Learning Moments

Inside the castle, the atmosphere was heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the footsteps of Ashaiki, Amanda, and Kieran as they navigated the dark corridors. At a snap of Ashaiki's fingers, flames burst to life along the walls, casting flickering shadows that danced across the ancient stone.

Kieran, her curiosity piqued by their surroundings, broke the silence. "So, why are we in this creepy old castle, and how is there one this far out in the middle of nowhere in Brazil?" she inquired, her eyes scanning the dimly lit passageways.

Ashaiki, taken aback by Kieran's knowledge, turned to her with a look of surprise. "You know what Brazil is?" she asked, a hint of skepticism in her tone.

Kieran, slightly annoyed by the question, responded firmly, "Of course, I do. I wouldn't just come back here and not know more about this planet."

Her response hinted at a deeper understanding and a level of preparation that went beyond what Ashaiki had expected.