A Hint of Red

Simultaneously, Kieran unleashed a shield of blue energy, repelling the snake.

The creature, its face slowly reconstructing, smiled grotesquely. It attempted to punch Kieran, but its hand crumbled to pieces upon impact. Unfazed, Kieran blocked the rest of the blow, countering with a spinning backhand to the top of its head, driving it forcefully into the ground. 

the creature, barely holding its form together, looked up at Kieran with a newly formed, grotesque eye. Its words were a jarring mix of confusion and malice. "Wh-what r u?" it stammered in broken English, its voice as fractured as its form. "H-How, did an agelic bitch get here?!"

Kieran, standing firm amidst the chaos of the dark woods, her eyes reflecting a fierce resolve, confronted the creature. "You're one of the repugnant creatures from the Vale universe," she accused, her voice echoing through the trees. "What are you doing attacking the mortal realm?!?"