
Marigold gasped in astonishment, her gaze fixed upon her boss who raised his hand with a number placard, completely unaware of his intentions.

"Have you made a mistake... 500 million?! That's an exorbitant amount!" Marigold hastily tugged at Brian's sleeve, whispering softly.

A smirk curled at the corner of Brian's mouth, revealing an indulgent smile. "Indeed, it is 500 million."

The host on stage was also dumbfounded, trembling as they struck the auction hammer. "The bidder with number 001, who is none other than our esteemed host, Mr. Brian Bennett, has offered a generous bid of 500 million. I wonder for whom this exquisite gown is intended? So, 500 million once! 500 million twice! Sold!"

Marigold nervously swallowed and muttered under her breath, "Damn wealthy people."

"This gown rightfully belongs to the Bennett family. It's merely returned to its rightful owner," he remarked.

"Isn't this Princess Sophia's gown? Don't tell me it was a gift from your family."

"Correct, it was a gift from our family patriarch. This time, I negotiated extensively with John Tygerson to agree on an auction format for its transfer to me. Of course, who would be so foolish as to snatch the most significant memento at a gathering hosted by the Bennetts?"

Marigold stuck out her tongue. Byron Bennett, the patriarch of the renowned Bennett family, known throughout the Teal Kingdom, possessed a wealth that rivaled nations. She wondered what kind of past he shared with Princess Sophia, leading him to send such an expensive dress fifty years ago, only for it to never reach her hands.

Brian noticed her deep in thought and gently scratched the palm of her hand, whispering with a low voice, "You shall wear it to tomorrow's ball."

Marigold could hardly believe her ears. "What?! What are you saying?"

Who was she, deserving to don a dress tailor-made for a princess? She would be ridiculed and mocked by Jenny. It was beyond her imagination.

"Fear not, you belong to me. No one dares to speak ill of those under my protection. Besides, I don't think anyone would willingly be thrown into the vast sea with all eyes upon them."

A chill ran down Marigold's spine. She stared into Brian's eyes, his captivating azure gaze seemingly speaking the sweetest words, yet the words that came out were chilling and dreadful.

He was serious.

Reluctantly, Marigold had no choice but to agree. She could sense the undercurrents of power clashes on this ship. When Brian announced his acquisition of the gown, she could discern curses and malicious laughter hidden in the corners with her keen hearing. Perhaps Brian had his own plans, and she shouldn't pry further.

"Let us proceed," Brian's deep and seductive voice reverberated near her ear. "Today is Christmas Eve, and I have something to give you."

Marigold was preparing to take a step when an impeccably dressed middle-aged couple approached them. They smiled flatteringly at Brian and said, "Brian, tomorrow is your birthday. Allow me to present you with a gift on behalf of the Snyderian Chamber of Commerce."

After speaking, a gilded, deep red velvet gift box was handed to her. Brian pressed the small golden snake button on the box, revealing a translucent amethyst carved into a lifelike angel wearing a veil.

Brian immediately switched to his charming and elegant persona as a wealthy gentleman, displaying a suave and captivating smile. He gracefully responded,

"Certainly, I am unworthy of such a precious gift. I am grateful for the support of your esteemed chamber to the Bennett family. I hope we can maintain frequent interactions in the future. As a younger generation, I may still have some immaturity, and I hope you can forgive me."

As Marigold listened to Brian conversing with the other party about various sophisticated matters, she couldn't help but feel impressed. This was the serious side of him as a president. Strangely enough, even as his personal secretary, she often witnessed his negligence and mischievousness.

Soon, another group of people gathered to congratulate Brian and presented him with a plethora of gifts. In the midst of it all, journalists approached for interviews.

Brian handed all the interviews over to Marigold, and she immediately switched to professional mode, skillfully arranging all the interviews and removing a few less important ones as per his instructions. After the socializing was done, the two of them returned to their room with bags full of gifts.

"Ah, I am exhausted. Just ten minutes of your appearance, and there were so many social obligations. Truly remarkable," Marigold remarked.

"There are probably very few people on this ship who don't try to curry favor with me," Brian replied, showing no signs of fatigue. He remained energetic, standing by the fireplace in the lounge, examining business reports on his tablet.

Suddenly, he remembered something and swiftly appeared in front of Marigold, his face filled with anticipation. He asked, "Tomorrow is my birthday, and everyone is eager to give me gifts. What about your gift?"

He pointed to the vintage clock on the mantelpiece and said, "Look, it's almost midnight. It's time to receive gifts."

