Two Paths to Choose

As Todd dislodged his staff, he felt a surge of blue energy course through him. Experimentally, he lightly tapped his hands together, and to his surprise, a small shockwave of blue energy jetted from his hands. The sight was both unexpected and intriguing.

"Huh, I guess the change in my attack is somehow due to my weapon evolving or something," he pondered aloud, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Or perhaps it's just becoming more in tune with my original ability." He watched as the staff receded back into its smaller version, a sign of its adaptability and connection to his powers.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Todd slipped the staff into his holdings, his mind still processing the recent developments. This new discovery about his abilities and weapon added another layer of mystery and potential to their journey. It was as if the staff itself was responding to the challenges of the labyrinth, evolving to meet the demands of their quest.