A Forced Kiss

Ty, a bit shocked, stated, "Oh wow, so you don't get along well?"

The woman, placing a hand over her head, responded, "Well, not exactly, but she's just so annoying and always sucking up to him. And just because she's good at fighting, she thinks she's the best among us."

Ty, leaning against the walls, which were a mix of metallic and concrete elements, cold to the touch, stated, "I'm surprised he has no sons though."

"Yeah," she spoke, her voice dropping slightly. "He has a lot of people around him he considers his sons, but for whatever reason, something to do with his father, he can't have any sons."

"But who are you, exactly, anyway, and what are you doing here?"

Well, that's a very short question for an answer that could take about an hour or two to explain.

But a TL;DR version would have to be— Ty getting cut off as she questioned, "A what version?" perplexed.