Reporting The Situation

Kieran, visibly startled by Ashaiki's swift movement, couldn't hide her surprise. Her eyes widened as she asked, "Who exactly are you again?" There was a noticeable trace of worry in her voice, indicating her astonishment at witnessing such extraordinary speed, something she seldom encountered.

Ashaiki, however, chose to ignore Kieran's question. Her focus shifted abruptly as she warned, "Don't mention a damn thing about anyone on this planet having any power." Her grip on Kieran's arm tightened, her tone serious and commanding.

Kieran, feeling the intensity of Ashaiki's grasp, responded with a shaky "Sure," a hint of apprehension in her voice. As Ashaiki released her grip, leaving a faint red mark on Kieran's arm that slowly faded, Kieran continued to press buttons on her watch, her actions enveloped in a tense silence.