Makeup Competition

"I have but one question for you, what ailment afflicts your physique, pray tell?" Marigold gazed at him earnestly, disappointment evident as Brian continued to evade her gaze.

"I am in excellent health, as you can see, capable even of plunging into the depths of the sea and swimming for ten nautical miles. So fret not, I am unharmed," Brian replied, his words falling short of Marigold's expectations.

A cold smirk danced upon Marigold's lips. "Your words are as ludicrous as your uncontrolled lower half. Ever since you encountered your father and grandfather, you've been filled with an exhilaration and unease, unlike your former self. There must be something that transpired, Brian. Why won't you confess?"

As she spoke, Marigold circled her hand firmly around Brian's lower abdomen. Brian swiftly sidestepped, but it was too late; Marigold had already stormed out of the room.

"Mary!" Brian roared behind her, "Do not depart from my side! You cannot be in danger!"

"What danger could possibly befall me? Am I to meet my demise?" Marigold retorted.

Brian furrowed his brow, lunging forward in an attempt to ensnare Marigold in his embrace once again. However, Marigold was prepared, effortlessly evading him and slipping past, leaving Brian with naught but empty air.

The two engaged in a fierce struggle within the narrow corridor, their battle unfolding with great intensity.

In the midst of this chaos, Marigold caught sight of a young man passing by, his curiosity evident in his wandering gaze. She swiftly approached him, seeking refuge behind his figure.

Brian immediately pursued, but the presence of an intermediary prevented his grasp upon Marigold.

Marigold swiftly ensnared this stranger like a vine, urgently exclaiming, "Help me shake off this man, quickly!"

The young man hesitated for a moment but soon grasped the situation.

"Fear not, madam."

He firmly clasped Marigold's wrist and used his slight frame to exert force against Brian, unyielding yet awkward. Nonetheless, his reflexes were sharp, as he immediately seized Marigold's hand and propelled them forward, not forgetting to dismantle fire extinguishers and fire hydrants along their path, creating obstacles.

Finally, he ensured the VIP gate was securely closed, obstructed by various objects.

"If discovered by the staff, it will be removed, so fret not."

This bought them precious time. Brian seemed to have abandoned the pursuit.

Gasping for breath, the two ran out of the VIP customer area, making their way to the public space on the second floor. The young man, still holding Marigold, deftly maneuvered through the bustling crowd and led her into a bustling duty-free shop.

"At last... we've eluded him..." The young man leaned against the wall, catching his breath while glancing back to check if anyone was following. "Did he harm you? Should I call the authorities?"

"No need, I simply wish to avoid him for now."

Marigold adjusted her hair, taking the opportunity to observe the man more closely.

He was fashionably dressed, with green-dyed hair tied up with a leather band. His entire being exuded a sense of avant-garde. Marigold surmised he was a makeup artist, given the familiar scent of cosmetics reminiscent of David's. It was uncommon for men to carry the fragrance of face powder, at most, one would expect a cologne.

His clear gaze curiously surveyed Marigold. "But pardon me, madam, have we met before? You seem strikingly familiar..."

"I am Marigold Allard," Marigold's face flushed as she recalled the embarrassing incident at the ball, finding it difficult to articulate. "I am Brian Bennett's dance partner."

The man gasped, dramatically covering his mouth. "Goodness gracious, so you mean to say that the man from earlier was..."

"Yes, indeed. He is Mr. Brian Bennett, the organizer of this business gathering. He is my boss."

"Oh my, I have inadvertently offended the boss of B.E... What shall I do? I should not have meddled in affairs that do not concern me. I am doomed! Will I be blacklisted by B.E? Oh dear, you must speak kindly of me... If only I had gone straight to Sabrina's room instead of wandering aimlessly... I apologize for involving myself in your affair..."

"Sabrina? You know Sabrina?"

"Yes, I am Lloyd Finch, and I am also Sabrina's apprentice. By the way, Miss Allard, I remember now! You are the talented makeup artist behind that viral mermaid makeup look that circulated online! It was amazing! I loved it!"

"Don't flatter me. I'm just an amateur. I've never received any formal training in makeup."

"Will you be participating in the makeup competition? It's about to start."

Marigold was taken aback. Why was she suddenly being invited in such a rush? Shouldn't the participants have been pre-selected long before?

"My dress rehearsal partner fell ill and couldn't make it, so I need to find someone else. It's the perfect opportunity for me to give you a makeover that even your boss won't recognize. You won't have to worry about him pestering you to work overtime. What do you think? Aren't I clever?"

