Is She Your Girlfriend Then?

Brian, instead of acknowledging his subordinate's grievances, promptly rushed to the floor and snatched up his phone. It was the unique ringtone he had set exclusively for Marigold; he could never mistake it. It was Marigold! She had contacted him!

Brian eagerly answered the video call. The camera connected, revealing a slightly distorted face, but Brian could recognize it in an instant; it was his long-lost love, Marigold.

"Hi, Mary, you..." Brian was nearly choking with tears. However, countless thoughts of longing and worry suddenly turned into anger and resentment the moment the video call connected.

"Why didn't you contact me for so many days? I thought you, you..." He dared not utter the words 'I thought you were dead' because she stood before him, perfectly intact. He also feared that any harsh words might turn into reality.