Midnight Fights 2

After freeing dozens of zombies trapped inside the punishment halls, Ali walked out ignoring the chaos all around him, towards Alicia's room. There was a subtle smile on his face and despite the fight just now, he felt his whole body relaxed.

[If you keep walking this leisurely you'll never catch him. You might even fail your first quest.] System reminded him when it saw Ali changing his routes when he heard the sounds of fighting from nearby.

[If Kevin kills Prince you'll be the only loser left. And his luck which dropped a little would rise again, even higher.]

"Don't worry, with that idiot's arrogant personality, he's never gonna kill Prince that easily." Ali said, without a care in the world "After all, there's not only the revenge of Noah, but the itch to show off Alicia's betrayal. He played his acts for two months to torture me. No matter how much he changed, I'm sure he can't resist playing with Prince a little."