
Marigold had a long and distressing dream. It had been a while since she last dreamed, but suddenly she found herself in a pitch-black ocean.

The boundless night sky stretched over the equally boundless sea. She sat on a luxurious cruise ship called the Coral Queen, accompanied by her still youthful parents. Her brother was conspicuously absent, as his presence was nowhere to be seen.

She wore the princess gown of the elder sister from the popular animated series "Emily Sisters," adorned with a fairytale-like small crown on her head.

In her hand, she held an icy magical wand. She ran back and forth in the grand ballroom, nestled among the silk skirts of various elegant gowns. Her parents didn't impose strict control over her as they would in later times but let her freely roam among the distinguished nobility.

After growing tired of running, she began playing hide-and-seek with some children of the same age on the ship. She chose to hide in a freight elevator, and her strategy was effective. No child could find her there. She stayed in that narrow elevator for a very long time... hoping that someone would come and find her. Unfortunately, no one came. She was forgotten.

She was abandoned.

In the moment the elevator doors suddenly opened, Marigold woke up with a start. With a cry that pierced the tranquil night sky, she inadvertently awakened Brian, who was sleeping beside her, and he instinctively pulled her into his embrace.

Brian's potent pheromones, mixed with the scent of aquatic freshness, enveloped her completely. She felt a sense of comfort. Brian's embrace, like that of a pirate, exuded a rugged and domineering aura, yet it was remarkably refreshing, leaving her unexpectedly longing for more.

"What's wrong, Mary? Did you have a nightmare?"

"No... nothing..."

Marigold covered her chest, and the heart rate monitor on her wrist indicated that her heart rate had exceeded 140. Her lie was far too obvious.

Brian shifted his position, turning her over to lie on top of him. Marigold buried her face in his solid chest.

"Last night was truly remarkable," Brian reminisced, gently caressing Marigold's back. "I hope I satisfied you, my dear."

"It was a one-time thing. There won't be a next time."

A tinge of disappointment flashed across Brian's face, but he quickly regained control. "There will be. As long as I perform well, right? By the way, your parents called on video earlier, but you were still asleep, so I ignored it."

Marigold suddenly snapped out of her daze, as if she had been pulled out of the water. She quickly checked her phone and realized it was the middle of the night. She had promised to have a video call with her family on Christmas Eve, but she got caught up in the auction and then ended up in bed with Brian, completely forgetting about it. She cursed herself.

"Um, sorry, Brian, but can you give me some privacy? I need to make a video call to my family."

"No problem." Brian swiftly grabbed the bedsheet and wrapped himself in it, heading into the bathroom. "I can wait in your room as long as you need. Can your lingerie become mine? Just for a sniff, a brief one."

Marigold suddenly realized that she was in Brian's room. Startled, she hurriedly scrambled off the bed. "I'm sorry, I-I-I'll quickly go back..."

Three minutes later, she returned to her own chamber and commenced a video call with her parents. Her parents had returned to their ancestral countryside farm, accompanied by her younger brother and their beloved golden retriever, alongside numerous other farm animals.

Kyle, her younger brother, held his mobile phone, meticulously showcasing all the cows, sheep, chickens, and ducks on the farm. He expressed how long it had been since he last saw his elder sister, noting that they all appeared thinner.

Kyle had always possessed a compassionate nature, particularly towards animals, which led him to pursue studies in agriculture as he aspired to inherit their parents' farm and care for an even greater array of animals.

Marigold engaged in a lively conversation with her family, discussing a myriad of topics while occasionally adjusting the camera to prevent Brian, who entered the room akin to an unwanted stray dog, from appearing in the frame.

She hadn't yet decided to introduce her ambiguous boss and this job to her family. Everything had not reached that stage; there was no need for them to know. However, her mind continued to flicker with the memory of the dream she had just experienced.

Suddenly, she realized an issue. If her brother was absent from the dream, and she was acutely aware that her world lacked a person named Kyle, who was six years younger than her at the age of 27, could it mean that the dream occurred before she turned six, perhaps even before the age of five when her memories faded away?

