A Blue ShockWave

Nana groaned at the thought, her frustration palpable. "Hopefully, it doesn't take too long," she muttered, starting to walk down the path that was closest to the one they had previously taken.

Just then, Pegasus spoke up, halting her in her tracks. "Wait, I might have an idea." His voice held a note of optimism.

Nana stopped and turned to face him. "What is it?" she asked, her tone reflecting both curiosity and a sense of urgency.

"Shockwaves bounce off walls, right?" Pegasus suggested, his voice laced with curiosity. "What if Todd used his shockwave ability to send one down the corridors? We could then determine how deep the path goes based on how long it takes for the shockwave to return."

Todd, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, considered the feasibility of the idea. "That could work," he acknowledged, his brow furrowing slightly with doubt. "But I'm not sure if my shockwaves are strong enough at the moment."