Chained Down

Todd and Pegasus reappeared quite unexpectedly, materializing five feet above ground before gravity asserted its unforgiving rule, sending them crashing down onto a surface as white and unyielding as the light that had whisked them away. Todd, wincing, managed a pained "Ouch, that kind of hurt. What now?" as he rubbed his side, trying to assess their new, stark surroundings.

Pegasus, for his part, was struggling just to gather himself. The battles had drained nearly every reserve of strength he had, leaving him so exhausted that he couldn't help but collapse to one knee. It was in this moment of vulnerability that Nana appeared, as if out of thin air, her presence a sudden balm to their wearied spirits. Without hesitation, she threw her arms around Pegasus in a tight hug, a physical manifestation of relief and affection. Then, turning to Todd, she placed a comforting hand on his chest, grounding and reassuring.