To Kill

"Ethan... What do you intend to do?" Marigold struggled to control her voice, preventing it from trembling in fear.

"As you can see, I plan to end your life and dispose of your body in the vast ocean as fish food. -- What's the matter? I thought Brian had already informed you, otherwise, why would you be so indifferent towards him now?"

Marigold felt a surge of blood rush to her brain, causing something to snap inside her mind.

What was he saying? What did Brian say? Is this his true purpose? To kill her? Is Brian here to kill her?

Marigold's mind was in disarray. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and told herself with utmost composure to remain rational, not to panic, to quickly assess the situation and devise the best response strategy.

So, this is the secret that Brian has always refused to reveal?

Marigold sneered. "I find it rather peculiar that you would go to such twisted lengths to kill an ordinary person like me, using your son as bait. Was it really necessary?"

Ethan seemed to have obtained the answer he desired and laughed contentedly. "Very well, it appears you still know nothing. Setting off like this is not bad at all, at least it won't leave any regrets."

"It seems you don't know me very well. I, as a person, would never willingly face death without understanding the ins and outs of everything!"

Suddenly, Marigold made her move, striking the fingers clutching the gun on the other side with almost imperceptible speed. The black-clad bodyguard emitted a piercing scream. The gun was sent flying, the bullet ricocheting far away.


Unfortunately, the gun also discharged simultaneously.

A deafening sound erupted from the pitch-black weapon, seemingly hitting the ceiling of the glass-encased room.

The black-clad bodyguard was taken aback, hurriedly reaching for his gun, but it was too late. Seizing the opportunity, Marigold swiftly maneuvered behind Ethan, gripping his neck with her bare hands.

Ethan wore a thick scarf, and a bare-handed stranglehold proved somewhat ineffective. However, Marigold quickly grasped this vulnerability, crossing her hands to grip the scarf, and with a backward twist, Ethan's face instantly turned crimson, resembling a pig's liver. The bodyguard hesitated, wary of her actions and not daring to approach.

"Stop... please, stop..."

Marigold exclaimed in a stern voice, "Tell me! Why are you targeting me?"

Ethan, however, remained unperturbed and composed as he responded, "Considering the circumstances, it's about time."

Marigold, consumed by confusion, suddenly felt dizzy, her stomach churning violently, and her vision filled with stars. A powerful chill crawled up from within, akin to a colossal creature, unsettling her entire being.


Marigold's body weakened, collapsing backward. The bodyguard swiftly regained his firearm, pressing it against her forehead.

Ethan, now composed, regained his composure with an air of satisfaction.

"Feeling weak and uncomfortable now, aren't you?" Ethan laughed arrogantly. "Indeed, you were already poisoned back at the bar. The poison is taking effect right now."

What? The bar? Marigold's heart sank. She had always been cautious about toxins, and she even witnessed the bartender prepare her drink. There shouldn't have been any issues.

Ethan ordered the bodyguard to restrain Marigold while he casually adjusted his scarf. Marigold was immobilized, her mind growing increasingly hazy, her internal organs tormented as if caught in a meat grinder. The pain was unbearable.

"Ah, you've dirtied my scarf, cough, how careless of me."

"Sir, this woman used to be a communications soldier in an overseas special forces unit. She's well-trained, making her difficult to deal with."

"That's true. That's why I had to use some methods to catch you off guard. That girl with the birthmark, do you remember her name?"

Marigold felt as if her brain had been struck heavily, fresh memories resurfacing in her mind.

"Fey... Are you talking about Fey?" Marigold uttered hoarsely. "It can't be true. How could she possibly... poison me?"

No, it was entirely possible. During the competition, she had offered her a lollipop, which she didn't consume at the time. Then at the bar, she timely handed her another lollipop, but this time she ate it.

But she had eaten the lollipop herself, so how could she be unaffected? In the competition, she even held the lollipop in her own mouth.

"She's a well-trained soldier who knows to take the antidote immediately. But you're different. The poison has likely entered your digestive system by now, flowing through your bloodstream, affecting your nervous system... You'll feel pain, discomfort, numbness. But soon, you'll be relieved because you'll be reunited with your deceased family..."

