Suspicion abound

His tone shifted slightly as he addressed a concerning anomaly. "Though to my surprise, there is one of you that is still missing that I have been unable to track. Rest assured, he will be found before too long," Gisorn mused, his confidence unshaken despite the hiccup in his plans. "My ability, after all, isn't a science," he admitted with a rare hint of humility, "and I do apologize for the binding. But even passing these challenges is not enough to sway me to allow you to free the Dragoon, as he could spell the end of the world."

The gravity of his words hung in the air, painting a dire picture of the stakes involved. Gisorn's role as the gatekeeper to such a catastrophic potential underscored the seriousness of their quest and the lengths to which he would go to prevent the Dragoon's release.