Rough Encounters

Kieran, with a composed demeanor, held up one hand in a pacifying gesture as the pink-haired woman, Ashaiki, pointed her blade menacingly towards her. Kieran's mind raced, considering how to defuse the situation without causing further harm. Nearby, Amanda, her expression twisted in pain, cradled the stump of her severed hand, the injury still raw and bleeding.

"Ashaiki, listen to me," Amanda's voice, strained with pain, broke through the tension. "I think she's not a threat. She just saved my life. We can trust her, at least for now. Or we can interrogate her for answers."

Ashaiki, her blade unwavering, narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What are you doing here? Don't think yourself so high and mighty just because you're an angelic bastard," she spat, her distrust evident in her tone.