A Secret Is A Blade

Everyone was whispering amongst themselves.

"Is the wound drawn? It's not actually a cut?"

"It must be a cut, right? How could it be drawn so realistically?"

"What is it trying to express? Why can't I understand?"

"Actually, the young girl's makeup is quite good, clean and charming. She's about an 8 out of 10 in terms of beauty, but that scar..."

"Are we really not calling a doctor?"


Marigold paid no attention to the murmurs from the audience below and began to speak to everyone, while holding Fey's hand.

"I believe many women have had similar experiences. We all have a secret, something we can't tell our friends, family, or even our fiancés. It's a secret that we believe is our weapon, a shield to protect ourselves. We guard it closely, making sure it remains hidden from others. We think that if the secret is exposed, our peaceful lives will be shattered, and we'll be plunged into an irreparable abyss. No one wants such an outcome."

Marigold signaled to Fey, who cooperatively opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, revealing a lollipop that had been carved into the shape of a sword.

"But this is wrong. A secret is not a weapon that protects us; it's a knife that harms us. A deadly one."

The audience fell silent immediately, and Marigold entered her most comfortable mode—explaining. She began to radiate a powerful aura, like a lion.

"A secret is a blade, a sword that torments not only ourselves but also those around us who love us, those whom we love. So, please do not keep secrets from your loved ones. If you believe that revealing the secret will lead to an irreparable situation, then it's best to speak up from the beginning."

"Do not let secrets become the straw that breaks your life's back, nor the breeding ground for guilt and wrongdoing."

After a moment of silence, Brian raised his arms and clapped with his reassuringly large hands.

"Clap!" "Clap!" "Clap!"

"Well done!"

Everyone joined in, applauding as well. Sabrina was so happy that she was almost in tears.

"This is absolutely amazing!"

"Such wise words! The makeup is beautiful, and the design is clever!"

"Indeed, honesty is the best way to get along!"

Marigold graciously accepted the praise and compliments from the crowd. Her gaze crossed over the people and landed on Brian, who stood out among the crowd, captivating everyone's attention. His normally rebellious and dazzling blue eyes now gently focused on her, with an affectionate gaze.

Marigold intentionally glared at him, and Brian seemed to meet her gaze. In an instant, he quickly averted his eyes and lowered his head, with his beautiful and proud head resembling an ancient Greek marble statue.

Marigold's heart twinged with pain.

Brian, are you unwilling to share your true feelings with me no matter what?

The program continued, and David also took the stage to showcase his makeup.

He directly created a Cthulhu mold, covering the model's face completely. However, it seemed that his model was not Jenny. Marigold scanned the venue but found no trace of Jenny. This high-profile woman had not appeared in public since the embarrassing video at the ball.

"Now, let's announce the scores! I wonder which contestant the judges have chosen as the best?"

"...In third place, Mr. Lloyd Finch and Miss Ashley Greenwood's witch!"

Lloyd clearly did not expect to have such popularity. He sprung up from his chair but was quickly pushed back down by Ashley. Ashley, on the other hand, seemed unfazed and continued sipping her rum-infused cocktail.

"Why only third place? That wretched woman couldn't possibly be first or second. Hmph, as long as I surpass that wretched woman, it's fine."

The host continued, "In second place, Mr. David Collar and Miss Julia Sukikita's magnificent creation!"

Applause erupted from the audience.

Marigold was quite surprised, but it made sense upon reflection. David was indeed an excellent makeup artist, Sabrina's prized disciple. It wouldn't be fair to leave him without a rank.

But who would be the first-place winner?

"Now, it's time to announce the first-place winner. After intense deliberation by the judges, the championship goes to..."

Marigold's palms grew slightly sweaty, and Fey instinctively held her hand.

"Could it be us? Will we have that honor?"

"Let's wait and see," Marigold smiled. She considered these things as trivial. The process of participation was what brought her the most joy. And now, she had achieved it.

"Miss Marigold Allard and Fey Durand... The Secret's Revelation!"


Fey jumped up in excitement.

"We did it! We succeeded!! Haha!"

Amidst the flurry of pageant participants, Marigold stepped onto the stage to receive her award. The crowd erupted with excitement. Some genuinely rejoiced for her, while others whispered in disdain.

As expected, Sabrina was the one presenting the award.

"Mary, you make me so proud! Have you ever considered making a career in the beauty industry? You're simply a genius!"

