They Should Be Together!

Brian appeared somewhat displeased, but in front of the camera, he couldn't really express his frustration. 

Therefore, he softly opened his mouth and sang a song. 

It happened to be the theme song of "Angel's Love"! 

Marigold was momentarily taken aback. 

Wasn't this the song she sang during her first live stream? So, he had been lurking in the live stream since the first five minutes of her debut?! 

Brian's magnetic and penetrating voice captivated the previously lively crowd, suddenly silencing them. Everyone held their breath and listened attentively to the song. 

Ghor also halted his dancing, sat down, propped his chin on his hand, and quietly listened to the music. 

As Brian continued singing, he approached Marigold and extended his hand towards her. In the next second, Marigold was swept off her feet and twirled in the air. Meanwhile, Brian discreetly changed the lyrics.