A Busy King

Ty, with an expression of slight amusement, responded, "Elithira is your sister?!" There was a hint of skepticism in his voice, partly due to the stark contrast between the two women. "I'm not sure if you're lying because you seem nothing like her."

The woman, a bit offended by Ty's comment, retorted, "Excuse me?!" She then spun around to show him her back, slowly lowering her shirt to reveal two small wings nestled against her pale skin, which emitted a soft, illuminating glow.

As Ty walked up to her, she pointed to her back and explained, "See, the wings are a little smaller since I'm down here. We aren't supposed to have anyone see us in our other form. Otherwise, they would start to question themselves and the world they live in."

"Or something like that, I honestly forgot since I've been here for so long," she said with a slight pout, her voice echoing faintly in the room.