Coral Queen

Brian was ecstatic when he first saw Marigold. He leaped towards her and grabbed her wrist, refusing to let go.

"Why did you take so long? I've been waiting for you! Come inside with me," he exclaimed.

However, Jenny burst into a scream.

"What did you say? You were waiting for her? You consider her your companion? How dare you! I am your companion, Brian. I am the only female celebrity you invited on this ship. I am your fiancée, and I should be the one entering with you, arm in arm!"

Although Marigold had no intention of getting involved in their affairs, she suddenly felt annoyed by this entangled woman. She harshly twisted Jenny's wrist and pushed her to the ground.

"Your companion is only David Collar. You two are a perfect match. I wish you a lifetime of happiness," Marigold retorted.

This scene happened to be captured by a nearby journalist. Jenny's agent quickly stepped forward to negotiate, and a crowd gathered around the commotion. Brian had to call the ship's security to maintain order.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a woolen coat and a gray top hat slowly approached. He furrowed his brow, looking at Jenny with a pained and twisted expression on his face. Jenny also noticed him in the crowd and immediately changed her expression.

"Father... Daddy..." she said.

The man was none other than Mitchell Whitehouse, the head of the Whitehouse family. Initially, he was furious about his daughter being publicly humiliated, but after silently observing the entire scene, he decided to carefully study the situation. Finally, seeing his daughter going crazy in the crowd, he couldn't help but approach and hold her.

"Jenny, don't be willful," he said, then turned to Brian and asked sternly, "What's going on? Your companion is not your fiancée?"

"We broke up," Brian honestly told his would-be father-in-law. "For the sake of your daughter's reputation and the company's image, it didn't make the news. Do you still question my actions now?"

"You!" Mitchell was so angry that his mouth twisted. But with so many important guests around, he couldn't lose his temper. Meanwhile, the gossip-hungry crowd had already caught the essence of the two families' gossip and started whispering among themselves.

"Make way, make way," Mitchell helped up his disheveled daughter and adjusted her laurel wreath, personally escorting her into the event.

The emcee on the side shouted loudly, "The entrance of Mitchell Whitehouse, the head of the Whitehouse family, and his daughter!"

Brian also took the initiative to hold Marigold's hand and whispered, "It's our turn now. Let's go, my Coral Queen."

Marigold blushed. She didn't know how to face Jenny's father, the director who had recently tried to fire her. But Brian's words and actions made her feel more secure. Mitchell should have also realized that it was his own daughter who was in the wrong.

Brian glanced at Marigold's tightly wrapped cloak, slightly dissatisfied. He reached out and took it off. Thus, the dress worth 500 million, the exquisite Coral Heart, appeared in all its stunning glory before the public.

Under the dazzling lights, the dress shimmered from top to bottom with the radiance of precious gems and diamonds. Its color was indescribable because all that remained within sight was a dazzling light.

Light is a color that cannot be described; it can only make people worship and submit. Marigold, wearing the Coral Heart, became such an existence.

Some of the older guests even exclaimed, "This... This is like the reincarnation of Princess Sophia!"

"Has Her Highness the Princess arrived?"

"Who is this woman? Is she the fiancée of young Mr. Bennett?"

Brian felt extremely satisfied. His woman stood on such a dazzling stage, becoming an absolute dominator, which was what he had always dreamed of.

Marigold's perception was that the dress was incredibly heavy, the path was difficult to walk on, and everyone's gaze was too intense, overwhelming her completely. If possible, she would have liked to take off the dress right now and go back to her chamber, wearing only lingerie and barefoot, drinking beer on the carpet.

While guiding her to a prominent seat, Brian whispered, "You have become the center of attention now. Isn't it wonderful?"

Marigold tightly grasped Brian's hand, her palm slightly sweaty, afraid that if he left for even half a second, she would be surrounded by various socializing and curious guests, leading to her demise.

"No, don't go. I can't handle it... It's too overwhelming."

"And there's something even more exciting. You will also come out for the opening dance."

As the Bennett family was the host, according to the customs of the Teal Kingdom, the host must be the first to perform the opening dance.

Marigold had to muster up her courage and go out with Brian to dance. She felt the layers of the dress dragging on the heavy hoops, while the tightly cinched waist reminded her not to relax at any moment. To her surprise, despite being such a heavy and intricately designed gown, it moved without any clumsiness. She could still gracefully flutter around the dance floor like a nimble bird.

Only one elderly man stood on the second floor, observing the radiant girl downstairs. His pupils widened, and then his eyes gradually reddened.

