Fey Durand

Marigold was taken aback and turned around to find a stylish young lady with a revealing outfit standing before her, arms crossed, glaring at her with indignation. She looked somewhat familiar, one of Jenny's close friends from the ball.

Standing beside her was a frail young girl who appeared to have just come of age, her face pale with a prominent red birthmark on her right cheek. The girl timidly cowered behind the young lady but was forcefully pushed forward by someone from behind.

"This girl will exchange partners with you," the young lady declared.

Marigold furrowed her brow and stood her ground. She wouldn't yield easily. "On what grounds?"

"Just because I don't like you," the young lady retorted, rolling up her non-existent sleeves, gesturing as if she was going to attack. The young girl in front quickly turned back to block her arm, looking timid as if she was about to cry.

Lloyd hurriedly whispered to Marigold, "She's Jenny's friend, Ashley, the heiress of the Greenwood family, involved in the arms trade. Try not to provoke her."

Sabrina quickly intervened, trying to mediate. "Miss Greenwood, there haven't been any major changes that warrant a partner switch. Otherwise, the competition would be chaotic. Lloyd only replaced his partner because she fell ill."

Marigold pursed her lips and asked Lloyd, "And what about you? Are you willing to be switched?"

Lloyd hid behind Marigold and mumbled, "I... I'm a little scared of her..."

"What are you doing?" Ashley shouted, crossing over the young girl and Marigold, grabbing Lloyd's collar aggressively. "How did you two end up together? Do you find pleasure in stealing other people's men? Let me tell you, Lloyd is mine, and I won't allow anyone to touch a single strand of his hair!"

"Huh?!" Marigold was extremely surprised. Did such a relationship exist? Wasn't Jenny's friend also fond of getting involved with her own makeup artist?

Marigold questioned the trembling Lloyd, who was hiding behind her, "Is it true or not? Don't lie to me."

Lloyd lowered his head and pitifully confessed, pointing with his trembling finger, "Y-yes... but I broke up with her a long time ago! I don't want to do her makeup anymore. Please, save me..."

Marigold glanced again at Ashley's makeup artist, the girl who trembled even while standing. Indeed, nobody wanted such a timid and young makeup artist.

The girl, confused by the gaze Marigold directed at her, stammered, "I-I can withdraw from the competition, and you can find another makeup artist."

David quickly stepped in, blocking Ashley's raised arm and spoke sternly, "If you continue to make a scene, you'll be expelled from the competition. Mary can only collaborate with me."

Marigold raised an eyebrow and retorted, "It's fine. I accept the arrangement. Lloyd, you should spend some quality time with your girlfriend. I'll be the makeup artist and take care of this young girl."

In the next moment, Lloyd was seized by Ashley, emitting sorrowful cries. David was also driven back to his own seat by Sabrina. Marigold, on the other hand, escorted the young girl to Lloyd's original position.

"What is your name?" Marigold inquired.

"Fey. My name is Fey Durand," came the reply.

"Do you possess the art of cosmetics?" Marigold asked.

"I have been an apprentice for a year and occasionally do my own makeup. I was brought here to fill in," Fey tearfully explained.

Marigold forced a strained smile and said, "I am in a similar situation. However, I happen to have some ideas."

Fey, with teary eyes, spoke hesitantly, "I am not attractive and will only hold you back. Would you like to find a more beautiful model?"

The girl had a somewhat flat face, small eyes, a low forehead, and protruding teeth, making her appear ordinary and not the type to be adored. But Marigold enjoyed challenging herself. She had once sought advice from David on makeup techniques and had her own insights on how to enhance and minimize facial features.

"Fear not, every girl possesses her own beauty, and I shall uncover it!" Marigold assured her.

As time ticked away, Marigold swiftly created a remarkably beautiful makeup look for Fey. However, when it came to adhering to the theme, she felt a twinge of anxiety.

The competition's theme was "secrets," and the makeup had to fully embody the theme. Without any additional materials at hand, how could she swiftly align with the theme?

Suddenly, Fey approached Marigold, startling her, causing her to take a step back.

"What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?" Marigold inquired.

"N-nothing," Fey shyly replied, lowering her head. "I just wanted to say that I have a few candies. Would you like to have some? It might help alleviate the stress."

Marigold looked down and noticed a few lollipops in Fey's palm, and a sudden inspiration struck her.

