Midnight Fights

At midnight, the whole world was shrouded in peaceful darkness. Though sounds of zombies roaming outside and rattling against some walls, doors or vehicles could be heard here and there, yet other than that, the night was peaceful and calm.

Since there was no electricity or power in this world now, the whole place would just rely on the light of stars and the moon.

If one took a photo of this city now from a certain high height, they would find total darkness illuminated here and there in slow sparks. As some bases were still lighting and shining with fire torches, gaslights or oil lamps - giving them safety and a different identity.

At the base of Rebels, some guards were roaming around the hallways and were sitting by the windows and walls, keeping watch for any attack or zombie movement outside.

"We should just close all the lights and sleep at night, man. This is just a waste." One of the man sitting on the chair outside spoke.