As for her dream parents... she struggled to search her mind for lingering memories. Unfortunately, as she became increasingly alert, the dream's images grew fainter, eventually fading away.

Finally, she blurted out, "Speaking of being on a ship, I had a dream about when I was a child, aboard a ship of this immense size. I vividly recall running around barefoot on the ship..."

Kyle interjected, "I've never been on a ship! You all never take me along for the fun!"

The parents on the other end of the video call immediately fell silent. The father's face turned ashen, while the mother attempted to utter something, only to be halted by the father's stern gaze. It was the same scene once again. Whenever her childhood was mentioned, their expressions always mirrored this.

The father cleared his throat and spoke indifferently, "Have you been frolicking recklessly outside? I get seasick and dislike voyaging on the sea. Next time, when we have the opportunity, I'll take both of you to climb mountains."

Marigold was perplexed. Yet, her father had arthritis... would he rather endure joint pain and agree to take her mountain climbing rather than embark on a cruise ship?

"That won't be necessary. Let's engage in some milder physical activities instead."


In the end, Marigold's family video call concluded with the intentional arrival of an email invitation from Brian. Marigold hastily prepared herself, while Brian served her a sumptuous breakfast.

The service on the ship was of imperial standards, and breakfast was exceptionally lavish, with ingredients flown in by helicopter in the early hours and prepared onboard.

Brian embraced Marigold as they enjoyed their breakfast, simultaneously engaging in a voice conference with the department heads of his company, attentively listening to business reports.

Afterwards, Marigold accompanied him to several scheduled interviews from the previous day, arranging meetings with prominent figures from the business and political realms to handle various matters. Lunch comprised an ordinary business luncheon, where Brian delivered a presentation on stage.

The evening, however, held the true focus. Shortly after three-thirty, Brian summoned her to the VIP dressing room, where several female attendants assisted her in donning the gown she had acquired for a staggering five hundred million. Marigold only learned that the dress had its own name, the "Heart of Coral."

Thus, it found its place on the ship, the Queen of Coral alongside the Coral Heart, a truly fitting combination.

Nevertheless, whether she was deserving to wear the gown remained a separate matter. Marigold timidly adorned the dress, discovering that its tailoring was impeccable, as if it had been custom-made for her.

It wasn't until Sabrina, who arrived to do her makeup, revealed that Brian had the dress modified overnight to fit Marigold's measurements after capturing it on camera.

"He truly is mad... Why did he modify such an expensive gown to fit my figure? It wasn't specifically made for me."

Sabrina, however, wore a gossipy smile. "Who's to say it isn't meant for you? Perhaps it will always be yours. Brian has always treated women as dispensable, hardly showing such concern for anyone before."

Blushing at the memory of their tender moments from the previous night, Marigold replied, "Me and him? That's impossible... It's simply a simple relationship between a superior and a subordinate."

Sabrina persisted, undeterred, as she retrieved her complete set of makeup tools,ready to transform Marigold's face into a work of art. "You might think it's just a simple relationship, but I've seen the way he looks at you. There's something more there, trust me."

Marigold's heart skipped a beat, her mind filled with a whirlwind of thoughts. Was it possible that Brian felt something deeper for her? Could there be a chance for a genuine connection amidst their professional environment?

The idea both thrilled and frightened her. Sabrina's words echoed in her mind as she contemplated the possibilities.

As Sabrina skillfully applied makeup, enhancing Marigold's natural features, she continued, "You know, sometimes the most unexpected relationships are the ones that bring us the most joy. Don't close yourself off to the possibility of something beautiful. Life is full of surprises, my dear."

Marigold couldn't help but smile at Sabrina's encouraging words. Perhaps she had been too quick to dismiss the idea of a deeper connection with Brian.

After all, they had shared genuine moments of laughter, intellectual discussions, and even vulnerable conversations during their time together. She reconsidered her perspective, willing to be open to whatever might unfold between them.

