Let's Dance!

Jenny's countenance instantly turned extremely displeasing as she quickly leaned towards Marigold, imploring with great agony, "I didn't mean it that way. Please don't overreact. I was merely making an analogy. I certainly would not undermine the relationship between Mary and Mr. Brian. After all, I am just a thing of the past."

Her tone was remarkably gentle, resembling a soft ball of cotton, sounding pitiful and alluring. However, Marigold knew that this was not the real Jenny.

The Jenny she had personally contacted and met a few weeks ago was a woman with a hot temper and a shallow perspective.

Now, she had transformed into a gentle flower of eloquence.

This was Jenny's public image. She was indeed consciously maintaining consistency with her projected persona in front of the camera.

Marigold chuckled inwardly. She was indeed clever. However, her eyes would be closely watching Jenny, preventing her from doing anything detrimental to the show.