Ethan grew more triumphant as he spoke, even sitting on a wooden chair in the observation room, engaging in a confident monologue. Perhaps, planning a conspiracy without anyone to discuss it with was his greatest loneliness.

"Deceased... family? So, I'm not the biological child of my parents... Do you know about my biological parents?" Marigold seized onto this crucial point, mustering up all her strength to confront Ethan. However, she was tightly held by the bodyguard, rendered completely powerless.

"Tell me! Please tell me who my biological parents are! Otherwise, even if I go to hell, I will curse you!"

Marigold gritted her teeth, displaying a haunting expression of fury.

"A curse? Do you think I fear curses?" Ethan burst into laughter once again. "Then, how do you think your beloved Brian will fare? Shouldn't he be the one you curse the most? If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have been enticed to come to me, nor would you have boarded this ship. Let me make it clear, you're on this ship solely at my behest. And your beloved man is fully aware of this, oh yes."

"Brian..." Marigold finally lost all her strength, only able to lie on the ground with her head tilted back. Ethan beckoned a few burly men, and they entered, lifting her up, opening the side window of the observation deck—the only ventilation point that led directly to the open sea.

She was about to be thrown out from here.

Marigold felt her body lift, and she even sensed a hint of relief.

Being thrown out through the air vent like this wouldn't be bad. Returning to the vast sea...

An old, sepia-toned scene suddenly broke into her mind, playing like a revolving lantern.

The boundless sea, the bustling voices on the deck and in the banquet hall, the motionless ship, the crowded and noisy crowd, the salty scent of the sea water enveloping her nostrils...

"Don't come out."

A familiar and comforting voice echoed in her mind.

Stay here obediently, don't come out, wait until they leave.

I will protect you here, always.

My dear...

Lastly, a name, as if it belonged to her, familiar yet distant.


An explosion tore through the sky above her. Amidst the commotion, Marigold felt her body suddenly being released.

"Mary, are you alright? Can you stand up?"

A tearful voice surrounded her tightly. She fell into a comforting and warm embrace.

"Brian, I seem to... be poisoned..." Marigold weakly spoke. Her limbs couldn't be lifted, and even her throat felt numb, making her speech unclear.

"Don't speak, don't speak, my dear, I'll save you!"

A syringe plunged into Marigold's muscle. The liquid antidote slowly flowed into her body, like a refreshing spring injected into a parched desert.

Marigold gradually regained her senses.

"Such a deeply tortured love," Ethan's mocking voice came from behind. Although the bodyguards didn't dare to approach, they all pulled out their handguns, confronting the two embracing figures.

"Brian, I am truly disappointed in you. You could have been the most outstanding scion of the Bennett family, my successor. But now, you've let a woman cloud your judgment. Your father is truly disappointed."

"I've said it before, I will take care of her properly. Please refrain from interfering!" Brian roared at Ethan in anger.

Marigold's vision gradually cleared at this moment, and to her astonishment, she noticed that Brian's face was covered in blood. Not just his face, his entire body was drenched in blood. Large patches of blood seeped from his back and arms, staining his thin shirt and flowing down his arms. It was all so shocking.

"Brian, what happened to you? You're covered in blood..."

Brian held Marigold even tighter. His steel-like body stood in front of her, like a fortress wall.

"But this woman already knows about our plan. She must die today," Ethan pressed on.

"It's because of your recklessness that we're in this situation!"

"So, you're willing to protect this woman no matter what?"

"I will never let you kill her." Brian's gaze was sharp and resolute.

"Well then, my son, it's a pity that today will be the end for both of you."

No sooner said than done, Ethan gave the order to his bodyguards to open fire. Bullets rained down on the two like a storm. Brian retreated several steps while holding Marigold, but they quickly reached the edge of the glass in the observation deck, with nowhere else to retreat.

"Bang! Bang!" A barrage of gunfire erupted. Seizing this momentary gap, Brian seized Marigold and made a determined dash forward. The besieging bodyguards were momentarily stunned, and amidst the pause in gunfire, Brian grabbed Marigold and rushed towards the door.

"Ugh..." Brian let out a low groan. Marigold's heart sank. He had been hit after all!