Sabrina hugged Marigold tightly, capturing various photos together.

Lloyd also ran up to embrace her. But in the next moment, he was lifted by the back of his neck, just like a little chick, and roughly tossed aside.

"Damn Lloyd, are you still sticking to that wretched woman—ah!"

Ashley, who hastily followed, was startled by the imposing figure in front of her—the broad-shouldered Brian. He joined them on stage and successfully separated Lloyd and Marigold.

He stood like a pillar, wedging himself between her and Lloyd.

Marigold was enveloped in the shadow cast by his body. She lowered her head, waiting for the person in front of her to speak.

An indescribable ambiguity flowed silently between them.

However, they remained locked in this stalemate for a while, and Brian made no move. He took a small medal from the host's hand, a figurine of an angel, and placed it in her hand.

Marigold sensed that Brian was attempting to touch her hand along with the medal. Unexpectedly, his hands were cold, different from the warm and dry touch she was accustomed to. She instinctively withdrew her fingers, swiftly taking the medal from him.

Marigold looked up abruptly, catching a glimpse of the enigmatic gleam in Brian's deep blue eyes. It was like an emerald fire flickering in still water, hidden beneath his calm expression, concealing immense turmoil.

It was that expression of hidden pain again. What was he going through?

Marigold longed to forgive him in this manner. However, she was deeply dissatisfied. Confronted with such an affluent young man and the enigmatic influence of his family behind him, it would be extremely perilous to throw herself headlong into it without any reservation, losing her youth and losing her mind.

The host's fervor continued. Marigold was quickly guided off the stage, growing further apart from Brian.

Brian... She couldn't help but glance back, but Brian, who was walking towards his seat, seemed completely oblivious to her presence.

She exchanged a few words with Fey and prepared to leave the hall. However, Fey persisted, clinging to her side and suggesting they celebrate together at the second-floor bar. The two of them exited the venue, conversing as they walked along the corridor. Just as they were about to enter the elevator, Marigold suddenly felt something approaching from behind and forcefully collided with her.


Marigold intentionally groaned, clutching her shoulder. A large hand swiftly covered her shoulder.

It was Brian.

"Mary, please stop... Come with me, let's go back to the room."

Marigold persisted, asking, "Why should I go to your room? What am I to you?"

"You are my fiancée." Brian deliberately pressed his elbow against her shoulder, preventing her from moving.

The elevator doors opened, and Fey hesitantly entered, casting a pitiful gaze at both of them, silently inquiring if they should join her.

"How about celebrating together? Mr. Bennett, didn't you see? Miss Allard was amazing. I've never looked this beautiful before..."

"Shut up. Who gave you permission to speak?" Brian roared at Fey.

Marigold coldly shrugged off his hand and walked into the elevator. Considering her friendship with Fey, Brian's treatment of a young girl seemed overly chauvinistic.

"Who said I was your fiancée? Don't flatter yourself. We're not even a couple."

Suddenly, it was as if a massive torrent carrying mud and sand rushed down from the snowy mountains. Brian embraced Marigold tightly, his throat vibrating as he let out a low moan.

"Mary, I love you, I love you, Mary... You can't provoke me like this. I called the staff to find you, searching floor by floor. I never expected you to be so far away from me. I'm genuinely upset."

"You know what I need."

"I can tell you everything," Brian choked up. This resolute man, in front of her, was like a tamed dog, devoid of dignity. "But you must promise not to leave me after hearing it. You mustn't abandon me."

Marigold became instantly intrigued. Apologetically, she let Fey go to the bar alone, as she needed to accompany this young master to attend to some personal matters. Disappointed, Fey sat in the elevator and left.

However, just as Brian held Marigold and walked back to the VIP area on the top floor, a group of well-dressed bodyguards surrounded them.

"Young Master, we finally found you!" They respectfully reported to Brian while casting doubtful and wary glances at Marigold. "The master wishes to see you."

Upon hearing the term "master," Brian's pupils abruptly contracted, and his sapphire-like eyes lost their luster in an instant.

He replied woodenly, "Understood. I'll come."

The butlers discreetly glanced at Marigold, wanting to say something but hesitating.

Brian embraced Marigold once more—his frequency of embraces seemed rather excessive. He whispered, "I'll have Taro accompany you to your room. Stay there, don't come out until I return. The ship will dock at 8 a.m. tomorrow. You can go straight to sleep if you wish. But please, do not leave the room."