of our families uphold our reputations, and I believe you understand that. The financial dealings between the Bennett and Whitehouse families will not be severed, but perhaps it's time for us to find an opportunity to sit down and further discuss. Mike, I am deeply disappointed in you. You have not raised a child who brings honor to your family."

"L-Lord... Lord Byron is right..." Mitchell was trembling all over. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer and collapsed on the ground.

Although the Whitehouse family was also a prominent family in the Teal Kingdom, they relied heavily on the Bennett family in business matters. If the two families were to abruptly sever ties, it would be a significant loss for both sides. However, due to these scandals, this engagement could no longer be maintained.

Mitchell felt as if the sky had fallen. He had thought that the alliance with the Bennett family would propel the family's business to new heights, but now he had to salvage the crumbling relationship between the two families. As the sole heir of the Bennett family, Brian would certainly not look kindly upon the Whitehouse family.

Meanwhile, Byron and Brian engaged in a lengthy conversation about family matters. Brian generously introduced Marigold to his grandfather and father, Ethan. Byron tightly held Marigold's hand, admiring her and praising her incessantly.

"Fifty years ago, I accompanied Sophia while she tried on this dress. When she put it on, her dazzling radiance nearly blinded me. Now, as you wear this dress, you look exactly like her, even possessing her fierce and ruthless demeanor."

Sophia had once been involved romantically with Byron, which made Brian slightly jealous. He quickly took Marigold's hands back from his grandfather and held them tightly in his own, warming her cold hands with his own warmth. He enjoyed holding Marigold's hand, dispelling the chill in the banquet hall for her.

"How is that possible! Grandfather, have you lost your senses? Mary is Mary, she is unlike anyone else."

All of this was observed by Ethan, who intentionally took a step forward, wearing a smile on his face as he warmly addressed Marigold, saying,

"Since Mary has become the secretary of our household, she is now one of us. Feel free to indulge in anything on this ship and inform me of your desires. Brian may lack understanding, but you needn't pay him any mind. If there are any troubles, confide in me."

Brian, startled, turned pale, tightly gripping Marigold's hand, and interjected, "With me by her side, what trouble could she possibly encounter? Don't worry needlessly, Father."

"In her presence, you are her trouble," Ethan suddenly uttered a sinister remark. "Remember why you boarded this ship."

Brian tensed up, but he didn't pay it much heed. Instead, he boldly took hold of Marigold's hand and approached Byron, swaying back and forth as if showing off, like a pair of sweet lovers.

"Grandfather, I wish to marry Marigold. Could you be the one to arrange our engagement?"