Mary, Embrace Me

"Brian!" Marigold swiftly assessed his injuries, discovering that Brian had been shot in the right shoulder and left leg, with copious amounts of fresh blood streaming from the wounds, a distressing sight to behold.

"Brian, you must staunch the bleeding..." Marigold hurriedly took off her coat and tore off a long strip of the shirt she was wearing underneath, preparing to dress Brian's wounds.

"Stem the bleeding?!" Brian forcefully pushed open the only exit in the observation deck—a wooden door—and forcefully pushed Marigold out.

"Let me live!"

"Bang!" Just before the wooden door closed for good, Marigold leapt forward, pressing her body against it, wedged inside. Her arms tightly encircled Brian's neck as she exerted all her strength, pulling him out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!