"Do you have a small knife? May I borrow it for a moment?"


The time was rapidly approaching one and a half hours.

Marigold glanced at the other teams; it seemed they were adorning their models with various exaggerated headdresses, glitter, oil paints, and some even went to the extent of creating a replica of the Queen Ursula herself.

David remained in the farthest corner. The face in front of him was completely obscured, appearing to be a rather ordinary makeup. Marigold averted her gaze, confidently continuing her finishing touches.

"Ding ding ding!" The bell signaling the end of the allotted time resounded, and the host announced that all makeup artists must cease their work. The models were then escorted backstage by the staff, awaiting the unveiling.

Marigold's heart surged with emotion. The shimmering lights illuminated the stage as one elegant guest after another was brought forth.

Some were transformed into sophisticated and elegant female teachers, holding a small whip, while their fiery red lips hinted at a different kind of indulgence. Others were adorned in ghostly Halloween makeup, their faces embellished with spiderwebs, bat-inspired eyeshadow, and even realistic skull designs.

Ashley's makeup depicted a witch in a castle, with an exaggerated explosion of hair and heavy gothic makeup adorning her face. Paired with her intentionally chosen black gothic-style gown, she appeared eerily enchanting.

She indeed had the potential to win the crown. When Marigold saw her entrance, she couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiety. Lloyd possessed great skill in makeup artistry, truly deserving of Sabrina's attention.

Ashley's appearance garnered unanimous applause from the audience. People whispered and hurriedly took pictures to flaunt on social media. As a result, when Fey made her entrance, she received little attention.

Marigold gracefully ascended the stage, introduced by the host. Murmurs of whispers began to emerge from below.

"Isn't she the dance partner of young master Brian? Who knew she was also a makeup artist?"

"I heard she's just a secretary. Is it an inside arrangement to have ordinary people participate in this competition?"

It seemed that everyone was dissatisfied. Marigold confidently stepped onto the stage, smiling at everyone as a gesture.

Lloyd, who was preparing to leave the stage, saw her and became extremely excited. He quickly grabbed her hand and whispered words of encouragement:

"You can do it! I'm so excited!"

The sound of rustling skirts quickly approached. A slender hand wearing black velvet gloves moved towards their clasped hands like a knife. Marigold quickly pulled away from Lloyd's grasp.

"You wretched woman! Touch my man one more time and see what happens!"

It was Ashley, with her fierce gaze and a gaping mouth like a witch, looking quite hideous.

Marigold gave her a disdainful look, then nodded at Lloyd and smiled, saying, "I will do my best! Since I'm here, I will perform well."

Ashley childishly shoved her and quickly dragged Lloyd into the backstage area. Marigold stepped onto the stage, and the host handed her the microphone.

"I heard that you were not a professional makeup artist before. What prompted you to participate in this competition?"

"I was forced to participate." Marigold answered truthfully. Laughter erupted from the audience, intermingled with many malicious chuckles.

"Coincidentally, my makeup assistant was in the same situation. I was originally a makeup trial guest, and she was the makeup artist. But this time, I decided to switch roles."

"Oh, I wonder what Miss Allard's thoughts are on the word 'secrets'? Could you introduce the makeup you've created?"

"I can assure you that everyone will be deeply impressed. But for the rest, let's take a look at Fey. She is a remarkable girl."

"Alright, let's welcome our makeup assistant, Fey Durand!"

The curtain opened slightly, and Fey walked out, feeling a bit reserved, meeting everyone's gaze.

To everyone's surprise, Fey was not heavily made up, nor was she wearing extravagant attire, resembling a butterfly. She was dressed in a simple home dress. It was the kind of clothing worn by ordinary people outside, contrasting sharply with the exaggerated and opulent Baroque/Victorian style of the other crew members on the Coral Queen.

"Why is it so plain..."

"Is this a joke?"

"Is this it? Is this it? Disappointing!"

Marigold ignored the noise from the audience, signaling Fey with a determined gaze. Fey lifted her chestnut-colored long hair that surrounded her neck, revealing a gory wound on her throat. It was as if she were an unfortunate girl cruelly slaughtered by a serial killer, the stark contrast between Fey's horrifically injured neck and her clean, beautiful face capturing everyone's attention.

Everyone was stunned.