Beside the elderly man stood a man with a sinister expression. He noticed the subtle changes in the elderly man's face and his gaze became more intense.

"Dad, I heard that Brian had a quarrel with Jenny, so the dance partner isn't Jenny. Please don't mind. Young people always have these kinds of noisy fights."

The elderly man remained calm, showing no expression. He touched the solid gold lion scepter in his hand and said in a deep voice, "It's time to come down and greet the guests."

The dance floor continued, and gradually, Marigold grew accustomed to the gazes directed at her.

"She's so beautiful! Who is she? I want her social media account right away!"

"The young master of the Bennett family seems interested in her. She must be either their own celebrity or an internet sensation from somewhere."

"She can dance so beautifully even with such a heavy dress. I adore her!"

"She's been by Brian's side these past few days. She's probably his new girlfriend!"

Brian got lost in the speculations about his girlfriend, receiving approving glances from guests who referred to them as a couple, and he responded with a smile. Marigold's cheeks turned red, and her breathing became heavier. Brian nodded slightly, glanced at his dance partner in his arms, and discreetly pinched her waist, playfully saying, "It seems like everyone thinks we're a couple. Should we just announce it officially?"

Marigold gently bumped her head against his firm and well-defined chin, scolding him, "Don't steal the limelight. You are the host, the absolute protagonist."

"No, you are. Otherwise, for whom do you think this dress was designed? All eyes in the room are on you. You are today's Coral Queen."

Marigold's heart twitched. Could it be that he really did all this for her...? But this dress seemed to have a connection with the Bennett family as well, so he might be deceiving her again.

He always had secrets. She could sense that, despite Brian's charming and adorable appearance, his words often carried a tinge of dishonesty. Therefore, she had always been cautious, not easily surrendering her true feelings.

But at this moment, she was tightly held in Brian's strong and comforting arms, able to hear the steady and powerful heartbeat beneath his full and resilient chest. Just as he mentioned the word "girlfriend," his heartbeat suddenly quickened.

Marigold could finally gather the courage to discern the thoughts of the person in front of her. However, she was merely an ordinary secretary, a humble laborer in the capitalist world. She lacked any connections and was separated from these distinguished families by an insurmountable distance. Their worlds were vastly disparate.

In an instant, numerous thoughts flashed through Marigold's mind. At times, she daydreamed about becoming Brian's girlfriend, envisioning honeymoons, pregnancy, and growing old together. At other times, she contemplated their most pessimistic ending...

As the dance came to an end, Brian had guided her through the final movement. Leaning back, she exposed her delicate and supple waist, firmly supported by Brian. His warm, large hand, adorned with layers of pearl, diamond, lace, and fabric, transmitted a sensation through her skin, etching itself into her ribs.

A resounding applause erupted from all four corners.

New guests were welcomed to the center of the dance floor to prepare for their turn.

Marigold gracefully paid her respects in all directions, preparing to leave, but she felt her waist being tightly held, preventing her from moving.

Brian continued to embrace her waist with his hand, pulling her close to his chest in an affectionate manner, while the media reporters snapped photographs incessantly.

Suddenly, she felt a malicious gaze directed at her. She turned her head and discovered Jenny, accompanied by her father, Mitchell, and several wealthy socialite friends. They all stared at her with crossed arms and a look of intense hatred, as if they wished her demise.

Jenny elegantly approached them, as if the previous animosity between the three had never occurred. She extended her hand towards them, revealing her signature radiant and gracious smile of a superstar. "It's time to return my man to me, Miss Secretary."

She intentionally emphasized the word "secretary," making sure that almost everyone present could hear it clearly.

The crowd erupted in a flurry of speculation. "That's right, Jenny is Brian's rightful fiancée. Who is this woman? The other woman?"

"Wasn't this gown meant for Jenny? Goodness, this is like a toad longing for swan's flesh, a delusion of climbing up the social ladder!"

"But it seems like Brian prefers this secretary, and besides, isn't it easier for secretaries to develop feelings?"


The surrounding discussions grew louder, faintly reaching Marigold's ears, becoming increasingly impolite. She furrowed her brow and glanced at Brian. Brian, in turn, looked disdainfully at Jenny, paying no attention to her extended hand, and firmly held onto Marigold's waist as they retreated.

"Apologies, Miss Whitehouse, but it appears that your man is over there, isn't he?"

He pointed with his chin towards the opposite direction. Jenny paused, turned around, and immediately became infuriated.

It turned out that David Collar, wearing a checked tweed tailcoat, stood behind her, extending his hand with a cheerful smile.

"May I have the pleasure of dancing with you, esteemed star?"