Marigold's face turned red, feeling somewhat guilty. "I didn't prepare anything. I only brought myself. Would you like that?"

Brian was overjoyed and leaned in, pressing his face against hers. He smiled happily and said, "There's no better gift than this. Let's do it now!"

Marigold was startled and rolled off the sofa, but Brian caught her firmly and embraced her. "No, no, no. I didn't mean right now!"

Wait! How did she end up offering herself? Can she retract her statement now?

Brian seemed to see through her thoughts and sat down on the Persian carpet woven with golden thread. He gestured for her to sit on his lap.

The night was cold, with the window slightly ajar, allowing the chilling sea breeze to seep in, carrying a shiver. However, Brian's body was warm, enveloping her. Instinctively, Marigold hooked her arm around Brian's arm, and he tightened his grip around her.

"If you truly haven't prepared a gift, then I will specify one," he said.

"What is it?" Marigold asked, on guard. If it's something like a limited edition R.R. luxury car, she would rather be killed.

"I want that bouquet of everlasting flowers. The one you have on your office desk."

Marigold was puzzled. "But that was a gift from another man. Do you still want it?"

Brian pouted and said defiantly, "You're not allowed to have any other man. Greywolf ceased to exist in this world starting today. He's dead, and I inherit his legacy."

"So, are you really Greywolf?" Marigold couldn't help but chuckle at his self-inflicted troubles. She reached out and messed up his meticulously styled hair, disrupting his handsome hairstyle. "Repeat after me: You are beautiful, but you are repressed. You need an outlet to express yourself..."

"Indeed, Mary, you need to unleash yourself," Brian suddenly flipped her over, pinning her down on the fragrant carpet. Mary's waterfall-like hair scattered on the ground.

Brian picked up a few strands of her soft hair and carefully played with them in his hand before gently kissing them.

"Don't dye your hair. I love your blonde hair... I love the real you, Mary. Every aspect of you is so lovely. I love you."


She could now almost ascertain that Brian is 99.99% likely to be Greywolf. Marigold gently restrained his further familiarity, escaping from his embrace to search for the suitcase in the corner.

"Here!" Brian exclaimed in surprise as he looked at a preserved flower gift box presented before him. It wasn't the one on her desk, but it was the dried flower gift box she made herself.

Brian, like a child, lifted the gift box and held it close to his chest, excitedly shouting, "You made this with your own hands, didn't you?"

Marigold nodded, and in the next moment, she was once again swept off her feet by Brian. His massive golden mane ravished her as he passionately kissed her with a finesse akin to raindrops on a summer afternoon, enveloping her soft body.

With one hand supporting himself, Brian draped over her, gazing at her with deep affection. His resolute blue eyes seemed to penetrate her pale face, directly piercing her soul.

"Mary, you are truly amazing... No matter the cost, I will make you mine, forever... If you can't be mine, then kill me. Kill me before you belong to someone else."

"Don't say that," Marigold's heart inexplicably ached. This child with such a stark contrast between his outward and inner self, though perceived by others as a dominant CEO who reigns supreme in the business world, she alone knew how endearing his vulnerable side was. "Brian, don't say that. I am yours, at least for tonight."

Tears welled up in Brian's blue eyes. "So, like Cinderella's glass slipper, you won't be mine after tonight?"

"If you open up to me a bit more, if we truly understand and become familiar with each other like real lovers, then we can officially be in a relationship."

"Well then... let us start with getting acquainted with each other's bodies?"

The Coral Queen sailed through the dark, boundless sea in the night breeze. In its presidential suite on the top floor, the radiant moonlight streamed gently through the shell-shaped windows, casting a tender glow on the pristine bedding.

Two naked bodies intertwined, embracing each other, engaged in passionate combat amid the enchanting moonlight.

Midnight arrived. Several escort ships not far from the main vessel set off dazzling fireworks.

It was unclear how much time had passed until Marigold finally stopped, thoroughly exhausted, and drifted off into a deep slumber.

Brian gently laid her tired body down, lowered the massive object embedded within her, and painstakingly licked clean the fluids that flowed from her intimate area.

Marigold was simply delicious, exuding an irresistible aura from head to toe. Brian, naked, walked to the window and gazed at the fireworks still bursting outside. Then, he turned back to admire Marigold's sleeping face, a captivating smile playing on his lips.

He took out his cellphone from his suit and sent a message to a contact with a black profile picture.

"Soon, she will fully belong to me."