The Decayed Throne

The large creature towering before Jade echoed through the vast, decaying halls of the castle, its voice a concoction of annoyance and excitement. "Yes, I have heard that name from the Vampire Lord… or should I say, Ex-Lord now, Erebos. A mighty plan for him, I suppose.

Though the day I get my revenge on Erebos and bite into his flesh will bring me great joy," it boasted. The creature's form, massive and imposing, seemed to absorb the scant moonlight filtering through the broken roof, casting eerie shadows on the crumbling, sand-eroded walls around them.

"Tell me, little food girl, do you know who Erebos is?" Its tone, dripping with a mocking curiosity, filled the cold, airless space between the stone and sand. The creature's eyes, now visible as two glowing orbs, fixed intently on Jade amidst the ruins of grandeur.