Trap Needles

Pegasus, after a moment of thoughtful consideration, shared his analysis. "Regardless, this at least leads us to a 50/50 on a path to take, in my opinion," he stated, trying to bring some clarity to their decision-making process.

Nana, placing a finger under her chin, pondered the options before them. "Given the situation we are in, it's likely we will face some level of challenge at some point, and it will have to take place in a large area," she reasoned. "In that case, if we take the first corridor, the furthest most left, then it's likely we make some type of loop or encounter another trap. But if we take the middle path, it leads me to think it's likely to lead to an open area where whatever threat is waiting, we will have the chance to face it."

Her logical approach to the labyrinth's layout and potential dangers provided a new perspective on their choices. The group considered her words, understanding that each corridor they faced was a calculated risk.