With her makeup complete, Marigold stood up and admired herself in the mirror. The gown, the makeup, and the anticipation of the evening's events filled her with a newfound confidence. She felt ready to embrace the possibilities that lay ahead and to explore the uncharted territories of her relationship with Brian.

As they made their way to the grand ballroom, Marigold couldn't help but notice the glances and whispers from the other guests.

It was evident that her presence, adorned in the Heart of Coral, had caused quite a stir among the elite crowd. She held her head high, gracefully moving through the room, her eyes searching for Brian.

And there he was, standing near the entrance of the ballroom, his eyes immediately locking with hers as she approached. A smile played on his lips, a smile that seemed to hold a hint of something more. Marigold's heart raced as she reached him, feeling a magnetic pull between them.

"Marigold, you look absolutely stunning," Brian said, his voice filled with admiration.

"Thank you," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "And thank you for the dress. It's... breathtaking."

Brian took her hand in his and leaned in closer, his voice barely audible among the music and chatter. "It suits you perfectly, just like you belong here."

Marigold's heart soared at his words, her previous reservations fading away. In that moment, surrounded by the opulence of the grand ballroom, she allowed herself to believe in the possibility of something more than just a professional relationship.

As the night unfolded, Marigold and Brian danced together, their movements in sync as if they had known each other for years. They laughed, they shared stories, and they discovered a profound connection that surpassed their initial expectations.

The dream of the ship, her family, and the memories of her childhood faded into the background as Marigold embraced the present moment. The ship became a vessel for her newfound journey, not just across the seas, but within herself and with Brian by her side.

At seven o'clock in the evening, within the banquet hall on the seventh floor of the ship, a soirée of investment elites commenced. Brian cast a glance towards the entrance passage, which was teeming with individuals, while the journalists had already set up their formidable equipment, eagerly awaiting to capture the scene.

Has Marigold, his companion, finished her preparations and will she be able to arrive punctually to accompany him into the venue?

As Brian anxiously surveyed the interior, an affected hand donning delicate white lace gloves entwined itself around his arm.

"Brian, were you waiting for me? I suffered from seasickness throughout yesterday, confining myself within my cabin and unable to venture outside even a single step. Now, you may gallantly present me to the media, publicly declaring our relationship to all in attendance."

It was Jenny. She adorned herself in a white lace and gemstone gown, adorned with a pair of transparent crystal stilettos. Atop her head rested a laurel wreath, exuding an aura reminiscent of the moon goddess.

She attempted to maintain an intimate connection with Brian amidst the scrutinizing gazes of onlookers, but Brian cast her cold glances, evading her advances on numerous occasions. She couldn't even touch a single corner of Brian's attire, as the bodyguards swiftly intervened.

"Declare what? The annulment of our engagement, is that what you wish to announce? I wouldn't mind transforming this place into our own press conference."

Jenny clenched her cheek in frustration, yet she forced a smile upon her face, endeavoring to prevent the situation from becoming overly unsightly.

"What are you saying? When did we decide to call off the engagement? Stop this nonsense. Let's make amends."

She took advantage of the fact that the bodyguards dared not make any moves against her, skillfully maneuvering past them while assuming a shy posture for the nearby media reporters. Simultaneously, she prepared to throw herself into Brian's embrace.

Once again, Brian forcefully pushed her away. "Truly deserving of the title 'actress.' Exquisite, truly exquisite. I retract my previous assessments of you. Your acting skills are impeccable, sufficient to deceive the cameras and handle scandals."

As she was pushed, Jenny stumbled backward and collided with a woman enveloped in a cloak from head to toe.

A hand emerged from within the cloak, catching Jenny. However, this only served to further incense Jenny. "You're in my way, you wretched woman, move aside!" She raised her hand, prepared to deliver a slap. Yet, that slender arm was firmly seized in mid-air, rendering her immobile.

The hood of the cloak slipped off, revealing Marigold, who had wrapped herself tightly within its folds.