Marigold forced a few dry laughs, silently thinking, "You truly are a 'genius'," but she politely responded, "Are you sure I'll be allowed to enter?"

"No problem." Lloyd flexed his fists, ready to go.

Thus, Lloyd swiftly escorted Marigold to the banquet hall on the underground floor. Half of the hall was filled with banquet tables, while the other half consisted of a spacious stage. All the participants were preparing below the stage, while the judges, who held their fate in their hands, leisurely enjoyed themselves amidst the banquet tables.

Lloyd took Marigold on a tour, introducing her to the details of the competition.

The organizer of this makeup competition was none other than Sabrina herself. The purpose was to select and nurture new talents in the makeup industry. It was also a new direction for B.E. to venture into a reality show, discovering promising makeup artists and helping them break into the entertainment, fashion, and beauty industries, becoming cross-industry influencers.

Just as Marigold took her seat, she encountered the busy Sabrina, who was busy arranging the venue. Sabrina paused her work and warmly embraced Marigold, clearly surprised by her presence.

"Mary! What brings you here? I remember Brian strongly opposing your attendance. That guy, Brian, just wouldn't let go. What a hassle."

Upon seeing Sabrina, Marigold clung to her as if she had found a savior, burying herself in Sabrina's embrace, holding her tightly.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and Marigold couldn't help but cry. Sabrina quickly protected her head, gently stroking her back, and softly said, "It's alright, Mary. Did Brian mistreat you again? I'll give him a piece of my mind! That boy is so ignorant..."

Then, Sabrina noticed Lloyd standing awkwardly nearby, scratching his head with a sheepish smile. She immediately scolded him with a stern face, "What are you still doing here? Go prepare for the competition!"

"Um... Siena had a stomachache and couldn't come, so I found Miss Allard here..."

"Pah!" Sabrina brandished the curling iron in her hand, swinging it towards Lloyd's meticulously groomed hairstyle. Lloyd couldn't dodge in time, and his unfortunate hairstyle immediately deflated.

"What's wrong with you? Always messing up at critical moments! How can you constantly trouble others?"

"But Miss Allard is no less talented than Siena, and she volunteered to come..."

Sabrina let out a long lament. She then unleashed a few more harsh strikes on Lloyd, who helplessly endured his master's torment. After she had inflicted enough punishment, Sabrina turned to Marigold with a face full of apology and asked, "Darling, will you come? Of course, I personally welcome your participation. It would be even better if you sit at the makeup artist's seat..."

"She won't sit at the makeup artist's seat, and she won't compete with you."

A familiar and detestable voice approached from a distance.

It was David, once again. Persistent as ever. Hadn't the incident at the ball embarrassed him enough? After all, he was clearly featured in the viral video.

Before the words had even settled, David had inserted himself between Marigold and Sabrina, looking at the two with a mischievous smile.

"Teacher, this is my ex-girlfriend. Mary, my love, have you missed me?"

His attitude was so natural, as if the embarrassment from the ball had never happened, as if he had never cheated before.

Before Marigold could react, Lloyd stood up angrily and stood in front of her.

"What do you want? You are not welcome here."

David pushed Lloyd aside with one hand, casually continuing his conversation with Marigold, "Sabrina, you brought Mary here to be my makeup trial guest, didn't you? Don't worry, we'll be a team, and I will give her the most beautiful makeup. We'll stand on the podium together, and who knows, we might even have a wedding ceremony."

Marigold rolled her eyes and suddenly placed her hand on Lloyd's shoulder, passionately retorting, "You got it wrong. I'm here to do makeup for someone else. This handsome young man here, Lloyd. Don't worry, I will make you look handsome. We'll stand on the podium together!"

David became furious, pointing at Marigold and shouting, "You... Are you serious?! Doing makeup for this pansy?"

"What if I am? Try insulting me again."

"So what if I insult you? You damn pansy, incompetent in your work, always flirting with girls outside. Mary belongs to me. Let me see who dares to touch her."

"I belong to myself, and I'm not anyone's property!" Marigold defended herself. She pulled Lloyd closer and planted a kiss on his powdered face.

Everyone was shocked.

David pulled Marigold forcefully, his voice trembling, "Mary, you... You... Do you know what kind of person he is? You dare to get involved with him?!"

"I only know that he just saved me. He's a genuinely good person who comes to the rescue. And you, you're the one who pushed me into hell."

"Enough!" Sabrina roared angrily. "Both of you, stop causing a scene here!"

"Mary, who do you want to be with?"

A grating voice came from behind.

"Anyone but my Lloyd!"